Community > Posts By > Conrad_73

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 08/16/17 01:32 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Wed 08/16/17 01:42 AM

have you really thought this through?
Besides,have you read about the process and conditions necessary to grant you your wish!
Is "I Don't Like Him" included in the High Crimes And Misdemeanors?

Besides,it still wouldn't elevate Hillary into the position of POTUS!

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 08/15/17 02:57 PM
Deep State Psy-Op!

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 08/15/17 08:05 AM

anyone else is getting the impression that we are ar$ed by someone?

Report: ‘Unite the Right’ Organizer Jason Kessler Was Obama Supporter Involved With Occupy Movement
‘Unite the Right’ organizer Jason Kessler was reportedly an Obama supporter involved in the Occupy movement as recently as November 2016, before establishing his white supremacist group “Unity & Security for America” in January, 2017.

Wish I could follow the Money!laugh

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 08/15/17 07:59 AM
Elon The Mooch!
Poor Guy is losing it!laugh

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 08/15/17 04:43 AM

Rather then tear down our historic monuments why don't they just move them.
Or sell them. Some one make a museum for civil war monuments.

Then all this fighting will go away.

that would be too easy for the Dividers!
They are after more,they are after the Founders and the Constitution!

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 08/15/17 02:01 AM

Who is Behind the Police Decision to Ignore and Allow Facist Antifa Violence at Events Around the US?

Jim Hoft Aug 13th, 2017 8:51 am Leave a Comment

Guest post by Joe Hoft
For over a year at nearly every event NOT sponsored by Leftist Democrat and Black Lives Matter groups, the Police have stepped aside and allowed horrendous acts of criminal violence against event participants while rarely arresting anyone committing these heinous acts.
These violent groups, like Facist Antifa, are now inciting murder at these events. Who is allowing this to happen? Will the FBI please investigate these groups and who is ordering the police to allow them to commit violence?

The police also were told to stand down last year in Baltimore when Black Lives Matter rioters tore down that American city.

Yesterday at a white supremacist event in Charlottesville, Virginia, people were killed. Violent fascist rioters like Antifa were there en masse to shut down the event.
(We at the GWP in no way support white fascists but we also do not support or condone violent acts against these same individuals.)

One bold reporter by the name of Faith Goldy was neary five feet from where individuals were mowed down after being run over by a lunatic in a car. Goldy noted that the police were no where to be found when the incident occurred.

The white supremacists were told to disband and discontinue their protest but the Black Lives Matter and Antifa thugs were allowed to continue their protesting.

Antifa and Black Lives Matter were still protesting when the car appeared out of nowhere and ran over people.

How many more people will be criminally attacked and murdered before the Police stop in to arrest these rioters like racist Black Lives Matter and Antifa fascists? Who is behind these violent criminal acts? The FBI needs to look into this!

violent criminals are behind violent criminal acts and
Im sure police arrest whatever violent people they can catch,, regardless of what t shirts they wear or movement they claim,,, a no brainer really,,,
too bad they didn't,City-Authorities actually egged them on with their Policy!

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 08/15/17 01:56 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Tue 08/15/17 01:57 AM

I heard Mary Anne Marsh sold her soul to the devil.

Just listen to how all the dems choose their words, despite the truth they will do and use what ever it takes to make our POTUS and his agenda look bad.
Lindsey Graham???

now the Mayor of Charlottesville and this dumb sl*t wanna blame Trump... the left just can't stop with the hate...

"Rep. Maxine Waters lashed out at President Trump on Sunday, blaming him for the white nationalist rioters who left the nation reeling after they descended upon Charlottesville, VA on Saturday. One woman was left dead and dozens more injured as a riot over the removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee turned ugly and violent when white supremacist groups clashed with law enforcement and counter-protesters. Then-candidate Trump "encouraged violence against protesters at rallies. We should not be surprised," Waters tweeted. Trump came under fire by critics on both sides of the aisle for not calling the alt-right activists and neo-Nazis in Virginia white nationalists in his condemnation ...
I wonder actually who ties Maxine's Shoelaces!
And I wonder how she ever earned her Degree!

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 08/15/17 01:54 AM
The rise of what Right?

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 08/15/17 01:28 AM
BLM and ANTIFA were throwing bricks, cups full of urine. poop, and had clubs, base ball bats.
Sooooooooooooo Peaceful!
The opposite side had Torches,extremely violent!

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 08/15/17 01:25 AM

Good afternoon my lovely mingle2 family, wow, I have to say my last 2 topics in the political room you guys continue to make them mega hits and I have to acknowledge my " Vocal Avengers". I try posting new fresh ideals so I can continue to be relevant here. If you traveling to my neck of the woods Philadelphia, very sunny warm and lovely like you guys here. Okay, let's get right into it. I was on my lunch break in Rittenhouse Park, and I grabbed a Metro paper and I came across this article. The article talks about the protestors in Charlottesville, Virginia last weekend. For those who don't know Heather H. 32 was killed & 19 others were injured, five critically on Saturday. When a man plowed a car into a crowd of people protesting the White Nationalist Rally in a southern college town of Charlottesville. Another 15 people were injured after rival groups fought pitched battles using there fists, rocks, & pepper spray in the streets. The kicker is on Sunday TV shows Charlottesville Mayor Mike Signer a Democrat said the police responses was adequate with nearly 1,000 law enforcement personnel assembled Signer blamed Trump for the violence starting with the 2016 campaign. So America, how you feel about this here? Is it Trump fault for making Hate groups feel like they have more power now or was this just a random act by a crazed nut? You be the judge, I can't wait to hear from you !

