Community > Posts By > kornkorn

kornkorn's photo
Sat 06/12/10 09:05 AM


Well said.

kornkorn's photo
Sat 06/12/10 08:14 AM
If I had a vagina i would probably say 7 or 8... or 2 who knows really what

kornkorn's photo
Sat 06/12/10 08:11 AM

kornkorn's photo
Sat 06/12/10 08:10 AM
Aw too bad you're not in Tucson... I am very respectful to the ladies, especially very pretty ones like yourself.
You will definitely find someone! this I'm sure of.

kornkorn's photo
Sat 06/12/10 07:54 AM

kornkorn's photo
Sat 06/12/10 06:04 AM
Tupac was gunned down
Self fulfilling prophecy
Only god can judge

kornkorn's photo
Sat 06/12/10 06:02 AM
With his claws outstretched
A tiger's hunting you down
You are his next meal

kornkorn's photo
Sat 06/12/10 05:57 AM

kornkorn's photo
Sat 06/12/10 05:50 AM
Wow I did not expect this much feedback!
Thanks everyone for your words of wisdom, I feel much better this morning and I am going make today productive, starting with taking my dog for a walk while enjoying my tobacco pipe. Then, who knows? maybe ill look for a job...maybe

kornkorn's photo
Sat 06/12/10 05:47 AM

kornkorn's photo
Sat 06/12/10 05:45 AM
Wondering why people keep ignoring me..frustrated

kornkorn's photo
Fri 06/11/10 04:47 PM
Haikus are easy to write, and a good way to get your point across, feel free to share your haikus... If im right it goes 5 syllables 7, then 5 again.

Like a caged bluejay
My soul releases itself
We all yearn to fly

kornkorn's photo
Fri 06/11/10 04:17 PM
I'm lonely, nobody likes me, popping pills like they're candy, don't have a job and too lazy to get one, afraid I'm gonna be living with my parents for the rest of my life... I understand that some people have it alot worse, I should be thankful for what i have, yada-yada... Just felt like venting...

kornkorn's photo
Fri 06/11/10 04:09 PM
Yawning yawn

kornkorn's photo
Fri 06/11/10 10:50 AM

Squirtle used water gun!

kornkorn's photo
Fri 06/11/10 09:06 AM
offtopic Can someone tell me how to put pictures on a thread?

kornkorn's photo
Fri 06/11/10 09:01 AM
Thinking about a certain sexy 31 year old woman... brokenheart

kornkorn's photo
Fri 06/11/10 08:56 AM
Lovely picture! and is that your kid? You didn't mention if you have children or not, and if you did that would be a put-off for me honestly. but I'm just a young guy so what do i know :tongue:

kornkorn's photo
Fri 06/11/10 08:51 AM
Deez nutz

kornkorn's photo
Fri 06/11/10 08:49 AM
7.3 (honestly)