OnlyHearCrickets's photo
Wed 07/18/18 07:41 PM
There was a comedy show in the U.S. called Mad TV.
They used to have a skit called "Lowered Expectations". It would have fake videos of crack heads, homeless people, and what not looking for romance. It was hilarious!

OnlyHearCrickets's photo
Wed 07/18/18 07:28 PM
I can see both sides of this debate.

If you find someone that you are compatible with, then age shouldn't matter. And it really doesn't matter what other people think about it.

On the other hand, I don't have much in common with a 20-something, so I don't tend to look for that.

OnlyHearCrickets's photo
Wed 07/18/18 07:23 PM
Wait, where am I again?
And how did all you funny people get in here?


OnlyHearCrickets's photo
Wed 07/18/18 06:08 AM
I don't want to show my age...
I prefer to be silly!

OnlyHearCrickets's photo
Wed 07/18/18 05:40 AM
What? Morning again???
I just did that yesterday!!!

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