Community > Posts By > cinderlu57

cinderlu57's photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:57 PM

I follow to the bar then lead the drinks.....

drinker drinker

I feel you on that...............greygoose for me..........drinker drinker drinker

you'd like Cristall Lemon Twist

cinderlu57's photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:38 PM
I follow to the bar then lead the drinks.....

drinker drinker

cinderlu57's photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:35 PM
A long vacation away from Fl....

cinderlu57's photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:28 PM
I am Shawnee.

cinderlu57's photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:03 PM

into your life in order to give him a chance and he becomes worse. what do you do the next time he asks to return to


Run like hell as far a way from him as you can get. He already had 1 to many chances.

cinderlu57's photo
Sat 08/02/08 10:10 PM
A picture doesn't mean that much anyway because there are some people on these sites that don't post their own pictures to begin with. Unless you've met in person or you already know that person you really have no 100% guarantee who your talking to.

cinderlu57's photo
Sat 08/02/08 10:01 PM

if a girl(or guy)IM you and you check out their profile and there is no pic of them,would you still talk to them even though you have no clue on how they look?

So what is it we may assume by your current posted picture?

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
i got a cute pupbigsmile laugh

Ok well that's a different story then.

cinderlu57's photo
Sat 08/02/08 09:59 PM

if a girl(or guy)IM you and you check out their profile and there is no pic of them,would you still talk to them even though you have no clue on how they look?

So what is it we may assume by your current posted picture?

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

cinderlu57's photo
Wed 07/30/08 06:59 PM
NASCAR drivers have a special place in their hearts for animals and children that's for sure. Great group of people...

cinderlu57's photo
Wed 07/30/08 06:48 PM

only when their name is Slutstogo247 or fifteenistoosmall

OMG too too funny!!!!
laugh laugh laugh

cinderlu57's photo
Wed 07/30/08 06:45 PM

What do you think about a police officer leaving her K-9 partner in her police car for 3.5 hours while she went inside to do paperwork, knowing there wasn't a correctly functioning alarm signaling the air conditioner failed, therefore killing the dog. Never checked on the dog once in that 3.5 hour time period. Then her commander gives her another K-9 to replace the one she killed.
mad where and when was this?

Mulberry FL, last week...

cinderlu57's photo
Wed 07/30/08 06:40 PM
Edited by cinderlu57 on Wed 07/30/08 06:44 PM
What do you think about a police officer leaving her K-9 partner in her police car for 3.5 hours while she went inside to do paperwork, knowing there wasn't a correctly functioning alarm signaling the air conditioner failed, therefore killing the dog. Never checked on the dog once in that 3.5 hour time period. Then her commander gives her another K-9 to replace the one she killed.

This truly happened last week in Mulberry FL.

cinderlu57's photo
Wed 07/30/08 06:31 PM

i know im not going to find him
i search hi and low
not even in my home town
and thats not far you know
no one is willing to give me a chance
they just see a pic
and not the real me brokenheart

Then they don't deserve to be with you.

cinderlu57's photo
Wed 07/30/08 06:17 PM

No, cuz i never have and i never will.


I don't and won't cause I'm from FL, they lost me when they coined the phrase pregnant chad. No confidence in the voting system here..

cinderlu57's photo
Wed 07/30/08 06:11 PM
That's usually the nasty guys that want to have messenger sex. They can hide the conversation.

cinderlu57's photo
Wed 07/30/08 06:09 PM
Sad,heartbreaking and true.... Thanks for spreading the word..

cinderlu57's photo
Wed 07/30/08 05:54 PM

give them a gift basket of soap and deoderantdrinker drinker drinker

Anonymously and I'd make a a rather large basket so it lasts awhile.....

cinderlu57's photo
Wed 07/30/08 05:28 PM

you meet someone and actually feel like your falling for them and not sure if they feel the same and to scared to ask them

Sounds like they intimidate you... That's not getting off to a very good start. Just take a deep breath and ask em, what's the worst that could happen???

cinderlu57's photo
Wed 07/30/08 04:58 PM
Shark attacks...

cinderlu57's photo
Sat 07/12/08 11:25 PM
it is actually called water poisoning and its true...