Ever been single
I've been single by my own choice 22yrs. now!!!
Single life "ROCKS" |
Who are you on Jsh?
A Bully
A bystander A complainer A buttkisser A Bot A nutcase An activist A loner A comedian A perv A sarcastic freak A friend-maker A Friendly Face or something else? A nutcase and a friends maker....mostly |
Hello Ladies
Welcome to JSH. I'm not your type in age and I DO SMOKE..but have fun here anyway.
Have you ever studied
it's where you take your money to a bookie and hope like Hell you win....
Have you ever studied
Right now there's only....
I'm here somewhere...
i love the sound of can be a song or a poem, but more so BOTH....Great Job!!
hell if i lets say $500. hell if we got to count some of it twice it really would be priceless
The more dirt you've done, the higher you're worth!!!!
Okay so here's the deal, you look it over and see how many of these things you have done, BUT you have to add up the money amount along the way, then post the amount that you are as the title of the email such as "$15" or "im worth $78" (I doubt any of you will score that low) or something like that. 1. Smoked pot-- $10 2. Got drunk, passed out and don't remember the night before--$20 3. Went skinny dipping-- $5 4. Had sex in a pool-- $20 5. Kissed someone of the same sex-- $10 6. Had sex with someone of the same sex $20 7. Cheated on your g/f or b/f -- $10 8. Cheated on your g/f or b/f with their relative or close friend--$20 9. done oral-- $5 10. got oral-- $5 11. done / got oral in a car while it was moving--$25 12. prank called the cops-- $5 13. Stole something-- $10 14. Stole something worth over more than a hundred dollars--$20 15. Had sex with someone 10 years older-- $20 16. Had sex with someone under 21 and you are over 27--$25 17. Cried yourself to sleep-- $5 18. Cried during sex--$20 19. Been in love-- $25 20. Been in love with two people or more at the same time --$50 21. Said you loved someone but didn't mean it-- $25 22. Went streaking-- $5 23. Went streaking in broad daylight --$15 24. Been arrested-- $5 25. Spent time in jail --$15 26. Peed in the pool-- $0.50 27. Played spin the bottle-- $5 28. Done something you regret-- $20 29. Had a crush on your best friend--$5 30. Had sex with your best friend --$20 31. Had a crush on someone at work --$5 32. Had sex with someone you work with at work--$25 33. Lied to your mate --$5 34. Lied to your mate about the sex being good--$25 35. Got too drunk to have sex at all!!--$30 makes you wonder WHAT THE HELL WAS I DOIN' |
Test for Dementa
omg i have dementia
What turns you off?
too much colonge and bad hell with those who bite
thier toe nails |
i'll give ya a 10....only cause you made a face in one photo
Harley Davidson and Woman
Unconditional Love....
You are lucky and so is your child. Words from a babe now, then words from an adult. It fly's by hang on to every bit of it you can....grandkids are next....then oh boy the fun really I know from
Never did it right. Infatuations and feelings cannot substitute genuine love. I have yet to line all the ducks in a row. The time, attention, patience, emotions, and circumstances have never really meshed at the right time. I gave up on love really, I think a man is better off. not that marriage isn't sweet, but i lack faith that it's really even worth it anymore. that way when you split your not out alot of $$$$$, he gets to keep his stuff you keep your's |
twice for me; first i married and it ended horrible, then he got killed when our daughter was 3...second didn't work after 17yrs but we're still friends.
Life and Death
My friends I will not be on for awile to loosing a cousin in Houston,Miss. and a Uncle in Counce,Tn. I have to attend these two service's for they were dear to me. I hope you guys/gals have enough fun for me too while I am gone. HERE'S TO
Mood Ring
horse shoe rings tend to do that too
Mood Ring
horse shoe rings tend to do that too
pet peeve about men
They will never admit when they are on the rag im a foreigner |