Thinking I don't know what "they" say about Sag then, but I know what I say.
Thinking Sag is the one with arrows?
Thinking the Scorpios are conspiring.
Thinking I'm not a gambling man.
Thinking LOL I don't think you can!
Thinking do you have a macro or program to automatically post LOL? Or perhaps a new-fangled Japanese robot?
Thinking LOL this!
Thinking cupid is under employment from the devil these days.
Thinking people in commercials aren't real.
Thinking I'm looking around for something delicious.
Thinking I need a late night snack.
Thinking in the back seat.
Thinking that profile pic has to go. (Thinking aimed at self)
Thinking a Flonadian?
Thinking someone needs the lol knocked out of them.
Thinking pretty busy with work, occupied with friends in free time.
Thinking how's everyone been? Any new harassment cases?
Thinking more like
Thinking you're truly sneaky?
Thinking life gets hectic.