would you relocate for love?
I can’t imagine leaving my family. ![]() I seriously doubt it. Does that mean NO for sure......? |
When Plans Fall Thru...
The condoms made fun little balloons, ![]() ![]() I have a friend who pulls a condom over his head, face, and mouth then blows it up like a balloon....not a pretty look... |
relying on friends
Over the last year, two of my closest girlfriends have tried to get me out with half a dozen cousins, co-workers or their husband’s buddies. I had a chance to meet each of them once or twice before making a decision about whether I’d allow them to set me up. And each time I’ve been dumbfounded as to how little my best friends seems to know about my taste in men. ![]() Would you get your girlfriends to contact me...asap... |
Is there really something called a mermaid? Before the answer, watch the video. The mermaid is a myth, she never married therefore not a mythis..? |
having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain. I often and for most of my voting life have heard people (voters) complain about 'corruption' in politics. However, we have a government OF the people, BY the people and FOR the people. I see politics as a reflection of the electorate. When/If we vote only about what we believe will end in our own personal gain, while disregarding or not caring the negative impacts it may impose upon OTHER people or groups, we are voting with corrupt hearts ourselves. So it may be something to consider when a politician makes us feel screwed over for gain to themself or to some other demographic, that we get what we deserve for voting with a complete willingness for some other person or group to be screwed over in our place. Do you think 'corruption' in politics may be linked to the 'corruption' of the heart of the voter? I wouldn't say the electorate are "corrupt" more "fickle", in order to make change it takes time and not just one term in office.. |
UK...cold wind blowing in from Russia...
want a cute girlfriend
I want a older nice handsome gentleman. I think the winning lottery numbers will appear here |
Slithering tongue
I don’t know what it is, but I love a huge cock in my face. If you want a tongue that will drive you crazy, give me a call pleace send your skype id my profile kindly contact me: There are sites for you to use, but this is not the one ! |
Who I am
Often people use the phrase "Thats just who I am" or conversely, "Thats just not who I am" My questions are: 1. Do we have a choice in 'who we are'? 2. If so, should we aim to make 'who we are' into 'who we will always be'? 3.If so, aren't we supporting a stagnate life without growth? I always hear 'just who I am' as a defeatist copout of sorts, implying we play no parts and have no choices in our own , lets say, conditioning. No. circumstances and other people shape us No, we should be flexible and embrace change See above |
I want to know what they’re like stone cold sober first usually. I also don’t want to wait too long to find out if they’re a bad drinker either. Some people don’t even know that they’re a bad drinker. I dated a guy once who got plastered on our second date. He was bumping into waitresses and spilling drinks, being belligerent with other patrons, flirting with other men’s dates right in front of me, and was finally asked to leave the bar. The next afternoon he called me up, all...”What a great night, huh?” ![]() ![]() Well, at least he showed he knows how to treat a lady, did you have another date with this guy ? |
Seriously though, everyone is different. I swear when I met my husband, it was as if we already knew each other. We skimmed right through most of the question marks and were almost an instant couple. Men I dated before him, I experienced an even more expansive series of stages than those your article talks of. Who knows why that is the case. Seriously...who knows? ![]() Probably your prior dates gave you experience as to what you should expect from a lifelong partner ? |
Russian spy!
The Ruskies are keen on a polonium pinhead pellet...inserted with covert umbrella tip In leg....It cooks you slowly with low grade radiation. You feel a flu...until its too late. I think that's what they did to the last one, not nice! Spywork is some of the most cold blooded work around... We do the same thing, spying at least, not sure about the assassination bit! We would not know what we had done nor would we know what other countries have done, we are too far down the food chain for that info Ummmm.. sorry, your security clearance is null and void.....basicly you have no need to know.... ![]() LOL! |
Russian spy!
The Ruskies are keen on a polonium pinhead pellet...inserted with covert umbrella tip In leg....It cooks you slowly with low grade radiation. You feel a flu...until its too late. I think that's what they did to the last one, not nice! Spywork is some of the most cold blooded work around... We do the same thing, spying at least, not sure about the assassination bit! We would not know what we had done nor would we know what other countries have done, we are too far down the food chain for that info |
Russian spy!
The news here is saying if Russia is guilty of this act our government will react robustly, this probably means England will not play in the World Cup, could save us further embarrassment.
Absolutely not for me, but if it's going well and you both decide to go on somewhere else it's probably ok..
Coffee plus something sweet
Jam doughnuts.....loads of them
Persuasion Dating?
Yesterday I ran into a man who I’ve, tactfully, and politely, turned down for a date several times. There reason for my refusal is, but not limited to, feeling his personality rather annoying and often offensive. He leaned, way too far, into my personal space to whisper in my ear...”One of these days I will persuade you.” ![]() My topic isn’t about this guy. I just told the story so you know where I’m coming from with this question. Persuasion will definitely not be working here! But there are bound to be many different types of scenarios where persuasion could effect a person’s decision. Which leads to my question. Have you or would you go out with someone who had to persuaded you to accept a date invitation? And flip-side, would it be worth it to you to persuade someone whose turned you down before? Ok, you could not blame the guy for trying ? Care for a date Jan...? You are too sweet or too funny. I never know with you Bri. Haha! If you are too sweet, you are also too far. ![]() ![]() Never say never..? We chat, don't we ? That’s true. As long as I make it clear from the start....I am not a good southern cook. I don’t even have a deep fryer. ![]() Don't worry about the fryer, has anyone told you that you resemble Julia Roberts.... |
24 Things To Remember
I've left U and I out just in case people start talking.... |
The Wrong Answer Game
A tube & liquid inserted to clear the bowels
Why are we ? |