Community > Posts By > chairman_z

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Tue 07/31/18 09:08 PM
deafening silence

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Tue 07/31/18 08:54 PM
Edited by chairman_z on Tue 07/31/18 09:10 PM
wrong thread oops

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Tue 07/31/18 08:28 PM
goonie goo goo

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Tue 07/31/18 08:25 PM
invisible ink

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Tue 07/31/18 08:24 PM
goonie goo goo

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Tue 07/31/18 08:21 PM

I have no problem with that P.O.S spreading is denial of the holocaust , that is his right of free speech, even though I found it offensive and degrading its his right.

But where I say he cross the line is when he encourage violence against the jews and encourage his followers to desecrate holy Jewish places
that is a no no and his azz should have jailed and fried.

Being a scumbag racist as long as its peaceful is one thing, encouraging violence crosses the line

that is just my opinion.

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Tue 07/31/18 05:42 PM
never make someone your priority who makes you an option

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Tue 07/31/18 05:40 PM
cant think of anything, dont know you lad.

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Tue 07/31/18 05:36 PM
Pumpilicious ,number 3 is a lie ???

1)Im afraid of heights

2) Im claustrophobic

3) Im afraid of the dark

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Tue 07/31/18 05:30 PM

That's not entirely true Z, in Canada, you can't openly hate someone because one reason or another race related and that's a good thing.

Your truth will always be different than my truth or her truth.

If people openly hate, that's not truth, that's plain ol hate bud


Southern folks are welcoming and have cool accents........ johnn111

No no john, Im not talking about hating a race and wanting to harm them, Im talking about saying something that is persevered negative about someone and saying it public.

For instance, I can say when Im in America that is irritates me when people say Happy holidays because Merry Christmas offends certain groups of people like those who are Muslims and I think they should accept that not everyone is muslim, just like If I address a muslim on one of their holy days I would refer to it as that and not change it because it might offend me.

But I couldn't say that in Canada in public because it could be considered "hate speech"

Do you remember that idiot Ernst Zundel the German neo nazi holocaust denier , In america he was basically allowed to denounce the holocaust even though they did deport him back to Canada, but in Canada it was considered "hate speech", and Canada finally deported the goof.

I heard he died last year in Germany, may he burn in hell .

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Tue 07/31/18 04:24 PM
jump in while the water is hot
chat with some people on the forums, the games section is a pretty good start.

Welcome lad.

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Tue 07/31/18 04:20 PM
sticking their tongue out

all their pics are with drinks in their hand

looks so angry that you think if you met them she would shoot you.

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Tue 07/31/18 04:18 PM

sense of humour

good hygiene

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Tue 07/31/18 03:43 PM
alligator boogie

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Tue 07/31/18 02:47 PM
under cover

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Tue 07/31/18 02:39 PM
land under

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Tue 07/31/18 02:28 PM
If someone is truly in love they wont cheat, not because its some moral thing or maybe it is, its because it doesn't enter in their minds.

Temptation will always rear its head but they will never entertain it,its like kyptonite to superman .

those that claim they are in love but cheated or it was an accident? I say do you really think we were dropped on our heads as a child?

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Tue 07/31/18 02:23 PM
fantasy girl

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Tue 07/31/18 02:22 PM
Ive personally found Southern people are more hospitable vs the north.

not much in Florida and parts of Louisiana but most of the south they are.

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Tue 07/31/18 02:09 PM

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