Community > Posts By > andrewzooms
I like having corporations and ineffective politicians have control of me.
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Nixon to Obama
Thanks for the gas prices Washington.
Bill Clinton Jogging in DC
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Adult Slip N Slide.
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Because they are full of S**T.
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Wise word of the day
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The tips on dodging sniper fire that is just hilarious.
Step One Make sure woman is happy.
Step Two Repeat. |
As I wrote in a syndicated column titled, "Nero In The White House" - "Never in my life, inside or outside of politics, have I witnessed such dishonesty in a political leader. He is the most mendacious political figure I have ever witnessed. Even by the low standards of his presidential predecessors, his narcissistic, contumacious arrogance is unequalled. Using Obama as the bar, Nero would have to be elevated to sainthood... Many in America wanted to be proud when the first person of color was elected president, but instead, they have been witness to a congenital liar, a woman who has been ashamed of America her entire life, failed policies, intimidation, and a commonality hitherto not witnessed in political leaders. He and his wife view their life at our expense as an entitlement - while America's people go homeless, hungry and unemployed." I agree the presidents keep lowering the bar. I thought G W Bush was the worst president I will ever see. Obama is getting up to that level of incompetence. Thanks for leaving me with the bill Obama. |
2nd Amendment and Dating
Would you date a person who was a big gun collector? A person who enjoyed hunting and going to the firing range? nope, Im not into guns and dont want to live in a home where they are stockpiled anywhere near,,,, I agree it makes me wonder why does this person need a gun. Are they trying to prove something? |
What are these feelings? I have emotions sometimes. But feelings that's girl stuff.
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Nixon to Obama
I agree. Any incumbent vote them out.
Nixon to Obama
The same false promises and nothing has been achieved. Lets keep voting for theses guys.
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The Hypocrites
Liberal and Conservative. Democrats or Republican. Lets keep arguing with each other. Both have done nothing to fix the real problems. The only thing I will find exciting is the few amount of people who will vote in 2012. Not because of laziness or carelessness, but because they realize that politicians do not have the best interest for them. Once they get voted in they don't give a **** about you. Don't forget Independents Andrew.... ![]() Yes them to. |
The Hypocrites
Liberal and Conservative. Democrats or Republican. Lets keep arguing with each other. Both have done nothing to fix the real problems. The only thing I will find exciting is the few amount of people who will vote in 2012. Not because of laziness or carelessness, but because they realize that politicians do not have the best interest for them. Once they get voted in they don't give a **** about you.
Strong morals.
I never cheated in any relationship, however when not in a relationship, I have "fallin' in love, for one night" on many occasions. Where does that leave me? As a normal man who enjoyed the opportunities he received. ![]() |
Sexual assault hypocrisy
I agree with should focus on the children first. They have no way of defending themselves.
All I understand is 50% of black men are unemployed and that is pitiful for this nation. They can't all be as mentioned. (drugs etc) there is SOME cultural overlap with certain subcultures who have started to take womens lib to the EXTREME and feel comfortable letting women take care of them but another (probably bigger) issue is 'networking' the greatest percentage of job openings are UNADVERTISED so they are filled by people who are surrounded by or exposed to those in the 'network' of employment who can inform them of the resources and openings black men have not had as much fortune in the area of networking and references,, resources,,,etc,,, But the cultural leanings of generations of families enjoying those government handouts will exist for many years. |
Sexual assault hypocrisy
I was sexually assaulted by a friend when I was 12. I fought back kicked him in the throat and bit him. I did whatever it took to get out of that situation. My friend was in the other room and luckily we ran out of the house and rode our bikes home frantically. Any person could be taken advantage of. You have to learn to defend yourself because the world is full of sick people. Rape is all about having complete power over an individual. If you are ever in a situation like that yell fire, fire, fire because a person who hears someone screaming rape will be scared to do something. I would carry pepper spray around if I was a woman.
An underrated actor for sure. One of the best he will be missed. Enjoyed him in the whole nine yards, and a night at the roxbury.