Community > Posts By > volant7

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Thu 09/29/11 09:47 AM
Edited by volant7 on Thu 09/29/11 10:10 AM

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Thu 09/29/11 09:42 AM
it should be under religion because there really demons

the science part is the government ufos

they are preping the first responders on what to do

it sounds more like a plan

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Thu 09/29/11 09:38 AM
Edited by volant7 on Thu 09/29/11 10:09 AM
what i learned from the movie the matrix

it doesnt matter what you believe or think

just shut up and take your pill

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Thu 09/29/11 06:44 AM

Not to get off topic on this, my son got punished for haveing work tools in the bed of his truck. He had a hammer and pruners. The full time police officer who works at the high school said they could be used as weapons. Luckily he only got a two hour after school detention. a few years ago one kid who worked as a clerk in a store was suspended for ten days for haveing a box cutter in his glove box.

ahhhh amerika land of tha free

maybe they should deputize all the kids and let them all carry tasers

thats what happens when you trade morals for political correctness

i was just detained in a DUI checkpoint for saying im visibly not drunk

it seems thats not what they were looking for

it was papers please

im glad people realize whats really going on in the schools now

their training kids to be good prisoners and workers

when you go into a store and everything is in half spanish

ask if you can pay them in pesos

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Thu 09/29/11 06:30 AM
while the people arnt

it looks like their plan is working

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Fri 09/23/11 11:04 PM

back to the op

there is nothing NEW about terrorism, ask the native americans

so Id say it isnt the NEW anything...

its just terrorism,,,,

As regards your previous posts I would say that a man intends the natural consequences of his actions or else he would try to escape responsibility by denying his intention. Also I think "collateral damage" may be a term coined out of convenience and not a defence in law. An excuse to justify 'terroristic' acts.

Im not following what a 'natural' consequence is

IF I drive a car while texting, do I intend to cause an accident or if I deny that was my intention , is that proof that I didnt intend to?

Likewise, IF A government blows up a civilian area, did they INTEND to kill civilians , or if they DENY that was their intetion does that prove they didnt intend to?

I think people take ACCEPTABLE losses of life when its not someone they love, they just rarely ADMIT that it was accepted or CALL it 'intentional'

as in war, or drunk driving accidents,,,etc,,

If someone texts while driving they are just taking unnecessary
and very dangerous risks. They are not trying to kill themselves
or others.

If someone takes a bomb on an airplane and blows it up then they
are trying to kill people.

See my example above about the Palestinians launching rockets
from civilian areas. When the Israelis respond and try to stop
the rocket launching terrorists, they frequently succeed without
harming any civilians but the choice of the rocket launching
terrorist to locate their bases in civilian areas is intentional
and causes innocent people to be put in harms way.

The Palestinian terrorists cause other innocent Palestinians to
be in a dangerous situation and if any innocent civilians are
injured or killed then it is the fault of those who are trying
to launch the rockets at Israeli border towns and not the Israelis
who are forced to try to stop them to protect themselves.

I honestly dont know how we as AMEricans feel we have any CLUE as to what is happening in Palestine or Israel

my heart goes out to all the innocents in the crossfire, and I dont see either side as strictly 'innocent' or strictly 'guilty' when it comes to what is probably KNOWING and PURPOSEFUL killing of civilians,,,

Then you are simply sticking your head in the sand. There is a
guilty party in the situation I stated and it is those who are
launching missiles on purpose at innocent civilians - trying to
kill innocent civilians - it is those who are locating their
missiles and launchers next to someones house without their
knowledge or consent. It is the 911 hijackers who savagely tortured
and killed the passengers, crews and office workers.

This is one way Americans can understand what is happening in the
Mideast - through the Islamic terrorist attacks on us on 911.

Turn a blind eye to terrorism if you like but I will always
point out the difference between terrorism and self-defense.

Terrorism is defined by purposefully trying to kill innocent people
like the Palestinians in the Gaza missile launchings and like
the 911 hijackers. Innocent civilians like someone returning home
from work or firefighters in the WTC towers caught in the crossfire
are simply more victims of the terrorists as defined above.

