Community > Posts By > MedinaMan

MedinaMan's photo
Thu 11/08/07 11:04 AM
ok, hows this then- purple cat, freshmountain air...I can only guess at the sex of the poster, a colored system, even as non PC as blue boys, pink girls so I would know that clicking at this link will take me to a middle aged man with a mullet, pack of cigs rolled up in a t-shirt standing in front of a three wheeled 89 pickup?

MedinaMan's photo
Thu 11/08/07 11:01 AM
wait, huh?
Nothing is worse than hitting someones pet, but I either missed the point or something. I hit a dog in the burbs, dam if I didn't roll left stabbing the brakes only to realize the dam thing reversed, so I rolled right and heard that nauseating thump. Stopped, saw the non moving dog, felt like hell, and drove off, 10 seconds later a cop pulled me over and gave me holy hell for intentionally hitting the animal, and by now a screaming house wife has run up to my van.
Finally the cop believes me- 5 minutes of this woman yelling at me and the crap feeling of hitting the dog, off the leash- me going the speed limit, maybe 5 over.
So, I dont think every animal hit is the work of a psycho.

MedinaMan's photo
Thu 11/08/07 10:53 AM
I know already I will be beaten for this...
but, the front photo is a sexy this or that, click the link being interested and firmly believing that physical attraction is step one in a long term sexual see another attractive woman...obviously not the first one..wait...I know that face, an actress...
oof, then the real poster! I think Moe said it best Nyaaaaah!
I'd have to say I am still here, but my least like thing about this, the one of three I enjoy, there are more pirated photos than not.

MedinaMan's photo
Tue 11/06/07 10:33 AM
"sometimes a cigar is just a cigar"
Sigmund Freud bigsmile

MedinaMan's photo
Tue 11/06/07 10:32 AM
"""""Do you dress Rover in pink dresses and bows and talk baby talk to him?""""

hey, OP, dont answer that one!! laugh laugh

MedinaMan's photo
Tue 11/06/07 10:31 AM
How could anyone grow tired of "would you kiss/lick/bang/rename/hop on/kick" threads?? laugh

MedinaMan's photo
Sun 11/04/07 04:31 PM
yeah, I knew what this thread was about. Mine just left a short time ago...he's tough as nails for he's been thru this year.

MedinaMan's photo
Sun 10/28/07 10:24 AM
i just wanted to know, what you guys look at a girls profile on here, what kind of things get you interested into getting to know them better?

A smile. Smiling photos. Nothing is as potentially a headache for a long term relationship as a woman who isn't smiling in at least half of the pics. Really. You can read all kinds of things in her profile, but looking at a scowl is a turn off. Not the sexy pouting thing, but that "I'm thinking of my jerk for an ex, oh hi sailor" look laugh

Next: some line about being taken care of..what the hell??!??? "taken care of" I read that as "I wont lift a hand for the rest of my life"

Next: something like "I'm good looking...etc etc"
Well, what does that have to do with it? LOL, post a pic as beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that jazz
ok then, best to all!

MedinaMan's photo
Fri 10/26/07 06:36 AM
Your daughter loves you. Thats why she didn't SAY a thing about it!! laugh

MedinaMan's photo
Tue 10/16/07 07:33 AM
I always check Snopes.... another hoax..from 2006

MedinaMan's photo
Sat 10/13/07 07:20 PM
Worked on and off all day, slept for nearly an hour in the afternoon...just feeling nice and lazy, just me and the dogs.

MedinaMan's photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:18 AM

MedinaMan's photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:18 AM

MedinaMan's photo
Fri 10/05/07 04:36 AM
all true, such a woman makes a much better potential partner too!

MedinaMan's photo
Fri 10/05/07 04:34 AM
I thought it was pretty interesting, but something caugth my eye (besides you, glasses) Marilyn Monroe died a year before Kennedys assassination, so I did some research. snopes ripped it up pretty well.
best, Claude

MedinaMan's photo
Fri 10/05/07 04:29 AM

MedinaMan's photo
Fri 10/05/07 04:27 AM

psssst "23"

MedinaMan's photo
Fri 10/05/07 04:25 AM
Pabst beer laugh laugh

MedinaMan's photo
Fri 10/05/07 03:41 AM
Dam fine day stacking up already.
Looked out the bedroom window at five AM, nothing but stars.
Sky is starting to lighten up out east, 60 some degrees.
Dam fine day indeed. Blessings on all.


MedinaMan's photo
Fri 10/05/07 02:59 AM
Mexican Soap opera=drama
interweb forums=not drama