Community > Posts By > Guitar_Hero_2000
Hey guess what?
I learned that I'm related to presidential candidate Ron Paul. He's my step-mom's cousin's wife's grandfather. No BS. That's kind of funny.
Need advice...
Or just a firm crack of a whip to some midgets. Okay, I'm done. Time for bed.
Need advice...
No, not the truck, midgets.
Need advice...
Buy a rikshaw and have midgets pull it.
Need Peoples Input
Very well put peachiegirl28. Very well put.
Need Peoples Input
You said something about her maybe not wanting to marry you if you got the truck and had too much debt... that's kind of a piss-poor reason to not marry someone. I always thought you married someone because you loved them, not because of their financial status. Have things changed? If so, it's sad that we as a society have degraded ourselves to such shallowness and superficiality.
Need Peoples Input
Until you two are married, if it ever happens, she should keep her opinions about what you should drive to herself. It's none of her business.
I used to chase our dog with the dust-buster.
Global warming?
I live in Michigan too, this global warning thing is starting to work out for us. Yeah, Michigan will be the new Florida in 30 years. |
Global warming?
Well, I live in Michigan, and it was damn near 60 degrees today... in the middle of January. That's crazy. Anything strange going on anywhere else?
pig roast
I've never attended a pig roast.
I got called hot by a bunch of college girls the other day.
new years eve break ups
That's really cowardly. Breaking up with someone with a text message... Some people are just worthless wuss-bags. This is America isn't it? Where did everyone's spines go? Whatever happened to the WWII-type toughness? Sad, sad, sad... I think it's time for Dennis Leary to be president, and toughen people up.
what do you hate?
Hatred is a weakness. Try "I strongly disapprove of"
afternoon date ideas
After you're done ice skating, go get some hot chocolate with peppermint Super Schnapps. I think it's 101 proof...
I have a Chevelle song stuck in my head
American Revolution II
I was in the military, and I was all about going to Afghanistan, but Iraq is a different story. We need to GTFO. As far as a revolution goes, I'd be all for it. There's a lot of scary stuff going on that 99.9999999% of the population is oblivious to...
Buy a book on tantra and actually READ it.
I'll be working. Sweet...
I'm thinking of moving to England sometime in the next 2 to 3 years or so. I know you guys hate our president, most of us do too, but will any of the people have any animosity towards me just because I'm American? Just wondering.