Nope. But may be about to sometime in the early future.
Disappointed not to see a flood of numbers on this thread.
Ah well, on to the next scam. |
Men don't read. Profiles! *Buzzer* That is incorrect. (^^^^up there^^^^) Men from the forums do read profiles. Just saying. Maybe some men from the Forums do read profiles. However, there are dozens of men on Mingle2 that come and go . They do not read Profiles. I have had many contact me. No, they were not Scammers. They no Nothing of these Forums. Men who don't read the profiles but have game will achieve hook ups. Men who do read the profiles and have no game, will be instantly dismissed/ignored. Meh. Maybe that's what the younger set wants.. Me, I have no interest in a man who plays games/ has "game"... Be real, be yourself...otherwise, I wouldn't be interested. Yuh huh...... |
Women don't chase after men, unless he has the skills to initiate the chase in the first place.
Any man you're chasing already knows that he has you chasing him. |
Men don't read. Profiles! *Buzzer* That is incorrect. (^^^^up there^^^^) Men from the forums do read profiles. Just saying. Maybe some men from the Forums do read profiles. However, there are dozens of men on Mingle2 that come and go . They do not read Profiles. I have had many contact me. No, they were not Scammers. They no Nothing of these Forums. Men who don't read the profiles but have game will achieve hook ups. Men who do read the profiles and have no game, will be instantly dismissed/ignored. |
No need to be nervous, i'll show you what to do.
Men don't read. Profiles! Oh yes we do. They're just usually very bland and don't really give us anything to open up a conversation with. Besides when we message a woman regarding something on her profile, she automatically assumes that we're only pretending to share that interest with her to get down her underwear. Mentioning something on her profile almost never results in a response. |
I don't fill out my profile. If they want to know something about me, they can make the effort to message me and ask. It's dating, not a job interview. I don't need to provide a CV.
Dating versus Marriage
2 things men try to avoid in a relationship. Marriage and children. One leads to the other and before he knows it, his life is over.
guys vs girls - part 211
The ladies have been cheating, clearly. No other logical explaination can be drawn from this disaster.
At peace with myself. Nothing in life phases me.
Come on rate me
Your picture would look better in color in my view. Perhaps a little less cropped with your whole head in the picture.
Can we be friends?
I get restless in the friend zone.
Sex, CBD and having my beard stroked.
I'm not bothered about finding a woman. I just want a bloody good present this year.
Snap chat
I believe we are wsy off topic here hahaha.. sorry people I was going to suggest that you two start messaging each other, but this was entertaining to watch. If you do go to PM you should at least keep us all updated. ![]() We're just too far a part for that level of intimacy. Although i'm sure she's a lovely person. |
Snap chat
I am talking about when you message and she responds. Not wait around for hours. I send messages knowing I am not going to be around too but I let them know that. Respect is very important even on a message board and it has to go both ways. If I get a message and can't get to it until later I explain myself. But when you are sitting there and you have started a conversation and she has responded she deserves and you deserve attentiveness. True, although it's not always easy to know what to say next. It's so easy for something to be misconstrued and seen as creepy, when that was never the intention at all. Men have to think very carefully about the way they word things, because women are so quick to jump the gun and make assumptions about the slightest misunderstanding. |
Snap chat
yes it does go both ways,. So if you do not have the time to give a person your attention why start the conversation? Your life may not center around someone you just started chatting to but if you started the conversation she does deserve your attentiveness. If she doesn't then I think it is you who is not worth her time. If you need to do something while chatting let her at least know you may be slow to respond.
Just because I send someone a message, doesn't mean i'm going to sit at my laptop desk for several hours waiting for a response. Sometimes i'll leave a message knowing I won't be back for several hours. If she gets annoyed about it, then it tells me that she is clingy and impatient and not worth pursuing further. It's not just a case of women needing strong men, men need strong women as well. |
Snap chat
If she loses interest here what makes you think she wouldn't elsewhere. Once you get past the formalities then the real conversation starts. It takes a while for me to see what he is all about. I watch. Does he stay and chat back and forth or does it take him 4 minutes to answer. There are a lot of variables you have to look for and it takes more than just a few messages. Well when i'm chatting with a woman and she's taking forever to respond, I don't feel any great sense of urgency to respond back within 4 minutes. Waiting works both ways and if she's worth my time, she can afford to wait until i'm available to respond. My life doesn't center around someone i've just started chatting to. |
Snap chat
Oops haha uneven after several messages the level of trust isn't there. I don't believe all are creeps. But just as you have shown your conversation was going well then in an instant it changed. Yes, but it's a difficult balance for any man. On one hand, we can let the conversation drag on until she loses interest, or we can show her that we're assertive enough to take it to the next level. Every woman is different, so the appropriate timing varies. |