Community > Posts By > soundedmind
Am I pretty?
Of course you are!
What are the signs...
in the very beginning of a relationship, that the guy is a cheat... If the guy is breathing then that's usually a pretty good sign right there. oh come on now there are lots of guys that dont cheat Must be the ones that don't like fat chicks. |
What are the signs...
in the very beginning of a relationship, that the guy is a cheat... If the guy is breathing then that's usually a pretty good sign right there. |
Yeah. Cause I usually don't love the person I am sleeping with. And that would make me a liar.
you complain too much...I decided. ' |
My dog farted
did it make your eyes water? Haha. Ummm... no. No watering. Just the sound. No smell. |
My dog farted
And I actually heard it. I've never heard a dog fart. I thought that it wasn't possible... lack of buttcheeks and all...
What would you rather have
The replay button...
The other options would just mean that I've learned nothing. |
What to do with "ex" stuff?
My last girlfriend and I were exceptionally close to each other, despite the couple thousand miles distance between us. So of course one of the ways we kept in touch (besides lots of phone calls, IMs, and webcam conversations ) was to send each other little doodads from where we lived, T-shirts and trinkets from where we both lived and such. She got me a Pismo Beach, CA keychain that blinks my name when it sees sunlight that I use as a zipper tug on the front pocket of my laptop bag, I got her a vintage tee from Slinger Superspeeday in Slinger, WI (she's just as big a motorhead as I am), stuff like that. Well, now that she's gone and I'm trying to move on, I keep seeing her gifts everywhere and it brings me down. I'm trying to decide if I should put most if not all of it in a shoebox and bury it in the back corner of my closet, or what? I don't wanna toss it, we still try to stay friends. I dunno I think that the shoebox idea is a great idea. Out of sight, out of mind. But you don't have to throw your memories away either. Good memories shouldn't be thrown away. Like... ever. |
When your in love
Oh yeah....
But we live. We learn, Never again... I hope. |
The Good.....
Always outweighs the bad. Do you believe in this statement? (If you cannot answer with this alone and want an example, look below) A friend is there for you all your life. Then one day (just one time) is not there. You get upset. Do you let them go? I have seen this many of times, one day of dark, and the earth curses the heavens, regardless of the many days of light. (So to speak) It depends on why the friend wasn't there. But someone that has been there all your life must love you enough to put up with your crap that long. I wouldn't hurt to do the same courtesy. People skrew up. It's life. |
WHO THE HELL..... IS ACTUALLY UP THIS LATE??????? Seems to be a regular thing for me these days... |
does it make men feel
WEll it's not always the man.
They say that a lot of women are very hard to please. And insecurity plays a big role. AND some women just don't get into it. When I was married I've actually made shopping lists in my head before. Just seemed like the thing to do. |
Deep fried green beans...
.... are the SH*T! Every tried it? You should. I have tried them they are great I wish I knew it before! I could have been eating them the whole time! |
Deep fried green beans...
Does that mean their good,do you like them? I am loving these things. |
Deep fried green beans...
.... are the SH*T!
Every tried it? You should. |
When I grow up...
I wanted to be a forensic pathologist......
do you really
Depends on how often he brushes his teeth.
has a really really hairy back.
I'm sorry! I just can't stand it! |
Is it better to suck or to blow?
You know... As far as attitudes go. |