Community > Posts By > Jester0721

Jester0721's photo
Wed 01/26/11 12:46 AM
fine 310 lol

Jester0721's photo
Wed 01/26/11 12:44 AM
lets go ash lol


Jester0721's photo
Wed 01/26/11 12:38 AM

Jester0721's photo
Tue 01/25/11 01:46 PM
oh they wouldn't look for me they would throw a party

Jester0721's photo
Tue 01/25/11 01:44 PM
i know what you mean rawr it doesnt matter to me on how many people have been with but like i said earlier i have talked with some people and when they find out how many i have been with they go you been with to many people and wont talk with me so i figure i would kill that bird(figuratively)by putting that in my profile and ty hunney

Jester0721's photo
Tue 01/25/11 11:11 AM

Back story of where i was born i might take out here soon but sex partners i wont be taking out i have talked with many people and started getting serious and when they found out how many people ive been with i never heard from them again. So for that reason that will stay thank yall for your input.

Interesting, because the number of sex partners conversation has rarely ever come up with me and anyone I've dated. I don't think I've ever even asked someone how many sex partners they've had. But, if it works for you having that in there, great.

if the sex-partner thing is to give an indication of likelyhood of STDs or HIV/AIDS, I suggest bringing doc's notices of labwork done that prove you either way.

The number of sex partners is indeterminant to establish if someone is healthy. If a body is unluckiy, they can catch STD from just one bad Fooooook; and if they are lucky, they can have literally thousands of lovers, nay, tens of thousands of lovers, nay, hudnreds of billions(*) of lovers, and still contract no diseases.

(*) Some helping hand form extra-species volunteers would be needed, to make up the required math.

no i dont have any stds but i was asked to i would get check for there benefit

Jester0721's photo
Tue 01/25/11 02:58 AM

I want to know what the OP would do if she found a guy that made her laugh, made her feel like she was the most beautiful woman in the world, and was able to take care of business if you know what I mean. And the guy was five foot flat.

Are you going to walk away from pure joy because he is shorter than you?

me too lol
What if hes 5'7 would she switch to smaller heels or just walk away?

Jester0721's photo
Tue 01/25/11 02:54 AM


A term that is massively overused. It usually means a man/woman who only judges by looks and not by personality.

Many ugly girls consider guys shallow just because they get turned down by them and vice versa. A lot of ugly guys think girls are shallow because they get turned down. But neither of these are true.

The true example of shallow is when a guy/girl base someone's personality on how they look. If you're confused read below.
I was hanging out with my friend the other day who is quite a bit better looking than me (I'm not ugly, he's just hot I guess). So he and I are hanging out with this girl from school and I decide to test something.

Early that day I tell her a joke and she kind of laughs. So about 6 hours later, I have my friend tell her the exact same joke, word for word and she cracks up like it's the funniest thing she's ever heard.

Apparently the same exact joke was funnier when told by him, just because he's better looking. Avoid girls/guys like that at all cost.

to add on a shorter definition

The act of judging people by their looks, monetary status, clothes or car, rather than looking deep inside at their heart, personality, etc.

Jester0721's photo
Tue 01/25/11 02:50 AM
Edited by Jester0721 on Tue 01/25/11 02:50 AM

A term that is massively overused. It usually means a man/woman who only judges by looks and not by personality.

Many ugly girls consider guys shallow just because they get turned down by them and vice versa. A lot of ugly guys think girls are shallow because they get turned down. But neither of these are true.

The true example of shallow is when a guy/girl base someone's personality on how they look. If you're confused read below.
I was hanging out with my friend the other day who is quite a bit better looking than me (I'm not ugly, he's just hot I guess). So he and I are hanging out with this girl from school and I decide to test something.

Early that day I tell her a joke and she kind of laughs. So about 6 hours later, I have my friend tell her the exact same joke, word for word and she cracks up like it's the funniest thing she's ever heard.

Apparently the same exact joke was funnier when told by him, just because he's better looking. Avoid girls/guys like that at all cost.

Jester0721's photo
Tue 01/25/11 02:32 AM
my honest opinion is everyone is shallow in their own way. to decide what you look for in a partner and only go for that is shallow cause your not giving a person a chance for pety reasons. For example one of my fav movies shallow hal(not sure on spelling)is a perfect example of how all humans are shallow.

Jester0721's photo
Tue 01/25/11 01:24 AM
well i can sew cross stitch knit croche and latch hook. i love doing them and i wish i had some pics but i dont have anything i have made anymore.

Jester0721's photo
Tue 01/25/11 01:09 AM
Edited by Jester0721 on Tue 01/25/11 01:10 AM
You and the person above go camping
yall forgot the extra tent
so you have to sleep in the same tent
you wake up with KY and a condom sticking out your butt
Would you tell anyone

Jester0721's photo
Tue 01/25/11 12:54 AM
Edited by Jester0721 on Tue 01/25/11 12:55 AM
I personally rather cross stitch or do a latch hook.

Jester0721's photo
Tue 01/25/11 12:43 AM
i pick - since its b/w 1-10 lmao

Jester0721's photo
Mon 01/24/11 11:11 PM

I've been with a guy 4 months who makes his living traveling on the road. He's a surface miner who constructs the chutes, buildings, etc getting coal mines up to code. He's one of those guys who leaves at a moments notice to go from one state to another & one job to another to make a living. He makes more in a day than I make in a week. Yesterday I just quit my min wage job to go on the road with him. He went to IN a couple weeks ago to visit with his kids & I was a total basket case without him here. I know I'm taking a gigantic leap & risk to be with him but he's asked me to go on the road with him & I've decided I can't risk losing him & we go on the road this week headed for PA. I know I'm taking a major risk & hope things works out. But, the alternative of living without him is more than I can bear. Out of 21 years of marriage & numerous relationships no one has ever turned my head & captured my heart like he has. If you found the person you feel you have waited for all your life who makes living a blessing instead of a curse how far would you go? Would you take the risk & give up all your familiar with to be with that perrson?

i would have to say that i would wait a little longer i moved to arkansas which was away from my family when i got married and now im here divorced with no family around so im having to get help from friends that i barely now. so if you do do it make sure you have a back out plan.

Jester0721's photo
Mon 01/24/11 09:03 AM

Save the back story of your life for those you get to know. I'd also leave out the part where you lost your virginity and how many sex partners you've had. Other than that, it looks pretty good.

Back story of where i was born i might take out here soon but sex partners i wont be taking out i have talked with many people and started getting serious and when they found out how many people ive been with i never heard from them again. So for that reason that will stay thank yall for your input.

Jester0721's photo
Sun 01/23/11 01:56 PM
Edited by Jester0721 on Sun 01/23/11 01:57 PM
why i can be one of the honest person on here and still not get anyone to actually talk to so i figure its time to try the forum lol im in sherwood, ar and looking for someone to maybe spend the rest of my life with

Jester0721's photo
Sun 01/23/11 01:13 PM

It's a wee long.
Ask me again after you remove all the
repeated comments.
Literally, you repeated whole sentences.

ty i didn't notice when i copied and pasted it did that i thinkk i got to all of them and removed them

Jester0721's photo
Sun 01/23/11 12:31 PM
i wanted peoples opinions thats why i asked ty

Jester0721's photo
Sun 01/23/11 12:17 PM
Can one be to honest on their profile or can one not have enough??? does my profile have to much or not enough??

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