Community > Posts By > Tervsitter

Tervsitter's photo
Tue 10/23/07 11:56 AM
Target is so much classier--just don't try to return anything!

Tervsitter's photo
Tue 10/23/07 02:20 AM
K-Mart,how tacky! I only shop at Walmart.

Tervsitter's photo
Tue 10/23/07 02:15 AM
I wouldn't write a guy off just because of that.I don't insist on paying my way, either, just politely offer, and graciously accept when they say it's their treat. I realize that men have to tread lightly these days and be sensitive if the woman is more comfortable paying her own way. It would just be a turn off to me if a man asked me out on a date,and then EXPECTED me to pay for my meal. It's probably a good idea to discuss it ahead of time, but it's really never been an issue for me. The guys I've gone out with were gentlemen, and declined my offer to contribute (some will be ok with my leaving the tip).
The one guy who let me pay was a really nice person, and had been up all night working. We simply didn't hit it off romantically. I didn't 'nix' him because he let me pay for my meal.

Tervsitter's photo
Tue 10/23/07 02:15 AM
I wouldn't write a guy off just because of that.I don't insist on paying my way, either, just politely offer, and graciously accept when they say it's their treat. I realize that men have to tread lightly these days and be sensitive if the woman is more comfortable paying her own way. It would just be a turn off to me if a man asked me out on a date,and then EXPECTED me to pay for my meal. It's probably a good idea to discuss it ahead of time, but it's really never been an issue for me. The guys I've gone out with were gentlemen, and declined my offer to contribute (some will be ok with my leaving the tip).
The one guy who let me pay was a really nice person, and had been up all night working. We simply didn't hit it off romantically. I didn't 'nix' him because he let me pay for my meal.

Tervsitter's photo
Tue 10/23/07 01:25 AM
How is that not nice? If he's the kind of guy who asks a girl out and expects her to pay, then he's not really who I want to be dating. I pay my way, and he's not out anything. So far only 1 guy has actually let me pay.

Tervsitter's photo
Mon 10/22/07 11:06 PM
No, if he lets me pay, I don't go out with him again. It's sort of a test.

Tervsitter's photo
Mon 10/22/07 10:58 PM
getting ready to smack someone:smile:

Tervsitter's photo
Mon 10/22/07 10:56 PM
Great find

Tervsitter's photo
Mon 10/22/07 12:05 AM
Indian territory

Tervsitter's photo
Mon 10/22/07 12:04 AM

Tervsitter's photo
Sun 10/21/07 11:46 AM
Bry's admirer

Tervsitter's photo
Sun 10/21/07 12:41 AM
(Oh) Sheila

Tervsitter's photo
Sun 10/21/07 12:39 AM
Yea, guess that should have been a tip off!

Tervsitter's photo
Sun 10/21/07 12:26 AM
Yea, most of the pay sites will automatically recharge your account to assure 'uninterrupted service'. You can,however, go in and cancel. You can still finish your subscription, but they will then not recharge when it's up. They are all pretty bad that way, and if you are new, you don't know that stuff.

Tervsitter's photo
Sun 10/21/07 12:17 AM
I'm sorry, but there just isn't any chemistry

Tervsitter's photo
Sun 10/21/07 12:08 AM
eHarmony sucks. Once you sign up, you are forever in their system,and matched up with people regardless of whether or not you are an active member. It helps make them look much bigger than they really are. And just try finding a customer service number on the website! I had to go to a complaint site (not hosted by eHarmony) to even get a number so I could complain.The matches that want to communicate with me are unsuitable (too old, too far away, different backgrounds, etc).When I called to try and get my money back because they were not providing the service they promised, I was told I signed a contract and it was unbreakable. I am NOT happy with them. I've gotten maybe 2 matches in the past week. I would definitely NOT recommend them to anyone. I"ve gotten far more matches and activity in the few days I've been on here, and it's free.

Tervsitter's photo
Sat 10/20/07 01:24 AM
No where, no how

Tervsitter's photo
Sat 10/20/07 01:12 AM
eating tacos

Tervsitter's photo
Sat 10/20/07 01:05 AM
'Night all

Tervsitter's photo
Sat 10/20/07 01:02 AM