Community > Posts By > Muddysneakers77
Say something Nice,
Zep is MORE than just Stairway to Heaven
Do Guys Just Wanna have Fun?
I know it goes against all things women think about us guys...but I prefer romance > sex.
I have no reason to lie, Im on a interent site |
The person below me
likes to wrestle naked in bed with your signifcant other |
The person below me
finds the peanut butter and jelly in a sigle jar sucks |
if you could change
Id make it so that women found shorter guys sexier than taller men.
Im so tired of hearing women say, when they are describing the perfect (physical) man....they ALWAYS say at the start, 'Tall' |
God do i hate the 'STORE-BOUGHT' wings
DIACF Detroit!! |
The person below me
dosent wear socks when trying on footware
Fable 2
Fable was a decent game....not as long/indepth as I had hoped..but, I spend alot of my free time playing MMO's
Age of Conan keeps me busy atm...least until Warhammer comes out |
Wendy's combo #6, I simply would marry that spicey chicken if she would have me
there is a great tasting brand called 'Muddysneakers'
god, now where have I heard that name before |
sponge bob
"Im happy, Im happy, Im happy, Im happy......."
I got a niece and nephew that whenever they are over my apt thats ALL they watch...Ive seen that episode were he says the above quote sooooo much |
Dogs & Cats
Cats > dogs
fuel prices
Americas energy crisis cannot be solved simply by drilling in 'our own backyard'--even if that did take place (and as an environmental consultant)--it takes roughly 4+ years preperation to harvest the petroleum. Not to mention that the US doses not nearly have enough 'estimated' reserved to feed our gas-guzzling needs. And finally, the areas in North America where these 'proposed' reserves are thought to be, are all on 'semi' (and I use the term loosely) protected reserves.
The only solution is more development in clean/renewalbe energy. Stop treating the 'symptoms' of our needs---its simply a bandaid on a wound that needs stitches. It sickens me that the oil companies have and will not release the rights on cars that can be run on things....ohhh, such as WATER. |
Tongue sucking...
i do that it!
Why are men so
<--- prefers experience over purity
<-- met someone on here and its working out decently
perception vs. reality
I believe in sterotypes for the most part..they are 90% right on in my book--and for the few times when I am wrong--Im man enough to admit it.
I personally would of classified you as a biker/farmboy just by your looks..and when youve proven me wrong...Id think otherwise As for me, Ive been accused of alot of things and I enjoy the sterotypes--I know otherwise. |
Shallow yet Gratifying
<--- call me
women can be just as bad yea some of them are even worse! i just wish there was a nice guy in my area... it seems all we have are drunken idiots i gave up on the bar scene to meet women along time ago--my type of women dont hang out in bars--I prefer the type of women that are alone in a coffee shop/Barnes n Noble brains = very sexy in my book have you looked up okeechobee on a map.. lol if you read my profile youll see im def not the club bar type.. im a nerdy girl lol |
women can be just as bad yea some of them are even worse! i just wish there was a nice guy in my area... it seems all we have are drunken idiots i gave up on the bar scene to meet women along time ago--my type of women dont hang out in bars--I prefer the type of women that are alone in a coffee shop/Barnes n Noble |