do you know what your eating?
and feeding your children |
Edited by
Thu 07/19/12 08:18 PM
these people in so called christian movies are here to corrupt you
ever so slightly do not use them as role models the same people behind christian rock are the same people behind rock and roll these people that make this stuff worship satan it sounds like you know whats right look for john todd on youtube and the net |
the false rapture
If I ever do witness the "rapture" or "appocalypse", I'll be the one standing naked in the mountains with my hands held high... i meant the false military man made one because we wont be in our physical bodies when that one happens |
the false rapture
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Wed 07/18/12 10:51 PM
look up chemtrails ,haarp and project bluebeam
you will see a hologram of your false god in the sky and hear him talking to you in your head while you see people getting raptured dont worry its holly wood special effects to make christians think they were left behind |
i dont know about the moon bases and have no way to prove it
one way or the other but demons are real and they are deceiving the whole world they are inter dimensional movies and tv shows have a greater influence on your life than you think they are slowly brainwashing the people and always have been the whole world is being deceived |
who are they and where do they come from |
this is why we have fema camps so they can elect us out too
im sure obarrybama drinks tap water with fluoride in it just like us |
i build all of my ufos out of concrete
cigarette ban
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Sat 07/07/12 11:04 PM
the machines that you use to roll your own cigs
they have stores that poped up all over you pay for tobacco then put it in the machine and it rolls you a carton for like $25 you can still roll your own at home i dont see how this would help kids theres no info on the net but they just shut down all the stores here in pittsburgh pa |
cigarette ban
obama closed down the stores that let you roll your own tobacco
while leaving packs that are $6-7 free to be sold whos this help phillip morris (satans seal) these cigarettes only contain tobacco not fillers like in the stores prepackaged so they are healthier (cough) than regular cigarettes the real agenda is to help americans lose weight and stop smoking to help them fit better into fema camps 800+ across the us btw i dont smoke im sure this new law didnt affect cigars |
if you watch the tape of the assassination closely
you will see the ss called off a minute before he was shot they look surprised why? then he is shot in the neck they missed you can see him holding his neck then a couple seconds later he is shot in the head then his wife tries to escape from the car what was she afraid of? oh btw he became a christian 2 months before this happened ronald regan was pushed into the bullet by the ss hmm then he got alzheimers ![]() |
Death of the US Constitution
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Wed 07/04/12 04:36 PM
if a lie is repeated enough it becomes the truth - Adolf Hitler
why celebrate while people are dying around the world because of these lies useless knowledge |
you have to understand
almost everything we think we know is wrong our history is a lie there are no real terrorists i cant teach you 30+ years of research in a paragraph that lady in the video is wrong too no soldier should die they are just thinning out the herd of people who want to fight and making billions doing it they send everybody over seas to die while they hide and collect the money please watch this its only 16 min long Dr Stanley Monteith - Revealing the Agenda |
im a nut too
the war is a lie 911 was a setup satanist are controlling your life war on drugs = war on people tv (boob tube) is controlled you are falling in their trap hook line and sinker Christians should only protest behind closed doors out of the view of the masses right these men are being sacrificed to satan their illuminati god no one has to fight for us were already free their dying to further the cause of our enslavement by the un and the coming anti x |
dealing with adhd children
he is probably thinking
he could be an inventor i was like this when i was a kid i hardly slept at night i am still a night person people up at night are all bad they must conform as he consumes more and more fluoride and excitotoxins this will disappear diet and nutrition are very important too it sound like your trying to fit a circle trough a square hole get him on pills and tell him hes wrong have doctors tell him hes wrong force him to sleep beat him up if you have to tell him conform or die it worked for me lol |
90% possibity AIDS cure
why are there 8 strains then? |
everything on the internet is fake you can only be lie ve fox news and cnn |