there would be a flat rate tax, no exemptions or loopholes, and those funds would be used to pay for the educational and healthcare systems.
Msharmony. You know the esteem in which I hold you, but this is not what you want. Flat taxes are always regressive. Mr Cain's 9-9-9 flat rate would result in a huge raise in taxes for the poorest among us, and a huge reduction in taxes for those most financially fortunate among us. |
Demand for engineers is up 106% since one year ago. 126% from february last year.
This is a great time to be an engineer. Overall hiring demand for Engineering Occupations for February 2011 is up 106 percent from the same period last year. Demand for Industrial Engineers is at the top of the list, with more than 37,000 jobs posted in February, a gain of 126% over February 2010. In fact, demand for Industrial Engineers is up 34 percent over its previous four-year high in April 2008. It's hard to understand a qualified engineer being unemployed with the progress our President has made in the last year. |
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Tue 10/11/11 07:18 PM
Americans in Poll Back Taxing Rich, Maintaining Entitlements
October 11, 2011, 4:22 PM EDT Oct. 11 (Bloomberg) -- More than half of Republicans say wealthier Americans should pay more in taxes to bring down the federal budget deficit. ////Fifty-three percent of self-identified Republicans back an increase in taxes on households making more than $250,000, a sentiment at odds with the party’s presidential candidates, who will meet tonight in a Bloomberg-Washington Post-sponsored debate focused on economic issues. More than two-thirds of all Americans back higher taxes on the rich and even larger numbers think Medicare and Social Security benefits should be left alone, according to a Bloomberg-Washington Post national poll conducted Oct. 6-9. More than 8 out of 10 Americans say the middle class will have to make financial sacrifices to cut the deficit even as the public strongly opposes higher taxes on middle-income families. “While Americans see sacrifice as inevitable for the middle class, the only sacrifice to win majority support is a tax on those too wealthy to be considered middle-class,” says J. Ann Selzer, president of Des Moines, Iowa-based Selzer & Co., which consults with Bloomberg News on polls. . . . The survey shows how unsettled the public mood is on the economy. More than half of all Americans think another financial crisis is likely within the next couple of years. Much of the nation doubts the winner of the presidential race will affect the economic situation or their personal finances, and those who do are about evenly split over who would do better. . . . More than half of Americans either believe the current economic situation would be the same with a Republican in the White House instead of President Barack Obama or say they don’t know which party would do a better job. The rest are about evenly divided, with 23 percent saying a Republican president would manage the economy better versus 25 percent who say a Republican president would be worse. Among political independents, 55 percent said it makes no difference and 7 percent said they didn’t know the answer. A similar breakdown shows when Americans are asked how the result of the 2012 presidential election will affect their personal financial situation. Forty-nine percent say they don’t know or don’t believe the president will make a difference. Twenty-four percent say Obama’s re-election would be better, and the same portion say the victory of a Republican would do more for their own finances. |
Want to see why the Germans have a positive trade balance, in spite of paying workers some of the highest wages in the world?
Watch this: |
Van Jones' Wikipedia entry didn't mention anything about him brutally murdering a police officer. Guess they missed that.
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Wed 10/05/11 08:19 AM
They are! The occupation is spreading, too. Seattle's started at the Federal building last night. Portland, Oregon's starts 10/6. Finally...the American people are stepping up!
Thom Hartman has taken to quoting Ghandi lately. "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." We're seeing all that. This is how real movements develop. And they often work. |
So, being free to you means not having to pay for things and being able to do whatever you want with no rules and regulations?
They have never really told us what they mean by "freedom", but this certainly appears to be what they're getting at. They don't want the top echelon to have to pay any taxes at all! Guess we know who that leaves to take care of business. |
Occupy Wall Street - the 99%
Both the 'depression' and the crash were caused by the interference of the Federal Reserve in the free flow of commerce between the states.
Absolute nonsense. The stock market crash was caused by the bursting of the housing market bubble. Every real economist recognizes this and most of the world recognizes this. Prove me wrong! |
Now I know who Van Jones is. He's quite a guy. I don't know if he is responsible for the Wall Street Protest, but he seems to be a major figure in the American Dream movement. I listened to some of his videos, and I couldn't argue with a single thing he said about the sickness that has swallowed our country in the last 30 years.
Van Jones speaks for me! |
Wow, brdgve! Thank you for providing this information about Van Jones. I had never heard about him before!
Which has a direct consequence on every aspect of the economy.
This analysis is rational in the broadest sense. Devaluation of the dollar is a multi-headed evil and will eventually going to come back to bite us. The issue at the present is whether quantitative easing is responsible for the debt and deficit, and it is not. The first and foremost indication that devalution of the dollar is doing its damage is the appearance of significant inflation . . . too many dollars chasing too few goods. This is simply not happening. Companies are cutting back because they have no incentive to do business. There are too few dollars in the consumer market, meaning too little aggregate demand. Devaluation of the dollar will do its damage, but that isn't what's happening now. |
Occupy Wall Street - the 99%
What a surprise..
That's no surprise. Those finance guys aren't stupid. They know who is most likely to win the next election. |
Ya know, a really cool thing about the Wall Street protest is that there is no need to justify ar explain your interest. Just that you know your getting screwed and you know who is doing it. That's why they call it a Tea Party with brains.
Occupy Wall Street - the 99%
Ratigan's Getmoneyout really got to me. I signed with no hesitation.
so,, does Fox news MAKE people stupid,, or are stupid people just more likely to be drawn to Fox news?
I'm not sure that either is the case. It could be that Fox News appeals to people who want tp be stupid because it feels so good to sound stupid and Fox News is a really smart way to sound like that. |
Occupy Wall Street - the 99%
Stock Market crashes and such don't bother me...
That's sad. The people who have lost jobs because of the depression caused by the stock market crash are bothered a lot. |
Fact - Everything the Government has done in the last few years has cost jobs. so 91% could technically be RIGHT. Non sequitur. the statement was about the stimulus, Obama's part of which saved and created jobs. the Bush/Paulson part cost jobs, except on Wall Street.
Fact - heath reform law IS ALLREADY showing an increasing bad impact on the deficit and debt... and its not even in full swing yet. No it isn't. Only a small segment of mis-informed people believe this.The deficit and debt is worse because of the failure to raise revenues.
Fact - the economy is still getting worse. It wasn't at the time of the poll.
Fact - 60% believe GLOBAL WARMING is not occurring... However the question did not allow for CLIMATE CHANGE because the 'polled' group would naturally assume the question (at the time it was asked) was about GLOBAL WARMING (which is poppy seeds and make believe). All real scientists say that you're wrong about that. I'm with them.
Fact - as long as inflation is continously pumped (by the Feds counterfiet paper) - your taxes are costing you more... in actual income... then they did a few years ago. This is true, but the major degradation in income is caused by falling wages.
How about his involvement in the revolutionary and anti American STORM movement, or his support of a hardened criminal who brutally murdered a police officer, called Congressional Republican's A$$holes(not professional) or his comments on race relations.
How about it? Is that the big conspiracy? You don't like his opinions, so that means there's some kind of huge conspiracy? I expected something little more substantial. |
This is one of those things that come up from time to time, again and again. Like when somebody believes he has discovered something in the Constitution that says nobody really has to pay any taxes.
You have any documentation on this?
Reuters is probably a pretty credible source for this kind of thing. |