Community > Posts By > Ghostrecon
First Church of JSH
Well, you know. Society decided that the Jews should be eliminated. So I
guess I would rather take Love over killing. |
First Church of JSH
"I hope the driver knows the way the rest of us seem to not know where
hell is... " Maybe we can use Map Quest. Or a GPS? |
First Church of JSH
"Ghost public prostitution is illegal."
Why? As long as It's between two consenting adults. Who cares? |
First Church of JSH
Yeah song bird. How about a rail car too. and a highway to hell. Or is
that more like rout. 66. LOL |
First Church of JSH
Is it public transpostation?
I'ld perfer Publicprositution myself. LOL |
Temple in Israel........
Because the AntiChrist was Nero back then. That's why they used the code
666. Now the new AntiChrist is the current Pope Benedict. Here's proof. |
First Church of JSH
I was refering to him as a hun(as in the Atilla the Hun).
Now step back while I swing the turret around and blast something. |
First Church of JSH
I can only use tactical nukes. No mega ton capacity.
loads high explosive shell. fires. Yeah!! Free at last. (complete the story) |
First Church of JSH
Calm down hun.
I'm just kidding you know. LOL It's a joke. like this thread. |
First Church of JSH
Rotates turret towards kaminorisu.
Loads antichrist shell. Fires!!! Ooops. Nothing but pixie dust. Backs up really fast. Backs into a building. OOps! Try's to move forward. Nadda! Rotates turret at building. Fires!! No use. (complete the story) |
Tell me something useful!
How do you make Holy Water?
You take some regular water, then you boil the hell out of it. |
I hear that stupid song all the time at work but that big mouth *****.
" If we were brought up in a science explained
universe (godless) then people would be running around saying, Science is a myth until it can be proven. " Hey there John. Why do you think that Science and God can't co-exist? " Is this the end of what mankind has to learn?" No. Not at all. But though some religious folks, they feel that to question the bible is the road to damnation. Such as Fedman who thinks that if you question some aspect of the bible. You are somehow dispelling the idea of a God or the bible is a myth. I understand that to some folks who grew up learning certain things and then reading about that which they learned were said to be false could cause them to be upset over that issue. But my philosophy is always question what man says as far as science and religion. What gets me is that ppl are more apt to believe such stuff as religion and it's hocus pocus (I'm talking about all religions now. Not just Christians. Pagan,Wicca, buddha,Islam,etc....) And put little faith in science. Yes, science has a lot of theories but I tell you what. If we based our life solely on religion. You can guess this. We would still be living in the dark ages. Ghoast |
Oh Yeah! kaminorisu
I offten thing of Jesus as the God Farther to Judus.(use a Marlen Brando voice" I'll make him an offter he can't refuse" |
Witch you like Gurly(Ooops Sorry about the Witchy thing. LOL) Rregular
or expresso? |
So God is a cartoonist I guess. You know! The guy who creates Alt worlds
where you get your head blown off and still live. How about the wilie Coyote who falls off a cliff while trying to catch to poor roadrunner and slams into the floor below and still is able to try another stunt. Seems the same thing to me with that bible thingy. Defy the laws that God created for ones own purpose. So if God can do all that. Why can't he create a rock that he can't lift? Because we created God in our own image. |
" think God would have had to stop the whole universe in order to stop
the earth from spnning around to night time. This universe is a machine and contrained by many physics, not to mention the spiritual cogs in the wheel. If one day where missing from the earth, then where did it Go? Well my best guess is leapyear. lol " Well, near the equator, the earth's rotational velocity is around 1,000 miles per hour. In Joshua 10:12, god commands the sun to stand still. Since we all know that it is not the sun that is moving, and that the apparent movement of the sun is due to the earth's rotation, that means that god must have abruptly stopped the earth's rotation. When that happend, Joshua and all of his happy little army would have suddenly found themselves bouncing along over the surface of the earth at about 950 miles per hour, until they slammed into the nearest object. (History's worst case of 'road rash', ever.) All structures would have disintigrated, and their component parts turn into deadly missiles. All vegetation would have been uprooted. Everything would have become a deadly missile. All of the waters of the earth would have been flung up from their containments and flooded the earth. It is very unlikely that a single creature living on the surface of the earth would have survived. |
"It could quite well be that a solar eclipse occurred and thusly
would make it SEEM like the sun had stopped moving for a period of time because the moon caught it up." It would seem at that time if a solar eclipse occurred then they would have probably thought that God was blocking the sun because they were being bad somehow. So they probably would have done a lot of animal or human scarifies to appease God to lift this strange assurance. Much as they do when any natural occurrences happens. You can't assume they understood the physical laws of the the planet with the earths continental plates that would explain earth quakes. A lot of phenomena back then may have had logical explanations. But due to there lack of technology. They often assumed a deity must have caused the termors or the blocking of the sun or the rise in the water or the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah or the 12 plagues of Egypt or the Etc..... |
Anybody awake???
