Gina_The_Italian's photo
Mon 04/05/10 04:09 PM

Vorrei toccare tuo cuore Jeff :smile: smooched
i bet that sounds sexy as hell wispered..pitchfork
im still melting...someone get a shovel and pick me up....:wink:

i could whisper it to you Jeff if you needed cpr i know it :-) lol
OMG-!!!!!!! drool drool drool drool smitten now i need to be wiped off the ground totaly melted.:wink: flowers

extends my hand to you need help getting up :-) lol

Gina_The_Italian's photo
Mon 04/05/10 03:57 PM

i think my hair is nice lol didnt know men look at hair

Men LOVE hair.... they tell me alllll the time they love mine, it's strange but true LOL

lol well you look like you have great hair :-)

Thanks! I think its just that guys who like red heads REALLY like red heads (while others are just down right scared of us) LOL

lol msmyka

Gina_The_Italian's photo
Mon 04/05/10 03:54 PM
i am thinking about the butterflies i feel in my tummy :-) lol

Gina_The_Italian's photo
Mon 04/05/10 03:53 PM
the only color i can see right now is love :-)

Gina_The_Italian's photo
Mon 04/05/10 03:51 PM

You dont find love, IT FINDS YOU. You should always take a chance on it if you get one

it will happen when i least expect it...and it should be like that

Would you want it any other way? That moment when you can hear your heart beat in your ears... there is no escape... you cannot run, you cannot hide... it just happens and a rush of blood hits you like a tsunami

yes i want to feel that tsunami :-) very well put hun :-)

Gina_The_Italian's photo
Mon 04/05/10 03:50 PM

I love all the candy coated suck up answers!

Come on, it is a fact that the very first thing a guy looks at is a woman's breasts! This is after several unassociated studies were conducted and this is recognized by psychologists studying human behavior. The eyes are second.

Let us just say if a woman has a nice smile that buys points. Unfortunately attraction is based on the instinctual before the intellectual.

Dude. Seriously??

A proven fact???

Funny..they didn't ask me.

i thought my boobs were fine hmmm does this mean i need a boob job now LOL

Gina_The_Italian's photo
Mon 04/05/10 03:48 PM

i think my hair is nice lol didnt know men look at hair

Men LOVE hair.... they tell me alllll the time they love mine, it's strange but true LOL

lol well you look like you have great hair :-)

Gina_The_Italian's photo
Mon 04/05/10 03:47 PM

Vorrei toccare tuo cuore Jeff :smile: smooched
i bet that sounds sexy as hell wispered..pitchfork
im still melting...someone get a shovel and pick me up....:wink:

i could whisper it to you Jeff if you needed cpr i know it :-) lol

Gina_The_Italian's photo
Mon 04/05/10 03:36 PM

i have a new friend tongue2 hugssss to my sneaks friend

i already added you didn't i???????? dont cry babe hands you a tissuetears
lol yes...yes you
i thought you was runnin off with sneaky...:laughing: flowers

rofl laugh laugh laugh laugh no lol

Gina_The_Italian's photo
Mon 04/05/10 03:35 PM
Vorrei toccare tuo cuore Jeff :smile: smooched

Gina_The_Italian's photo
Mon 04/05/10 03:24 PM

oh Jeff don't make us come get ya lol smooched

get him sneaks i will sit here and watch you chase him around lmaoooo

Gina_The_Italian's photo
Mon 04/05/10 03:22 PM

You dont find love, IT FINDS YOU. You should always take a chance on it if you get one

it will happen when i least expect it...and it should be like that

Gina_The_Italian's photo
Mon 04/05/10 03:20 PM

i have a new friend tongue2 hugssss to my sneaks friend

i already added you didn't i???????? dont cry babe hands you a tissuetears

Gina_The_Italian's photo
Mon 04/05/10 03:17 PM

i have a new friend tongue2 hugssss to my sneaks friend
dang an i was trying to be sneaky lol

yes i see how you got that name lmaoooooooolaugh laugh

Gina_The_Italian's photo
Mon 04/05/10 03:15 PM
i still think chances are worth taking and i would take a chance on love if i found it again

Gina_The_Italian's photo
Mon 04/05/10 03:13 PM
i have a new friend tongue2 hugssss to my sneaks friend

Gina_The_Italian's photo
Mon 04/05/10 03:11 PM
just wanted to say i love you guysssssssssssssflowers :heart:

Gina_The_Italian's photo
Mon 04/05/10 03:06 PM

everyone says it gets better

It does.

But, the thing is, you have to take it upon yourself to ALLOW it to get better.

I have been in 5 LTR type deals.

4 out of those five, I have gotten cheated on.

My last relationship was over 5 years ago.

I don't 100% trust anyone.

me either i always feel the need to protect myself even more for some reason so i wont be hurt again but i do know not all men are that way

Gina_The_Italian's photo
Mon 04/05/10 03:03 PM
here is the secret for sleeping from justaguy so thank him of it works for you :-)

Ok. This will sound kinda silly at first but I PROMISE that it really does work.

1) Lie down on your back. Take several deep breaths and totally relax.

2) Close your eyes. In your mind, picture a row of green lights. Under the green lights is a row of red lights. Under the red lights is a row of switches. They can be any kind of light, and any kind of switch you want. Each green light is going to be a part of your body. Feet, legs, arms, many or as few as you want. Make sure there is a switch for your ears, and a switch for your mind. Those two are essential.

3) Starting at your feet, go down the row and turn off the switch. Do it slowly because if you go too quickly it can throw you off and cause this to not work.

4) Once you have all of your body turned off, then turn off your ears. Lastly, turn your mind off.

Like I said, I know it sounds kinda silly, but it's just a basic self hypnosis technique that I learned a long time ago. And it really does, with a little practice, work very well.

You will know you are doing it right when, once you throw the switch for your feet, you can actually feel the effect. Your feet ( and the other body parts that follow ) will feel a little different. Literally like they have been turned off.

Hope it works for you. :-)

Tim aka (justaguy)

Gina_The_Italian's photo
Mon 04/05/10 02:49 PM

ok everyone turn around im going to kidnap bedlum1
bring him back lol

do i have to bring him back grrrrrrrrrr i wanted to keep him :-(
well ya guys have to come out to air sooner or later lol

do we have too laugh

yep i said so lol

hugsssssssssssssssssss sneaks :-)

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