Community > Posts By > brdgav

brdgav's photo
Sun 10/02/11 10:57 PM

Well, hopefully the protestors can overwhelm the police peacefully by sheer press of numbers alone eventually!

F the speculators. F the global exchange. and F the WORLD BANK!


I would hope that this thread finds all the 99% of Mingle in agreement with this movment. In this we are all united without regard to political labels, race, sex, ethnicity, age, or any other label - unless the label has to do with 99% of the people.

opps so much for the political label.seems the protesters are now calling for the government to dismantle what they dont like and for the reelection of obamamoa

brdgav's photo
Sun 10/02/11 10:48 PM
Edited by brdgav on Sun 10/02/11 10:52 PM

Just accept the Republican cuts, it is cuts that was wanted.

Wrong as Obama already stated that his administration already has a policy in place to not pursue any illegals who are not committing any other crimes.

Bush was more lenient than

Again both parties are not for us.But to entertain ill agree he was more lenient,however the plan under obama for a Canadian fence is plain stupid.
warning spoiler alert...its cause those crazy koonokes may put a lot more thought into their vote

Bet i can read your mind..imw rong and you are right just because you are right and we need you to protect us from us.ROTFLMAO

brdgav's photo
Sun 10/02/11 10:43 PM

You do realize that Newsmax is a Rupert Murdoch enterprise. We expect this kind of thing from him. It might as well be Fox News.

Yes thank you we do.
Please tell us how this is relevant to the facts at hand?

LOL Faux News Corporation.

About the best you get from this corporation is your local fox news but almost all other is right wing fantasy passed off as news.

To be fair we should point out that this applies to all of the MSM except all the others are as the other direction

Well in actuality no that isn't fair nor correct. There are some liberal leaning media but nothing compares to the right wing hate and misinformation falsely represented as news on the Fox News Channel.

The only people and stations i hear saying things like "we would march on the white house" and "its time to take the war to the streets" is the left...
I guess im a racist now because you have no facts only misrepresented talking points.
LOL pwnd

Oh yea what left do you know? The right wants to shoot em up like the old west and has the IQ of a rat most of the time.

So you haven't made any points here.

Still no facts ..Hmm but u say the right wants to shoot em up...Who just said if obama wasnt president they would march on the white house?Who just said it time to bring war to the streets?
O yeah that was the CBC and obama him self.
No sir the violent rhetoric and hate had defiantly been from the left .I would like to see the left and right fight it out thhough.cause ill be on the side line watching in pleasure as thy destroy each other.LOL
Facts do you have any?
As im winning this debate with facts im sure you ll call me a racist soon...waiting

You don't know me so quite prejudging and assuming that you do.

First off, the war in the streets is a protest. Not a shoot em up hatefest like the right.

You didn't win anything and you provided no facts of anything.

At least I am not prejudging you or assuming that you are stupid enough to be a sheeple like the right, right?

Only hate i hear is from the left anymore,,u know the CBC..Course then u got people from the left saying things like im right cause i know im right.LOL
Please tell me where the shootem up is taking place,and let your leader know that when he mentions war he should say protest.

brdgav's photo
Sun 10/02/11 10:29 PM

I was kind enough to show that I am right about the gay right but I have nothing to prove. I already knew I was right.


brdgav's photo
Sun 10/02/11 10:21 PM
Edited by brdgav on Sun 10/02/11 10:36 PM

I can agree that we need to end the wars and tax the uber wealthy to get out of this situation.

The lunatic Republicans wouldn't do that to save this country, that is for sure.

Obama may be the less of the worse but that is still better than what the Repubs are offering with their attempts to end this country.

How does taxing anyone at all help much less just selecting a few ,when the entire system is a fiat money system?By definition it will fail.
Its inherent in a fiat system .
Anyone blaming one side or the other is doing just what the bankers want.Fighting against each other rather than debating the real issues.and from the protests on wall street they sure are doing a good job.Those folks are suckers.

With the Bush tax cuts and all the loopholes we have lost important revenue that could have helped with this recession. They did not create jobs with those cuts so it is time for them to pay like the average citizens do. No more breaks for the non job creators.

Sorry but one side is worse than the other and I am not a Democrat but Repubs are bound and determined to tear this country down.

