Community > Posts By > goodhere

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Sun 07/27/08 10:36 PM

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Sun 07/27/08 10:27 PM
I think its great..I prefer older women...they have less drama!:tongue:

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Sun 07/27/08 10:04 PM

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Sun 07/27/08 07:23 PM

rember you are suppose to work to live not live to work,

give the time off a live a simpler live

happy happy :banana: :banana: happy happy
But how does one live, if he can not really afford it?

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Sun 07/27/08 07:22 PM

A dull boy...
If you had to make a decision of working all the time and making more money than you would have to pay in bills every month with no time off....
Or barley getting by with a job that just covers the bills so you would have time off...

Which would you do?


If I had to choose one, it would depend on my social situation. If I were in a place with friends/family or a romantic interest, then I would choose the time, Nobody has ever had this stamped on their headstone "I wish I had spent more time at work" (quote from some country song...) Time spent with those you love is irreplacable. Time is a healer, and a miracle all it's own.
Now if I were in a place like I am now, a 60 hour work week with a take home pay of $900 is not too bad... money cannot buy happiness, but it sure can rent it...
Renting would be good, but my job requires me to be away 24 hours a day,with most excelent pay!So out of reach?

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Sun 07/27/08 07:20 PM

All about the Bemjimans for those who work I guess
And you must be re-tired!

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Sun 07/27/08 07:19 PM

The idea here is to choose one or the as to help with a decision I am pondering?

It's up to you. Do you want to have a job where you make lots of money but are miserable? Or do you want a job where you make not so much and are a happy guy?
But not to have any money, while you have time off is miserable?

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Sun 07/27/08 07:18 PM

The idea here is to choose one or the as to help with a decision I am pondering?

The time off would be great but the stress of just getting by would drive me nuts.
This is the road I travel, exatley my point!

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Sun 07/27/08 07:14 PM

I am taking the more time off route.

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Sun 07/27/08 07:12 PM
The idea here is to choose one or the as to help with a decision I am pondering?

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Sun 07/27/08 07:05 PM
A dull boy...
If you had to make a decision of working all the time and making more money than you would have to pay in bills every month with no time off....
Or barley getting by with a job that just covers the bills so you would have time off...

Which would you do?


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Sun 07/27/08 02:15 AM
hello indiflowerforyou

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Sat 07/26/08 11:01 PM
Workin as alsad ways!

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Sat 07/26/08 10:24 PM
Love that tune!:smile:

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Sat 07/26/08 10:19 PM
Not having things around me in order!glasses

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Sat 07/26/08 09:42 PM

actually im brunette..............
Sorry about looked like a blond...must of been dreaming again...but still yet!..need to fix this you being bored bit!

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 09:34 PM
There is something wrong in this world, when two hot blondes...have nothing to do.....i need to run this it..and this would never happen!laugh

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Sat 07/26/08 09:30 PM
I am in "KIEN" {ed} to tell you..I am not here for your amusement?....But...Since you are wearing my favorite shirt in the whole wide flowerforyou are in luck. Blind guy walks into a bar, swinging his dog above the crowd...and the bar keep says...hey what are you doing to your dog...and the blind man says...just havi'n a look around!

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Sat 07/26/08 09:19 PM
Chated on this thread!

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Sat 07/26/08 09:17 PM
Whats shakin was your trip

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