It does not matter if you are Australian, Japanese, American or
Navaho. We all can appreciate and abhor the misanthropy of
terrorism. And fight against terrorism and the horrible truth of it.

you dont even know who the terrorists are

theres always fighting and wars

theres always the goods guys and the bad guys

and vise versa both sides are blamed

the innocent civilians always get killed

its the name of the game population control

and the ones who think there fighting for a good cause

they both lose and the rich make money

were already free we dont need anyone to fight for our freedom

the other side believes the same lies you do

there fighting for freedom from us

you have to get everyone on the same field

you fall for it every time

your under strong delusion

but will never wake up

they have you by your balls and you dont even know it

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Fri 09/23/11 05:45 PM
Edited by volant7 on Fri 09/23/11 05:53 PM
your religious practices are actually pagan rituals in disguise

satanism is the new religion

everything you know is wrong

you are under strong delusion

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Fri 09/23/11 05:34 PM
the nwo owns half the politicians and more around the world so i would have to say them

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Mon 09/19/11 11:20 PM

For you all worried about being stopped and checked for something you may not have, why not just make sure you have what's required in order to drive?

singmesweet why not just jump ahead and get your family rfid chipped

so you can be ready when the law takes affect?

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Mon 09/19/11 07:28 AM
Edited by volant7 on Mon 09/19/11 07:47 AM

your right no problem

the cop agreed with me

i dont harass cops for keeping us safe

just recording our movements

it seems most people are against me on this issue

that fine

but know that soon

you and your familys will be soon chipped like an animal at the pound

but you will be safer

its for your own good

volant may I ask you Where are you originally from?
And stop making it out like the bad guys are the cops. I know more cops that put their lives on the line everyday for crap benefits, a crappy retirement, verbal abuse by the general public when they are caught doing something wrong and lack of common respect for putting their lives on the line.
Now PLEASE.. If you are not willing to take the crap that an officer does. STOP TALKING BAD ABOUT THEM and making it sound like the cops are gonna be the ones doing all this. THAT IS THE GOVERNMENT in general. Cops DO NOT make the laws-- they just have to enforce them.

Now I hope you have a pleasant day.

im from pittsburgh pa

cops are mostly good.i have some friends that are cops

but they generate revenue by enforcing laws and protect business from theft

illegal parking, red lights, speeding,fines, fines, fines

law enforcement enforce laws made by politicians to generate money

now im sure this isnt why they joined the force

it was to help and protect the public

it is shown that red light cameras cause more accidents than they prevent

but they generate lots of money

so they stay

i dont hate cops

i hate illegal checkpoints

now lets look at the children who we should keep safe

who drives around in armored cars money not children

im just saying cops need to use morals over laws

and stop using tasers on children and old people

man up and stop being politically correct

most people shouldnt fear cops

unless most people are criminals

yes the government is the true problem

for Troublebug

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Mon 09/19/11 04:50 AM
Edited by volant7 on Mon 09/19/11 05:19 AM
your right no problem

the cop agreed with me

i dont harass cops for keeping us safe

just recording our movements

it seems most people are against me on this issue

that fine

but know that soon

you and your familys will be soon chipped like an animal at the pound

but you will be safer

its for your own good

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Sun 09/18/11 09:18 PM
i didnt have my license on me at the time

yes i had insurance and registration

but not my licence (national identity card)

that number stays the same all your life much like your ss number

a guy just told me that his daughter 16 couldnt get her license yet

even though she passed the test

because she had to wait for her biometric picture to clear

to prove she wasnt a terrorist or criminal


the problem is that they stop everybody and ask for id

so if i was a jew hiding from the nazis i would be caught

the fema cameras even id your passengers not just the drivers

and anyone walking by them

there are tons right by my house

they see you, listen too and smell you

(explained on our local news awhile back)pittsburgh pa

so i guess i should stop going outside or in stores too

im not paranoid

they are there to track the population

not terrorists

the cops cant even see on them

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Sun 09/18/11 07:27 PM
Edited by volant7 on Sun 09/18/11 07:32 PM

It doesn't....DUI checkpoints is not just for driving under the influence it is also for other things like illegal activity or traffic violations or drug your case no papers...

so then why not call it search and seizure not dui checkpoint

and you are saying i should not have the free right to travel peacefully?

you do as long as you are obeying the law.

