Community > Posts By > Easttowest72

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 11/02/18 02:47 AM
Welfare is encouraging the caravan. We are a country of people checking their foodstamp balance on $800 phones. Section 8 paying for whores to live in gated communities. Welfare recieptients complaining about what the govt doesn't give them while getting their nails done.

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 11/02/18 01:33 AM

ty bluegrass, surprised to see this thread still running. seems simple enough

owning is not for everyone, renting is not for everyone.

SOMEONE still has to get a payment every month, and there are still consequences when or if they dont.

The key is to not live beyond your means. Don't be house poor. Mortgage payments eventually stop. When my company closed during the recession, my house was completely paid for. That made hard times a lot easier.

My parents taught me to build wealth while I'm young so I can reap the benefits when I'm old.

Easttowest72's photo
Thu 11/01/18 11:08 PM
POF is better for dating. Good luck

Easttowest72's photo
Thu 11/01/18 09:45 PM
Edited by Easttowest72 on Thu 11/01/18 09:46 PM

Home prices and rent values fluctuate widely from city to city here in CT. The apartment I'm moving out has a rent of about $800 per month. That's $2 per sq. ft. The apartment I'm moving into is twice the size, in a better area, recently remodeled, and has rent of $720 per month. That's about $1 per sq. ft. The going rate for CT is $1.12 per sq. ft.

The same goes for home values. Where I'm moving, homes are much cheaper than where I grew up 45 minutes away. A house that sells for $150,000 where I'm going would sell for $220k - $350k where I grew up, depending upon exact size and location.

I think it we looked up demographic info, we would find that population density has a lot to do with how stable home values are. High density areas are more likely to have a surplus as people move to lower density areas with less crime, better schools, and more distance between neighbors for privacy and less noise.

Yes, and for *all* that yammering about how real estate agents need houses, have more buyers than they have available houses, it's a "sellers' market, blah, blah....I know of three people this year alone who put their houses up for sale..and...they're still sitting there..

*Nice* houses, prettier than mine...priced reasonably (the one down the road from is is priced *cheap*, compared to others in the area)

I am in TN.
I call BS.

If you check the latest housing news, you will see that it's shifting. A lot of homes are having price cuts. That's great for buyers. A house is worth whatever someone will pay for it. But there is no debating the increase in home values since 2010.
Ms harmony loves to post info. She chooses not to in this case for a reason.

Easttowest72's photo
Thu 11/01/18 08:43 PM

We aren't talking about average size of families on welfare. We are talking about illegals getting on welfare. Stick to the subject instead of the usual liberal dodge.

when 'liberal dodge' means logic, Im not sure how to not use the 'usual'

case in point:

when people are 'undocumented', they have to struggle in America to go undetected. they take jobs under the table. they are NOT eligible for means tested 'welfare'. The idea that in that circumstance they would be just 'popping out dependents' to their household is not just an illogical assumption but one that has no factual basis to support it.

How did the dreamers get educated if they were in hiding? :thinking: :sweat_smile:

One more time, they spread their damn legs and pop out an anchor baby and then head straight to the welfare office. That's why Trump wants to end illegals popping out citizen. They are using their babies as a check. They've learned well from the undesirables in America and sent word to their families. Look at all that's on their way.

one more time, logic is our friend.

Unlike means tested programs, the SUPREME COURT ruled that all children regardless of citizenship status have a right to an education. That is how 'dreamers' get educated.

one more time, the ridiculously insulting stereotypes about them 'popping out' anchor babies to get on welfare has no basis in fact or evidence.

here is a link to the ACTUAL CASE that decided this point :

your welcome.

Try using logic. They can't possibly be in hiding if they signed their kids up for school. Address, phone #. Now liberals want to claim these dreamers are gainfully employed. The ones I saw interviewed have siblings who were born on tax payers dime.

Easttowest72's photo
Thu 11/01/18 08:09 PM
Edited by Easttowest72 on Thu 11/01/18 08:27 PM
Our unemployment rate is the lowest it's been since before I was born.
Under Obama jobs were through temp services with no benefits, service work with no benefits etc.

Just this week my company has paid $100 for me a pair of shoes and bought my lunch yesterday. I ate left overs for dinner. Good jobs is what makes the difference. People need to be able to support their families from their job, have health insurance from their job, time off for holidays and vacations with pay, free health screenings, life insurance, paid sick days, and retirement plans.

Easttowest72's photo
Thu 11/01/18 02:13 PM
Tax cuts isn't throwing money at anything. It's staying with the people who earn it. They are expanding business,etc. Hiring signs everywhere. More people working paying more taxes. Productivity.

Easttowest72's photo
Thu 11/01/18 11:11 AM
Tax cuts are adding jobs.

The depression could have been avoided if credit hadn't been so easy to get. People stop spending when the credit cards are maxed.

