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Mon 05/18/15 01:34 PM
The deep things about God can only be revealed by His Spirit. The earthly minded CAN NOT understand them, its foolishness to them that perish. Spiritual matters are spiritually discerned
If you do not agree with my assertions, lets hear yours
The end is near. BE WARNED
A CHRISTIAN SHOULD NOT ACCEPT EVOLUTION BECAUSE 1. Evolution says man evolved from beasts, so our Lord Jesus was an evolved beast or a product of evolution? 2. The bible clearly stated that we (men) are created in God's image, ET clearly denies that. 3. ET also degrades God's image to mere beasts. 4.It nullifies the idea of the bible creation by God. 5.It denies miracles, the supernatural and the bodily resurrection of Christ....and I can go on and on
10. THAT MAN IS A PRODUCT OF EVOLUTION FROM LOWER LIFE FORMS,TO CAVE MEN. The bible says God created man perfect and intelligent. Genesis 1:27. Evolution denies the first cause. The theory starts with matter being in existence. The theory is that all forms of life derived from gradual modification from simpler forms to complex form. Genesis 1:21
9. THAT THE UNIVERSE, EARTH ARE A PRODUCT OF EVOLUTION. Nope, God created all of them Ephesians 3:9 Colossians 1:15-18
8.THAT ADAM WAS THE FIRST MAN GOD CREATED. Adam was a recreation of man in God's image. Isaiah 14;12-14, Jeremiah 4:23-26 and 2peter 2:5-7 quoted above have already proven that 'men and nations' existed before Adam
7. THE EARTH WAS CREATED 6000 YEARS AGO. No sir/ma,it was restored 6,000 years ago. A quick look at Genesis 1:1-2 "....and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters" What waters? And we all thought the earth was created in day 3! Seeeee .......after God destroyed everything on earth in the first universal flood, there was chaos and it was flooded. God then began its resttoration as His Spirit was hovering over the waters. And yes, satan lived among the pre-adamic men or during the age of the 'first earth' Look at Isaiah 14:12-14. The fall of lucifer happened during pre-adamic age not after the 'creation' (recreation) Some think this happened momeents before the ''talking snake'' caused the fall of man
6.VEGETATION CAME FORTH FOR THE FIRST TIME IN DAY 3. No no. Geremiah 4:23-26 doesnt agree with you. This proves that there was vegetation during the pre-adamic age
5. ANIMALS, BIRDS MAN WERE FIRST CREATED ON DAY 5 AND SIX. Some were created during the pre adamic age but were destroyed by the first universal flood (Lucifer's flood) This would be addressed fully in a new thread. A quick bible reference 2 peter 3:5-7
4. THE SUN, MOON, AND STARS WERE CREATED ON DAY 4. No no no they werent. They were created in the begining before the existence of earth. God just regulated them in connection with the restored earth
3. LIGHT AND DARKNESS WERE CREATED IN DAY 1 AS SEEN IN GENESIS 1:5. Genesis 1:5, "God called the light "day" and the darkness he called "night". And there was evening and there was morning-- the first day" The functionalities of the sun and moon on earth were restored on day 1
1.THE BEGINING WAS 6000 YEARS AGO. Genesis 1:1 "In the begining God created the heavens and the earth" I ve always talked about God being a self-existent and ageless being. He is the creator of living things, planets, universe etc. Now, this verse has always been misunderstood. Its just talking about the original creation of the universe billions of years ago. 2. THE EARTH WAS CREATED 6000 YEARS AGO. Genesis 1:1-2 1."In the begining God created the heavens and the earth.2. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters". My God! Christians have been mocked with the 'earth is 6000 years old' thing and its embarrassing. People get these two verses mixed up. Periods of Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 is talking about the period of restoration of earth and recreation of natural forms in it. A lot happened between these two periods which will be addressed in another thread.
Hello, christians who are passionate about God. And non christians too who get confused about bible account of creation and seeming contradictions from science account. God never wanted to burden us with much detailed stories of All that transpired in pre/post creation incidents. In his wisdom,he gave us the summary in Genesis knowing that a simple sincere faith,trust and believe are all it takes to be saved. But Because i have read interesting debates concerning this issue (creation) and i want to address some things most people,even christians find mind boggling. Errmm, i want to write about pre-adamic creation (life before Adam, yes there was) but let me deal with this first. Pardon any typo errors you observe while reading this. I'm using mobile phone,pls
Worry not nor get confused about God's existence. I will attempt to discuss The book of Genesis in my next thread. Some things I will explain may be controversial, even among christian believers. I discovered why some people like you have doubts. Honestly, You are not alone. There are deep things in Genesis 1 that confuse the scientific minds. Even some christians might be ignorant of those hard facts. Be patient. I can assure you, God is real. Believe in him and His Spirit will guide you into all 'allowed' and revealed truths that you need to know.
CNN Turning on Obama?
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Fri 05/15/15 02:22 AM
Every discerning intelligent mind who could see beyond the peripheral knows that the "killing" of bin-laden and the circumstances surrounding it are THE MORE YOU SEE, THE LESS YOU UNDERSTAND.
Catholics at it again....
Attention seeking lady. Didnt she read the conditions of service before accepting the offer? Hypocrites everywhere!!
I ate undone beans. I was so hungry I didnt know the beans were not soft until... Ok, feel free to add yours
That would be fatal to America's safety with gigantic consequences on the war against terrorism. Please, everybody should join hand to prevent him from occupying any position of influence again. And please let someone inform him that we in Africa shall NEVER revise the law on prohibition of same sex marriage
@2od2messaround. Another point of correction. Uche9aa is a born again bible believing christian to the core!!!!!