Do you mean morally tear it down .You mean get it back to the ideals and values we were founded on?Cause if so i may have to have a smigden of respect of one of the parties and i just cant do that.
N wait just a moment ....Who wants to tear the nation down???Hmm what about the protesters u have openly supported..are they not supporting a man whom has said multiple times that he wants to tear down and rebuild this nation?you do know that Van Jones is the man that organized this arab spring,that he calls american autumn...Those in the muslim brotherhood that carry out the arab spring ,isnt it their goal to cause so much disturbance that they can re mantel their government the way they see fit..
Are you the pot or the kettle?Or just glued to theTV?

brdgav's photo
Sun 10/02/11 10:17 PM
Edited by brdgav on Sun 10/02/11 10:19 PM

I didn't feel like removing the hetero stuff from the list so it includes all except the last one.

Congrats u have posted facts about one side of the loons.I ask can u be grown up enough to do the same about the loons on the other side?

Hint a quick google can provide you the requested info...I can cut n paste also but ill let you take the credit.

I have the popcorn ready

brdgav's photo
Sun 10/02/11 10:14 PM
Edited by brdgav on Sun 10/02/11 10:15 PM

You do realize that Newsmax is a Rupert Murdoch enterprise. We expect this kind of thing from him. It might as well be Fox News.

Yes thank you we do.
Please tell us how this is relevant to the facts at hand?

LOL Faux News Corporation.

About the best you get from this corporation is your local fox news but almost all other is right wing fantasy passed off as news.

To be fair we should point out that this applies to all of the MSM except all the others are as the other direction

Well in actuality no that isn't fair nor correct. There are some liberal leaning media but nothing compares to the right wing hate and misinformation falsely represented as news on the Fox News Channel.

The only people and stations i hear saying things like "we would march on the white house" and "its time to take the war to the streets" is the left...
I guess im a racist now because you have no facts only misrepresented talking points.
LOL pwnd

Oh yea what left do you know? The right wants to shoot em up like the old west and has the IQ of a rat most of the time.

So you haven't made any points here.

Still no facts ..Hmm but u say the right wants to shoot em up...Who just said if obama wasnt president they would march on the white house?Who just said it time to bring war to the streets?
O yeah that was the CBC and obama him self.
No sir the violent rhetoric and hate had defiantly been from the left .I would like to see the left and right fight it out thhough.cause ill be on the side line watching in pleasure as thy destroy each other.LOL
Facts do you have any?
As im winning this debate with facts im sure you ll call me a racist soon...waiting

brdgav's photo
Sun 10/02/11 10:08 PM
Edited by brdgav on Sun 10/02/11 10:10 PM

Well, hopefully the protestors can overwhelm the police peacefully by sheer press of numbers alone eventually!

F the speculators. F the global exchange. and F the WORLD BANK!


I would hope that this thread finds all the 99% of Mingle in agreement with this movment. In this we are all united without regard to political labels, race, sex, ethnicity, age, or any other label - unless the label has to do with 99% of the people.

How can we all united without regard to
political labels, race, sex, ethnicity, age, or any other label,when the man who organized this is an admitted racist who has called for the downfall of our nation.
Everyone in this protest is being used by the man in charge ,no different than right from left.
Then in true leftist form u end ure post with unless it has to do with us...
Please tell me....

brdgav's photo
Sun 10/02/11 09:59 PM

Obama has blown the 2012 election, if the republicans wake up. The biggest political blunder in a presidential race was back in 52 when Ike said if he was elected he would go to Korea and end the war. The Demos should have jumped on it and counted the number of solders killed each day.

In Obama’s bill he has been waving around has in it a clause that says if a unemployed person applies for a job and not hired he can sue for monetary damages.

um well yeah this is already been doing...Bass pro shop can tell u that.

brdgav's photo
Sun 10/02/11 09:55 PM
Edited by brdgav on Sun 10/02/11 09:57 PM

I back the teacher on this one and only because of all the bullying issues going on at the schools. Lots of them are over homosexuality.

So yea send the kid to the principle and let the other kids see that it is not acceptable to address this issue at school and it may help stop the bullying at school.

No it is not a political issue, it is a social issue. And bullying is definitely an issue in schools.

WOW so its okay for the teacher to bring it up ,but the student does that well we better punish him.
y am i not surprised this comes from u?
Y is it there are some in society that feel "they " need to protect "us" from everything.
Step back and let us do for our selves.This is what made us a great country MR nanny

brdgav's photo
Sun 10/02/11 09:54 PM

they are teaching kids to not think for themselves, and to not have any opinions on anything...i blame the democrats for this

seriously, how does this become a democrat vs republican issue? I didnt notice mention of any party affiliation for the teacher or the school officials....