Oh!! Wait! I am. LOL |
Many Christians suppose the story of Joshua commanding the sun to stand
still, found in Joshua 10:12-14, means the earth's rotation stopped for a day, while the Israelite warriors finished the slaughter of their enemies, after which the earth resumed its regular rotation. The story is in the Bible, and what is in the Bible must be true, right? To question it would deny the doctrine of biblical inerrancy as taught by many Christian leaders. So they assume miracles must have occurred on that day. For the earth to suddenly stop rotating would certainly involve a major miracle. It violates the principle of conservation of angular momentum of rotating bodies, a fundamental law. The kinetic energy of a rotating body like the earth cannot just disappear; it must continue to exist; the energy needed somewhere to go. Clearly a miracle is needed, if the earth's rotation stopped, and then began again. The earth's diameter is several kilometers greater at the equator, than at the poles, because of the effects of rotation. What would maintain the equatorial bulge, if rotation stopped? The moon, also, cannot simply stop in its orbit; it would fall towards the earth. So a miracle was involved, to keep the moon up when it stopped, and for it to resume its orbital motion. The ocean waters have momentum, and if the earth's crust beneath them suddenly stopped, the waters of the oceans would overflow the eastern coasts of the continents, in mighty tidal waves traveling hundreds of km per hour. This would be a catastrophe probably greater in scale than even the world wide flood of Noah's time! Similar flooding on the western coasts would likely occur when rotation resumed. But geologic evidence for such events has not been found. The atmosphere has momentum, and if the earth's crust suddenly stopped, winds of hundreds of km per hour would cause devastation around the earth, but such drastic events do not appear to have happened, so miracles must be invoked by those who believe the story of Joshua's long day, to prevent all the widespread destruction. For the ocean waters to remain in the ocean basins would requite the miraculous suspension of the law of inertia that applies to every particle in the oceans. Similarly, if the earth's atmosphere did not keep revolving eastward when the earth stopped, countless miracles are needed; one for every single molecule of air! Lack of Confirmation of the Joshua Event in Other Scriptures If the earth's rotation was halted in Joshua's time, why would it not be mentioned in, say, the faith chapter, Hebrews 11? Either the writer of Hebrews did not know about it, or perhaps he considered the story to be untrue. There is no mention of this tale in the Psalms, either. Surely in Psalm 136, where some of the mighty works of God are listed, the stopping of the sun (or the earth's rotation) by Joshua would be mentioned, if it were true. But it is not there. The creation of the earth's crust on the second day is mentioned, the making of the great lights on the fourth day is mentioned, the Exodus is mentioned, the dividing of the Red Sea is mentioned, the victories of the Israelites are mentioned, but not the story of Joshua commanding the sun and moon to stand still! There is a possible reference to the Joshua story of the sun standing still in Habakkuk 3:11. In Genesis 8:22 God promised that "while the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." This is a promise of the future continuity of day and night, as well as of the seasons. The assumption that the earth's rotation stopped in Joshua's time implies an interruption of the continuity of the earth's rotation, which would contradict the above scripture in Genesis as well as the principle of conservation of angular momentum of the earth. The promise of God recorded in Genesis 8:22 is that the continuity of day and night, and of the seasons, would not be interrupted. It precludes even a "pause"; every day ceases when night occurs, and night regularly gives way to day. So it is the continuity of the regular sequence of day and night that forms the essence of the promise God gave in Genesis 8:22. This promise would be violated if the earth's rotation stopped when Joshua ordered the sun and moon to stand still. Is it Scripture? Because the story of Joshua telling the sun to stand still is in the Bible, does that mean it is God's word? Scripture is given by the inspiraton of God as Paul writes in 2nd Timothy 3:16. Paul was writing about the Old Testament here. In 2 Peter 3:16, Peter refers to Paul's writings as scripture too. John wrote in 1 John 2:21, "no lie is of the truth." The story about Joshua commanding the sun to stand still may be a "tall tale" which has been inserted in our present versions of the Old Testament. If so, it is not of the truth, but I don't believe that it makes God a liar. Centuries ago, some priests or scribes were unfaithful with the word of God, and inserted a "gloss" which has remained in subsequent translations. To claim that if this has occurred, it would make God a liar, makes no sense. It is itself a lie! But perhaps man's doctrines about biblical inerrancy are flawed. Scripture itself gives us plenty of reasons to reject this tale. |