Community > Posts By > Howareyou

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Wed 11/22/06 02:38 PM
Hey kisses, time here will be well spent.

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Wed 11/22/06 02:36 PM
Hi. Lots of friendly people here, lots of lively conversations as well.

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Wed 11/22/06 02:31 PM
I kinda thought we'd gotten away from the n word yesterday, 'pears I
was wrong!!!
I thik one problem is white folk today haven't dug into history and
found an understanding about said word.
I can't think of a word that would invoke similar feels to a white. The
word was melted into what fit at various stages of life over the past 50
or so years, from the point of blacks not being in a position to refute
such comments (back of the bus Rosa, blacks drink this fountain, white's
only served here and on...) to a semi-race acceptable parable. Black men
also have an aversion to being referred to as boy and given the context
of historical use of that word too, in a degrading manner, I feel they
have good reason to reject it.
I have a bi-racial g-daughter and g-son, I refer to him sometimes in
the boy term and think I shouldn't but I have other g-sons that are
white and they also get to be called boy by me. In such case, there is
no hidden meaning or reference, I love them all, each dad knows this and
nothing has ever been said. If I heard anyone belch out the bouyee
phrase to one of mine, there indeed would be problems!!

BTW, I used to (keynote used to) like Bush (the president, I still
like the other bush, prefer trimmed at least)I'm not sure if the old
Bush had much to do with this war or maybe it was 9-11. I have a s-i-l
in the Army and a son in the Marines, both proud of what they do and
both willing to do whatever they need to for their country. Anyway, it
is time for a change but Idon't wanty another commander in chief that
will boldly lie to the face of the american people either.

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Tue 11/21/06 12:21 PM
Was fun but I need to run as well.
James, solow have great days and everyone else as well.

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Tue 11/21/06 12:18 PM
SOunds like a pretty good deal. Around here elkys are bringing good
bucks, a guy had one in ther paper (a black knight edition), wrecked in
the front, no motor, 'slightly' bent frame and was $1000 firm. It was
gone in three days.
I have the goat, a couple of buick gs' (70 and 72) but my drive of the
day is a mark viii, oh yeah and a farm truck.

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Tue 11/21/06 12:09 PM
Nope, 69 GTO.
I am a car nut from the start, maybe I'll grow out of it, that's what
my parents used to say, now at 50 I'm worse than ever.

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Tue 11/21/06 12:06 PM
Hey truth, you're enjoying about the same weather as me!!!
I'm a little south of Tyler, you're west of me so maybe a little colder.

BUt last winter we missed, this year is supposed to be gnarly, ice
storms and such once more.

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Tue 11/21/06 12:02 PM
I've missed a few days and didn't wnat to back track, so (sorry) sushi
but there was some controversy over you and someone (thought to be one?)
I'll presume all is healed?

no photo
Tue 11/21/06 11:55 AM
I'm sitting here listening to my neighbor out mowing his yard.
I'd love to see the snow though.
Yeah, my yard needs it too, maybe tomorrow lol.

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Tue 11/21/06 11:52 AM
WHirled peas!
And no more professional politicians!

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Tue 11/21/06 11:46 AM
Hey, this is an absolutely beautiful day in east Texas.
Suposed to be 75 degrees on TG. All my kids will be herealong with
g-kids. House will be trashed by the time they leave but I'll smile
while they're here.

(wink wink)

no photo
Tue 11/21/06 11:38 AM
Thanks Michael, I tend to run on at times!!!
Well put.

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Tue 11/21/06 11:31 AM
James, look up the history of the word, then maybe you can understand
the animosity it arouses. Redneck is a current cultural slang for
southerners, hey I live in Texas, by therory I'm a redneck. Oops, I also
raise cattle must for ral mean I'm a redneck, we've made Jeff Foxworthy
a millionaire. I don't think anyone actually feels strong negativity
about such a referral, it's not even a fair comparisom.
Suffice it to say, the majority of the people (if not all) do not like
the use of such a word (along with phrases for latinos or other races)
so out of general respect, don't use them or find another site.
If I'm wrong, I'll find a new site.

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Tue 11/21/06 11:11 AM
Common James, tell us how you really feel!!
Life choices make how a person lives and how they live predicates how
they are seen.

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Tue 11/21/06 11:01 AM
Iam, well said!!
Fads come and go, hopefully that one is gone!!

Judgement is something we all do at one time or another, I try to judge
people on what they do not who or what they are.
I have a black s-i-l and he is way better than the white and hispanic
guys she used to date. He works and has since before they got together,
he has never struck her, he's a good father and spends time with their
kids, snd I doubt he has time to be a cheat. Sad to say, the other type
black men out there get more recognition ergo become the stereo type.
One of the greatest people I have ever know told me once (after hearing
a conversation where he disagreed with someone else about the black
race)that he felt it rediculous to judge an entire race by the actions
of a few.

no photo
Tue 11/21/06 10:46 AM
Greetings Candy, hope you like it here.

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Tue 11/21/06 10:44 AM
Was just play picking on perv and the twins there, like he was their
dad and the three of them belong together. Get it?

Sounds like a great idea Iam.

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Tue 11/21/06 09:21 AM
I think the whites (usually) use the word in an offensive manner with
intent to irritate on purpose.
But your statement reenforces what I said about use of the word by
blacks to each other.
Not everyone sees the difference and they may be right, shouldn't be
any difference. As long as it continues to piss people off, it will
continue to be used in that way.
We are all people, I have a Czek background, not sure whether I'm proud
of that or not but I am proud to be AMerican and proud to be a Texan, no
two of us are alike. We may have similar interests, dreams, hopes and
desires but color etc doesn't really affect those.
And I like people!

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Tue 11/21/06 09:11 AM
Now now, everyone's picking on perv-man while he's just taking up for
his kids!

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Tue 11/21/06 09:01 AM
Anyone here a JAG fan??
Is it just me or do couple of people on here remind you of Mac and