Community > Posts By > Peccy

Peccy's photo
Tue 10/15/13 03:53 PM
My understanding is Xerox has a clause in the EBT contract stating that if there's a problem like this, that they are supposed to shut it down. That's what other companies did.

But like the people with EBT cards didn't know, that should be considered theft right there in my opinion.

Peccy's photo
Mon 10/14/13 06:41 PM
Hiya Leigh!!!

Oh gosh, when will this two party bickering end? MsH, you never seem to focus on the lies that Obama has told, why is that? I think it was 2008 when he said "Raising the debt ceiling shows a lack of leadership/" I rest my case. And yes, I was there, well I heard the BS speech like everyone else watching TV.

Peccy's photo
Mon 10/14/13 10:07 AM

so, right now,employee plan is 124 every two weeks on a 20000 salary

I cam make more than twice that much in the future (50000) and get an equivalent plan for only 60 dollars more (182)

Ill risk the difference,,,,so others who couldn't get insurance before can now,,, that's the patriot in me I guess,,,,
The patriot in you? . . . lol

Peccy's photo
Sun 10/13/13 08:31 PM
I'll simply pay the fine. If it gets to a point where buying insurance will be cheaper than paying the fine, I'll do that. I doubt Obamacare will last long when all the liberals who still believe it's free find out how much it's going to cost.

Peccy's photo
Fri 10/11/13 08:17 PM

Yesterday I turned on CNN and I was FLOORED!!! All three commentators were bashing Obama for putting politics over the good of the country.

omg, there are at least 3 pundits who don't support OBamas refusal to be bullied into delaying the reform that is already LAW?


shock and awe!!

Last I heard, laws aren't chiseled in stone for eternity, they can be overturned. You act like because it's law it can never be changed. Ever hear of amendment?

Peccy's photo
Fri 10/11/13 08:06 PM
I would have to say I agree with this, only the person going through it knows the pain and it shouldn't be some bureaucrat that decides.

Peccy's photo
Fri 10/11/13 07:57 PM
Edited by Peccy on Fri 10/11/13 07:59 PM

Obama supporters should rounded up and have hot peppers shoved up their *****, then they can have obamacare make it all better.
I guess asking a direct question to some means you give a indirect answer.

Ask me if I care!
Nope why waste time asking.., The display of your flag shows ones credence.
The choice of an icon does not make the person or show their credence. That flag is a symbol of heritage not hate.

I have ancestors that believed in what they fought for when they screamed the rebel yell. You must be a democrat who thinks it's history we should forget about? Why is it only the Yankees who want to do that, I mean you won. Just remember, I'll use an old adage "Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it." And with this administration, it looks as if we are headed for something far worse.

Oh, I have an American flag displayed behind me, what's that say?

Peccy's photo
Wed 10/09/13 04:03 PM
Sounds to me as if the Demoncrats won't budge, I guess when Barry draws a line against the Republicant's, he means it. Unlike the line he drew..... nevermind.

Obamacare is going to cost, lets say 2 trillion to implement (and no I am not quoting a source, because THERY'RE not biased are they) We are 17 trillion in debt. The US brings in like 250 some billion in taxes each month and the interest payment in our debt is like 20 billion. Something doesn't add up and it's this created problem. Do your own math people.

One of the reasons I stopped hanging around here, in one breath people say how left or right the media is and not to trust them, and in the very next they want a credible source. So I said screw it, I'm not left. I'm not right. I'm an American. That means some things Obama has done are ok, and some are terrible. But you know as well as I, Obama is not to really to blame, he's merely a puppet doing as he's told like so many others before him.

Peccy's photo
Mon 09/30/13 03:45 PM

I guess that makes Cavuto a liberal

CASE IN POINT, he used no statistics, fact, or logic,,,lol
True Harmony, but he spoke with one thing BOTH parties lack... a little common sense. And no I'm not either party, I'm the one who sits back and laughs when you try and defend Obama at every turn. I also laugh at the Republicans, so don't take it personally.

Peccy's photo
Sun 09/29/13 09:43 AM
Edited by Peccy on Sun 09/29/13 09:45 AM

Obamacare will work. There will definitely be people unhappy with it, but there will be millions who are seriously helped and the vast majority of Americans who won't be affected at all. Then, in a couple years, most people will find it funny that Republicans were so scared of it.
Republicans aren't the only ones who are scared of it. Libertarians are terrified as well. Answer me this, if it's such a great plan, then why are doctors opting out? Heck even congress is exempt from it. I could go on and on about the massive list of companies that are exempt, but it will make no difference.

Peccy's photo
Wed 09/25/13 03:47 PM

I am currently paying out of pocket $707 per month for single coverage in Arizona for a Blue Cross plan.....That's almost $8,500 per year.

It's going to be interesting to see what I can buy a plan for on October 1st.

I am thinking I am going to be saving some $$$

oh yeah I can't wait! Longer lines and mediocre care! But I get sick maybe once every few years. Last time was because of a flu shot!

Peccy's photo
Wed 09/25/13 12:16 PM

That's National Average

yea, i read that article on yahoo a few hours ago... and from the thousands of replies, it doesn't seem very popular...
Ya' think?

Peccy's photo
Wed 09/25/13 12:07 PM
Edited by Peccy on Wed 09/25/13 12:18 PM
That's National Average. Health Insurance Marketplace Premiums for 2014 Databook is available on the Internet at:

Peccy's photo
Wed 09/25/13 11:41 AM
Edited by Peccy on Wed 09/25/13 11:42 AM

Peccy's photo
Wed 09/25/13 11:35 AM
That graph looks almost like, dare I say it... a cycle? Shows you that with a little prestige and money, someone can easily mislead the sheep and make millions off it.

Peccy's photo
Tue 09/24/13 12:29 PM

Quiet about what exactly? There has been so much flood coverage here. The only thing I heard about is the crazy Repubs trying to shut down the government again but that doesn't surprise me from them, it is nothing but the same.
It's Bush's Fault! Has nothing to do with the fact that Obama has spent spent spent .... Maybe the government needs to shut down for awhile.

Peccy's photo
Tue 09/24/13 11:01 AM
Interesting - excuses from the far left and venom from the far right. I really expected as much!

Peccy's photo
Tue 09/24/13 10:43 AM
then why are the liberals touting facts like there is? you just stated, "... ,,its about the culture, and as someone else said 'poverty' also mental illness and greed play factors,,,"

Peccy's photo
Mon 09/23/13 08:08 PM
all has gotten quiet in the media and DC except for the distraction in Kenya............thoughts?

Peccy's photo
Mon 09/23/13 03:13 PM
Edited by Peccy on Mon 09/23/13 03:13 PM

Muslim Brotherhood Leader Al-Shater Has Information That Will Land Barack Obama in Jail - See more at:

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