All replies will be answered back!
Thanks a million

Hey Eyeam,,

ahhh,, the blame game, I avoid it at all costs

I tend to see life through a lens of 'responsibility' and not 'blame'

the ultimate responsibility for that disaster lies with the person who made the choice to take the life of others,,,

it helps when we stigmatize such actions instead of supporting them, because support of these types of things serves to give certain individuals more motivation to carry out their worst fantasies,,,

but the ultimate 'blame' is only on the person who did this not on any group he belonged to or supported, not to the president or any politician or other citizen,,,,

as decent humans, though, we should consider the fuel we light under the fuze of others when we dehumanize any demographic or minimalize their significance as fellow human beings,,,

as far as the POTUS is concerned, I will say the same as I said when people accused OBAMA of being 'divisive'

heads of state do not create division, they shine a light on the division thats already hiding in plain site,,,,

yep,as in:"The Police acted stupidly and similar Bloopers"?

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 08/14/17 01:15 PM


In your mind do you think Trump's the blame?
How so?
Was he there?

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 08/14/17 01:13 PM

Breaking! ACLU confirms that police were given stand-down order

ACLU of Virginia: "Clash between protesters and counter protesters. Police says "We'll not intervene until given command to do so.""

Soros at his old Game again!

Gene Hodge
This was all planned violence. Soros paid these people 25.00 an hour to go there and start trouble. It's all part of the Democrats plan to cause Trump trouble.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 08/14/17 12:58 PM

Maybe now China will take out Fat boy.
......and replace him with one of their Maniacs!

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 08/14/17 12:57 PM


America, check this out America, In hours after the hundreds of violent extremist showed up in the historic Virginia University town to "Unit The Right", & a speeding car slammed into counterdemonstrators. All Trump could muster was the mustiest denunciation of bigotry & violence on many sides. It was race haters were the moral equivalent of those who were objecting to them. America, can you imagine if an American president , in the immediate aftermath of a terror attack by radical Muslims held many sides. Equally responsible? What, are you kidding. Can you imagine if the president blames North Korea & South Korea equally for Kim' Jong Un's nuclear outburst?

your PEACEFUL ANTIFA-Protesters at it again!laugh

Will Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe run to a microphone and tell these protesters to “go home” and that they aren’t welcome as he, rightfully, told the Nazis and white supremacists?

Will CNN anchors be screeching for elected Democrat officials to denounce and disavow support from these violent Antifa protesters as they did to nearly every elected Republican following Saturday’s assaults in Charlottesville?

Can we stop pretending that the violence is exclusive to fringe groups on one side of these arguments?

It all remains to be seen, but so far there hasn’t been a peep from any of them.laugh

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 08/14/17 12:51 PM

More Malarkey from the ANTIFA-Fascists and BLM and the Yellow MSM-Crowd!
They were setup by the Governor,Mayor and Vice-Mayor!

the police were told by the mayor to stand down, and then he blames trump...

we should go to war with the liberals, the country would be much better off without them...

gonna happen sooner or later!

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 08/14/17 12:49 PM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Mon 08/14/17 12:50 PM
Seems China is finally getting a bit jaded about NK-Fat-boy!
putting him on a Diet?laugh

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 08/14/17 12:47 PM


America let me paint a more clear picture of this issue. In Charlottesville, Virginia a small college town a anti White Nationalist & KKK protesters rallied. When a motorist plowed his car into the Anti hate protestors. The argument is word got back at Trump & he's basically saying well the white motorist & the Protestors both was wrong. Real America like " Huh...Wait , wait , wait....! Virginia police have not yet provided a motive for the man who rammed a car into the crowd but U.S. prosecutors & the FBI have opened a civil rights investigation.

anti-Hate protestors with Bats,Bottles of Urine,Rocks,Molotov-Cocktails etc?rofl
seems we have us here another anti-Trump-Tirade!laugh

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 08/14/17 12:44 PM
More Malarkey from the ANTIFA-Fascists and BLM and the Yellow MSM-Crowd!
They were setup by the Governor,Mayor and Vice-Mayor!

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 08/14/17 02:07 AM
naw,they all dood themselves in!
Shot themselves in the Back,back of the Head,etc!noway
Usually just days before having to testify!
Could understand it happening once,but during the Life of the Clinton-Mob it was a common Occurrence.pitchfork

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 08/14/17 02:02 AM
Unite the Right had a permit to assemble, Antifa showed up and violence ensued. Even before all the facts are in, the presumption is that UTR was attacked. There's no issue here of color, just of law. If the local quilting bee had a permitted event there and then clashed with a mob of scrapbookers who showed up to protest, same deal.

Virginia's Governor, Clinton ally and former DNC Chair Terry McAuliffe, defended keeping the police out of the fray even after violence began. Secretary of Public Safety (and Virginia Democrat Party Chair) Brian Moran said "From our plan, to ensure the safety of our citizens and property, it went extremely well."

sure Terry,it went extremely well herding a few Rightists straight into the Jaws of ANTIFA!
Just hope sometime soon,you Trash will have to answer for your Divisive Actions!

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