Obviously you were being funny here with all the Republican congressmen who get caught with same sex liasons.

u must mean mr weiner ..he was a dem.
again u blame one side...its both

brdgav's photo
Sun 10/02/11 09:53 PM

they are teaching kids to not think for themselves, and to not have any opinions on anything...i blame the democrats for this

Religion does the same thing, though. They think what they're taught to think in church.

That being said, I'm not saying the way the teacher reacted was correct. Just that it's not a democrat/liberal only issue.

I dont know many Republicans teachers who get students suspende for opposing gay marriage........

I was responding to his comment about blaming democrats for teaching kids not to think for themselves. Obviously it happens in church as well, as kids are thinking what they're taught to think in church.

My kids go to church because i tell them to.They go to a particular school because we dont have a choice.
Big difference

brdgav's photo
Sun 10/02/11 09:46 PM

You do realize that Newsmax is a Rupert Murdoch enterprise. We expect this kind of thing from him. It might as well be Fox News.

Yes thank you we do.
Please tell us how this is relevant to the facts at hand?

LOL Faux News Corporation.

About the best you get from this corporation is your local fox news but almost all other is right wing fantasy passed off as news.

To be fair we should point out that this applies to all of the MSM except all the others are as the other direction

Well in actuality no that isn't fair nor correct. There are some liberal leaning media but nothing compares to the right wing hate and misinformation falsely represented as news on the Fox News Channel.

The only people and stations i hear saying things like "we would march on the white house" and "its time to take the war to the streets" is the left...
I guess im a racist now because you have no facts only misrepresented talking points.
LOL pwnd

brdgav's photo
Sun 10/02/11 09:42 PM

I can agree that we need to end the wars and tax the uber wealthy to get out of this situation.

The lunatic Republicans wouldn't do that to save this country, that is for sure.

Obama may be the less of the worse but that is still better than what the Repubs are offering with their attempts to end this country.

How does taxing anyone at all help much less just selecting a few ,when the entire system is a fiat money system?By definition it will fail.
Its inherent in a fiat system .
Anyone blaming one side or the other is doing just what the bankers want.Fighting against each other rather than debating the real issues.and from the protests on wall street they sure are doing a good job.Those folks are suckers.

brdgav's photo
Sun 10/02/11 09:26 PM

You do realize that Newsmax is a Rupert Murdoch enterprise. We expect this kind of thing from him. It might as well be Fox News.

Yes thank you we do.
Please tell us how this is relevant to the facts at hand?

LOL Faux News Corporation.

About the best you get from this corporation is your local fox news but almost all other is right wing fantasy passed off as news.

To be fair we should point out that this applies to all of the MSM except all the others are as the other direction

brdgav's photo
Sun 10/02/11 08:09 PM

You do realize that Newsmax is a Rupert Murdoch enterprise. We expect this kind of thing from him. It might as well be Fox News.

Yes thank you we do.
Please tell us how this is relevant to the facts at hand?

brdgav's photo
Sun 10/02/11 08:08 PM

Gingrich or however you spell it, is not the sharpest pencil in the pack.

He is definitely trying to get ignorant tea party support with this info cause it is wrong wrong They are the only ones who would buy into it.

They bought into not wanting socialized medicine when they were on Medicare and so how hard can it be to fool themslaphead

Provide facts to back up your statement regarding whose support he wants to gain,please.

brdgav's photo
Sun 10/02/11 07:43 PM

anti american value man modeled after the arab day of rage..Van Jones.

Straight from that great American patriot, Glen Beck. that says it all.

I know who he is but have never watched or read him.However after this i would say he seems to have his facts straight.
Do u dispute this was organized by Van Jones and modeled after the Arab spring?

brdgav's photo
Sun 10/02/11 07:26 PM

Protesting doesn't work when there is a Tyrant and Dictator in the White House. that .
And i wonder if any of these low lvl protesters know that Van Jones modeled this after the arab spring movement.
The ideas the protesters have may be good but they seem to ignore the facts behind the reasoning for the movement.

brdgav's photo
Sun 10/02/11 07:23 PM

We all hate the same things, but for some reason, the righties keep voting and arguing for them. Absolutely incoherent. The Koch brothers are laughing all the way to the bank.

lefties protesting in a protest put together by a anti american value man modeled after the arab day of rage..Van Jones...If we all hate the same things then im sure this disgusts u also.
Fact is these protesters are bn dupped by the ones that organized it.