Community > Posts By > LadyLooking4U
EEE GADS that made me jump- - Where's the Nice Kitty???
Tom's Monday Roll Call
Monday is My FRIDAY so YEA.......
Really That's Sad Cause he's so cute LOL But then again KLINGONS are my ideal PPL haha
LOL guess if i put on my glasses haha and read the instructions
Hay Katertot-- love that kitty LOL
QUESTION?? How do you change your main picture? i click on it it goes up to the main area but when i come back to the forums it's the same one i started with?? |
Hay Laura I had a good Thanks -- Back at work-- looking forward to you all ALL NITE LOL
I'm baaaaaaaackkkkkkkkk anyone miss me??
I missed you all |
Huh i'm too comfortable here in poisons arms don't want to dance with somone kicking everyone :) LOL
sorry Laura How about i say Good Night :( My shift is over Gotta go home But I'll be back Tomorrow :) Thanks all especally you poison see you all tomorrow |
nite laura
yea we don't need no stinkin lights!!!
Lol don't worry we'll behave,, ::leans over and hits the light switch ::
lays her haed on poison thanks :)
woo hoo page 200----- dance with me Granni--those hands are niceeeeeeeeee
awe thanks
Chub-- do like you were in the Pudding just wiggling and slidding around It's FUN and Garnnihands is a great dancer
whirlles and dances around
hay granni let's dance ::music::
that sounds nice?? like the left over jello drool??