Community > Posts By > Jc316jc

Jc316jc's photo
Fri 06/22/07 09:50 PM
really found love love in this site?

Jc316jc's photo
Fri 06/22/07 09:49 PM
oops posted it wrong

Jc316jc's photo
Fri 06/22/07 09:49 PM
has any one really found love in this site?

Jc316jc's photo
Fri 06/22/07 11:09 AM
god was asking this siruusly but seem to be a topic for the joke forum
... i have been with a women only one women i met her 10 years ago over
the internet n was with her all this time till she desided to cheet my
dad died when i was 15 years old so i could never ask him how to do this
things. so no i have never been on a date thats y i asked

Jc316jc's photo
Fri 06/22/07 11:04 AM
i asked about this to n they told me to just use sites like this, i
havnt pay for a site yet but i have had does try out memberships. i get
lots of flirts but only one was flirt back n fort and then the site said
u reash the limit of flirts w/ this person so they stop

Jc316jc's photo
Fri 06/22/07 10:57 AM
just posted mine today

Jc316jc's photo
Fri 06/22/07 09:21 AM
hi n welcome

Jc316jc's photo
Fri 06/22/07 09:19 AM

Jc316jc's photo
Thu 06/21/07 09:16 PM
how a shy person like me can start a conversation with a stranger (a
women)? in person

Jc316jc's photo
Thu 06/21/07 08:44 PM

Jc316jc's photo
Thu 06/21/07 08:21 PM

Jc316jc's photo
Thu 06/21/07 08:19 PM
my opinion thirs a mr right, but not a mr perfect, no one is perfect

Jc316jc's photo
Thu 06/21/07 11:12 AM

Jc316jc's photo
Thu 06/21/07 10:26 AM
i tryed to write something sinse i use this id in dif sites so we could
talk but the site didnt alowed my entry so i cldnt do it (like in my
essy part thing)

Jc316jc's photo
Thu 06/21/07 10:19 AM
thir was this lady she had a dog namend witoutballs one day the dog gos
crazy and starts barking at this man and the lady starts yealling leave
him witoutballs leave him witoutballs

Jc316jc's photo
Thu 06/21/07 10:10 AM
got my ged in 1998

Jc316jc's photo
Thu 06/21/07 10:10 AM
i checked my email yesturday w/o anyhope like always but thir was a
massege from some one of a dating site wish i just have a free try out
membership, she send me a flirt i send one back n she flirt back, flirt
is something u dont type u just select what the website puts thir,
should i go ahed n get a pay subscription so i can talk to this person,
or will it be a waste of money?
flirts wher i would like to talk to u if any one is wondering

Jc316jc's photo
Thu 06/21/07 09:00 AM
i asked about somethings , n idk if i was missunderstood or not, but i
feel i came across as a jerk, n wasnt my intention.
i dnt know if this would explane a lil or justifie me but this is y i
talk alot about my self and sorry if that buther anyone. bouth my
parents are dead i would always talk to my mom about this things was
really close w/ her, i tried to talk with my sis n she told me i am dead
to you. and since this happend i have flight half way around the world
but came here cuz of my daughter to be close to her but my ex actitude
changed when i got here may b cuz her new b/f. in other words i feel
lonly, n i dnt know what to do. so if u want me to stop posting in the
site i would gladly delete the acc. i was just trying to excape.

Jc316jc's photo
Thu 06/21/07 08:37 AM
just would like to meet people here start a frienship or something

Jc316jc's photo
Thu 06/21/07 08:29 AM