not really do you
i am join the navy though im out of the army i do regret that i went army first but what can you do
if he knows he actually looks like dale sr and not jr
should know i been army strong and now im going to go accelerate my life
bank manager
if she really likes cartoons
profesional nascar fan
war until 2009??
were not fighting iraq in iraq we are fighting every arab that dislikes america in iraq. most of the insurgents arnt even iraq citizens. that is why i say we are fighting terrorists. so now there is a link to it due to the terrorists that are now in iraq. was there one at the beginning no there wasnt but things change. and what you dont understand is the most courageous men are the ones that will be true to their word when you swear into the military you swear to follow your orders given to you by the president and the officers appointed above you. do i agree with the reason we are in it no. but would it help if we left no. and we will always have forces in iraq from this point on. we built a us embassy there so now theres always going to be a presence in iraq
was i close with farmer
well theres a funny story laura i have but that was along time ago but i have been pulled over alot lately. but no tickets
farmer (i already did college)
a country singer
im wondering why people dont put pics of themself as main pics
war until 2009??
i agree we shouldnt of went into iraq i agree there was no reason. but you know what we are there now. we have a job to do over there and surrender is not an option. if we pull out we tell terrorists that we forgive them for 9/11 and i dont know about you all but i havnt forgave them yet. i think the country needs to grow a pair
In my pants game
she thinks my tractor (in my pants) is sexy
big rig driver
a sales person
an artist