Easttowest72's photo
Thu 11/01/18 11:05 AM
Edited by Easttowest72 on Thu 11/01/18 11:07 AM

We aren't talking about average size of families on welfare. We are talking about illegals getting on welfare. Stick to the subject instead of the usual liberal dodge.

when 'liberal dodge' means logic, Im not sure how to not use the 'usual'

case in point:

when people are 'undocumented', they have to struggle in America to go undetected. they take jobs under the table. they are NOT eligible for means tested 'welfare'. The idea that in that circumstance they would be just 'popping out dependents' to their household is not just an illogical assumption but one that has no factual basis to support it.

How did the dreamers get educated if they were in hiding? :thinking: :sweat_smile:

One more time, they spread their damn legs and pop out an anchor baby and then head straight to the welfare office. That's why Trump wants to end illegals popping out citizen. They are using their babies as a check. They've learned well from the undesirables in America and sent word to their families. Look at all that's on their way.

Easttowest72's photo
Thu 11/01/18 09:20 AM
The Democrats act like we can take care of everyone and everything. They don't understand that there is a breaking point. We aren't all created equal. Some people are meant to lead. Trump is doing a great job. Obama was just a baby kisser. Great speeches but couldn't do anything real to help the issues facing our country. Anybody can through more money at a problem. It takes a leader to solve a problem.

Easttowest72's photo
Thu 11/01/18 06:37 AM

We aren't talking about average size of families on welfare. We are talking about illegals getting on welfare. Stick to the subject instead of the usual liberal dodge.

Um, the subject is an alleged "red wave".
So, stick to the subject instead of the usual alt-right dodge.


Trump sending troops to the border is going to help with the red wave. The majority of the American people don't want an invasion of illegals. We don't want to support them, educate them, house them in prisons, etc. I'm on topic. Stop drinking the liberal coolaid

Easttowest72's photo
Thu 11/01/18 04:39 AM
We aren't talking about average size of families on welfare. We are talking about illegals getting on welfare. Stick to the subject instead of the usual liberal dodge.

Easttowest72's photo
Thu 11/01/18 02:17 AM
Do you see illegals popping out those kids on the side of the road? We had one sign up 10 kids for six flags. He damn sure doesn't make enough to support them. They are very well receiving welfare through screwing just like most undesirables.

Easttowest72's photo
Thu 11/01/18 12:42 AM

The KKK is nearly dead, Democrats don’t like the KKK, Republicans don’t like the KKK, only the KKK like the KKK! The terrorist group ANTIFA however is supported by Democrats, they try to justify their violence!

Anti-fa claims to be anti-racism but are actually anti-white. It's crazy for people to think millions of illegals coming and getting on our welfare system is a good thing. In their pea brains, they think all the colored people will take over and live in utopia. They aren't smart enough to see that it's the people they hate who are paying taxes that provide their entitlements. They aren't smart enough to understand that the U.S. would become a shithole like Africa and mexico.

Easttowest72's photo
Wed 10/31/18 02:44 PM
It's not hatred. It's reality. Nobody except you said a damn thing about color.

Easttowest72's photo
Wed 10/31/18 02:32 PM
Trump isn't the president of Italy. I'm sorry you struggle to understand what ghetto means. In the 70's Elvis Presley sang a song about ghettos in Chicago. Listen to it on YouTube. Maybe it will help you catch up.

Easttowest72's photo
Wed 10/31/18 02:28 PM
I agree with Trump because of the situation. What should be do? Send illegal mom's home without their children? Or reward them with some foodstamps and Medicaid? Scholars have different interpretation of it. We need to protect our country. Send everyone that is here illegally back with whatever children the had on the tax payer dime. Then let them apply to come here legally.

Easttowest72's photo
Wed 10/31/18 02:15 PM
Edited by Easttowest72 on Wed 10/31/18 02:18 PM
The students wouldn't have been upset if they could have chosen dem or republican rally but it's was Stacy Abrams only. They were all pressured. Ms Allen got caught in the middle.

Me Allen wouldn't have made it clear on the news that she is a Republican if the pressure for a better grade hadn't been tied to a democrats rally.

Easttowest72's photo
Wed 10/31/18 11:09 AM

I think people who don't appreciate the jobs and good economy will eventually adjust. People of all races will thrive if that's their goal. That will make it clear that Trump is trying to help all Americans.

The trouble is, that it doesn't matter what Trump does or doesn't want, or whether he is right about what will happen if he gets his way. The Republican Party, which currently controls all three branches of the US federal government, are opposed to the bulk of what Trump wants. This is why the ONLY major legislation they have passed in Congress since his election, was the huge tax cut for rich people and large corporations.

I don't believe they are against Trump. I think they are all the crap Trump goes through with the media and they try to avoid it. They are typical baby politicians.

Easttowest72's photo
Wed 10/31/18 11:03 AM
Why was it on the news?

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