Community > Posts By > killer2befree

killer2befree's photo
Fri 03/21/08 10:32 PM
The Email i got yesterday was real weird cause they said that they where from some goverment agency and they needed all my information so that they could talk to me and contact me. I think if some goverment agency wants to talk to me they will show up at my door step not email me.

killer2befree's photo
Fri 03/21/08 10:25 PM
Thanks for all the help i have been getting about one a day. Thank god i never sent them any Info they asked for.

killer2befree's photo
Fri 03/21/08 10:20 PM
Dear Friend

I am Dr. Abubakar Usman, the Special Adviser on
Financial Matters to the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
I am writing you with connection to matters of funds
transfer that you are expecting from Nigeria. My office is in receipt
of a Financial Intelligence Report from our Anti Fraud Unit alleging
that your re dealing with a suspecting fraud syndicate who are in the
process of extorting you under the false guise of facilitating transfer
your funds from Nigeria. Please accept this as a fraud alert.

As at the time of writing, two members of this fraud
ring have been arrested by our security operatives, and they have
made useful confessional statements that have prompted me to
personally contact you from the official website of my office.
According to the
arrested culprits, there is another set of persons who you are also
with who are posing as your local partners and attorneys. One of these
names was given as Mr. David.

I have instructed the Anti Fraud Unit to intensify
investigation into this matter and report back to me as soon as
possible, so that I can take a decisive action to either terminate your
transfer or initiate proper and authoritative means to write the funds
directly to your bank account without recourse the any unauthorized
fee or charges as being demanded from you by these suspects. Please be
warned not to have any further dealing with both parties until I
to you who of them is authentic or criminal.

Meanwhile, to assist me in taking a decision on my
next line of action as soon as the comprehensive investigation report
received from the anti fraud unit, I will require you to furnish me
with the following information:

1. Your Full Name.
2. Amount of Funds you are expecting from Nigeria.
3. Source of the Funds.
4. Names and Telephone or Email contacts of Persons
and Institutions you have dealing with.
5. If you have sent any funds to any one and how much
and for what purpose.
6. Any general information that may be useful in
assisting me to redirect your transfer proper without the
complication of both parties being investigated.

You are assured that any information supplied will be
treated with absolute confidentiality, and it will not affect
eventual transfer of your funds to your bank account because you have a
claim in our records, and as such you do not even need any of
these local partners or attorneys to receive your funds. But be warned
that I will not hesitate to cancel your transfer out rightly if you
fail to
supply me with honest information or if you expose this development
to either party, thereby compromising my effort to properly redirect
your transfer without involvement of any other local third parties.

Mind you, these suspect and their syndicate are under
full monitoring and there telephone and emails are under the radial
of the anti fraud unit, so any attempt by you to preempt any of them of
this development will be intercepted by the anti fraud unit. Again, I
assure you that you have a good claim and do not need the involvement
assistance of any of these local parties to receive your transfer.
Rather their further involvement will only complicate issues for you.
are warned, please send me the information requested above and I will
instruct you further on how your transfer will be sent to your account
without any fee or charges.

You can reach me through my private email
Thank you.
Abubakar Usman.
Special Adviser to President.

killer2befree's photo
Thu 03/20/08 11:21 PM
as far as i know it's killer says brandy we're useing the same computer thats why im on here too. and we're just friends

killer2befree's photo
Thu 03/20/08 11:08 PM
i would have to bet on the weed

killer2befree's photo
Thu 03/20/08 11:02 PM
you're welcome that wasnt killer who posted this by the way it was a lady named brandy still turning you on?

killer2befree's photo
Thu 03/20/08 10:59 PM
Sorry it looked like a lady to me LOL

killer2befree's photo
Thu 03/20/08 10:56 PM
Hell no dont need drug money just need some love up in this place

killer2befree's photo
Thu 03/20/08 10:54 PM
sorry no arms but i got the chicken soup

killer2befree's photo
Thu 03/20/08 10:50 PM
letting go can be the hardest thing anyone can do

killer2befree's photo
Thu 03/20/08 10:47 PM
realy i hope age does not matter

killer2befree's photo
Thu 03/20/08 10:46 PM
The problem is that people ask for lust not love nowdays but hey looking for real love you will find it one day

killer2befree's photo
Thu 03/20/08 10:45 PM
Good night come back with more jokes enjoy them people while you can JK Just drunk

killer2befree's photo
Thu 03/20/08 10:41 PM
i was here and now im' gone i leave my name to turn you on.

Brandy L. B

killers g friend lol not really

killer2befree's photo
Thu 03/20/08 10:38 PM
Screw the cat as long as i get good toast than iam good

killer2befree's photo
Thu 03/20/08 10:37 PM
Welcome to JSH you will like it trust me not only that get involeved sorry dont know how to spell anyways enjoy your time here and no its not prison

killer2befree's photo
Thu 03/20/08 10:24 PM
I can do anything but not willing to do anything cause if they are willing to give it up that easy just think how bad that **** stinks lol

killer2befree's photo
Thu 03/20/08 10:21 PM
I want someone real not just looking for a lay cause anyone can do that

killer2befree's photo
Thu 03/20/08 10:16 PM
Want to get laid post it in your profile that way i dont email you

killer2befree's photo
Thu 03/20/08 09:04 PM
Everyone is my favorite person