If you had just had these things ready, then you would be on your way in no time flat. sympathies here

Ditto........all I can say either be legal or ride a bike.................

electric bikes are illegal here

and i have seen people arrested for dui on a bike

so im sure they can stop you on a bike too

they have even raided bars and charged people with public drunkenness

if they want you thell find a crime

the cop told me he could cite me if he wanted too

for not having my license with me

even if you step outside your house

you need some form of id

but i geuss that makes you not me feel safe

the cop was nice and almost agreed with me

here you need to wear a seat belt to drive a car

but no helmet needed for a motorcycle

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Sun 09/18/11 07:13 PM

so the jews didnt obey the law

simple as that

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Sun 09/18/11 07:08 PM
Edited by volant7 on Sun 09/18/11 07:11 PM

It doesn't....DUI checkpoints is not just for driving under the influence it is also for other things like illegal activity or traffic violations or drug your case no papers...

so then why not call it search and seizure not dui checkpoint

and you are saying i should not have the free right to travel peacefully?

Quit living in the past (i.e. blaming Hitler for your minor inconvenience) and just shut-up and drive.

the past is now the present and future

we have fema cameras on evey intersection here now

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Sun 09/18/11 07:01 PM
Edited by volant7 on Sun 09/18/11 07:02 PM

The way I see it if one does not have a license, insurance, tags & registration up to date they don't need to drive. I keep my stuff in order and pay to do so for that privilege to drive.

Most likely the guy that got his vehicle towed did not have insurance the price you pay for not doing what is required to drive.

As far as DUI/DWI stops if it takes one person off the road that is drinking and driving then it was well worth it....:thumbsup:

agreed. I always have my info ready. Asking for these things helps locate people with warrants or those wanted for serious crimes.

I have nothing to hide....check me. Everyone has to have these. I'd rather they check for these things before I get hit by someone that isn't supposed to be driving or no insurance.

Driving isn't a right. It's a privilege.

Driving isn't a right. It's a privilege

so the jews had nothing to hide in nazi germany?

freedom to travel is differnt than driving

hitler did everything legaly

where our forefathers were criminals

how would someone having a licence prevent them from hitting you?

maybe they were looking for terrorists lol

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Sun 09/18/11 06:28 PM
i got stopped as did everybody but also detained for 20 minutes at a dui checkpoint last night

why was i detained at a dui checkpoint for 20 minutes

because my paperwork wasnt in order

is this nazi germany?

i thought this was to keep drunk people from driving

not to search for petty things

why was i asked to show my license , registration and insurance?

i dont drink but still was detained

is this why we have these checkpoints?

or is it getting us ready for marshal law?

they towed a guy in front of mes car and made him walk home on a dark road at 2 am

how is this keeping him /us safe?

dui checkpoints mean dui not papers please

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Sat 09/17/11 08:20 AM

The Royal draconian bloodline are often anemic, and some MAY have a rare type AB negative blood. I had a friend growing up who was of this bloodline. The whole family was deeply involved with the secret societies, children and parents. The girl admitted to me that her and her brother had been born with tails which were removed at birth.

She had both anemia and a rare blood type of AB negative. Her marriage was arranged with man who had the right type of blood.

i dont know about tails but most witches intermarry to keep there bloodline true to lucifer

there are people that have rare ab blood type ab neg with no tails last time i looked

i was told the woman/baby had to get a shot at birth if her blood didnt match

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Sat 09/17/11 07:48 AM

Hmmmm we dont have a lot of choice,

Plastic bags have been banned from all our supermarkets and shops, you have to have your own. Or buy a cloth one when you are shopping.

Most of Australia has seperate bins for your rubbish, green stuff and recyclable things, if you put things in the wrong bins you are fined..

We have water restrictions in a lot of places at various times, so you cannot water your lawns or gardens with a hose if it is dry..

Our children are educated in schools and a lot of the schools here recieve grants for recylcing.

e have clean up Australia day where everyone gets out and picks up rubbish, most of the schools do this as well.

There are heaps of other little things we do, so I dont think ours would be to bad, but it definately could be better.

i hear you have to pay a carbon tax (co2) too soon to be global

i guess alot of people seem to accept the green pagan way of life

kids are bad for the earth too and soon will be restricted

im glad you like living hitlers dream

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Thu 09/15/11 06:36 PM
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

tihs is why i rfeuse to leran to sepll

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