True but I believe you can't go fishing without throwing your line out, very rarely does the fish jump in your boat I will say it happens but you have to agree it's rare fish? why do we have to be fish,,,,? ![]() ![]() It seemed like the perfect reference |
True but I believe you can't go fishing without throwing your line out, very rarely does the fish jump in your boat I will say it happens but you have to agree it's rare
It will work out I guess you getting married in Vegas means I can still marry you in Canada and get my passport
Got a Date Or Not !!
I think it should be called Cupid's day I am sure there is some sort of love holiday that the Greeks and Romans had where all the men bought there woman crap to stimulate the economy. |
Cookie(Kiss) I told you , you just need your tall glass of milk
We are the Alpha Sex we must exert and show confidence and go get ours...that's the way it is my old timer brother So I am supposed to drape on a bear skin, club the other guy in the head and drag the woman off grunting? I'm confident I can get girls that way! ![]() Yes my friend that is what I like to call going cave man pick up style Or there is going Spartan too that's even better The fact is a woman likes confidence so if you be confident and engage a woman you see and like she will respond, |
I will go into a sobbing rage ahahaha
We are the Alpha Sex we must exert and show confidence and go get ours...that's the way it is my old timer brother
I am going to be THAT guy that objects to this union lol
Look I have been to Quwait when I was in the Air Force I have many friends in the military still that are over there as I write this,
We signed up knowingly what we were getting ourselves into it is a volunteer force. A lot of us wanted to go to war a lot of us were to young to know what we wanted lol but I enjoyed my deployment and I have some friends that have enjoyed it. The fact is even though I don't like the military or the reason why were over there, I served and got out ASAP but the military started my future gave me a couple trades and life experiences I dont want to ever forget, so this topic is kind of a slap in the face really. Don't question out judgment for signing up and the US government will do what they will do and there will be eager troops ready for the task, some troops get in not knowing what they truly signed up for and it is a shame but those troops are not the voice of us all |
Egypt Burns
China's biggest threat is its own people. I have many friends in Shanghai and they are very content with their lives although I know Shanghai is it's own culture and most of my friends are in University or graduated, I know some have been exposed and grown up with propaganda but that being said they talk with westerners and are exposed to different views and they still love their country |
Egypt Burns
I have been to Taiwan it is great place and not so culturally different in fact Taiwan is more tied to their roots but they are kinda like Japan they are balancing modernism with their ancient ties
But China's biggest threat is not the US if you do a little research the biggest rival in the world 5 years from now will not be USA vs China it will be USA vs India America is slowly fading back and the government is trying to hold on to being the #1 country but I find that are grasp on that spot is slowly slipping and we are about to get passed up fast as a nation. China has done a lot of bad things in the past following WWII like Tibet but they have to look out for their own and I support that whether they are inciting chaos I doubt that they are not a fan of extremism I know that much |
Egypt Burns
Egypt is slowly descending into anarchy. Right now they are in a strange teetering where on one side they regain order and the other they fall completely into all out anarchy. Their military will have to step in. Chances the ruling body will allow more representation in his court if the military still backs him. A small concession can go along way. BUT likewise the people may want him to completely step down and if he has military backing this will lead to blood shed on a large scale. Bear in mind Egypt is largely Coptic Christian with some Islam but likewise some of the old religions still prevail as well. There are active temples to the gods in Egypt. Once Anarchy happens then Christian and Islam will clash HARD! Order will be much harder to restore. Now thankfully Egypt is a civilized nation and have been expressing social anger but so far the violence has been minimal in comparison. Likewise Egypt is not rolling tanks over crowds of people. You can bet money China is paying to incite some of the unrest there too! Too bad something like this doesn't happen to the Ayatollahs in Iran! Why is China involved in this can you explain what connection you have to make that statement? |
Palestine or Israel
What do you know me and Spider agree on something
Am I attractive enough?
haha I gotchya bro graduation party your fruit will be all ripe then
No Extra pound change that to curvy voluptuous wonder lol
weak makes sense though I dont want a woman stronger than me lol weak and strong have many definitions depending on what your referring too I am thinking you mean weak in the body sense and not as a person? I want a Strong willed woman but I like small petite woman who may look weak physically but has a fiery side haha |
Egypt Burns
All I see is a bright future for China their relations with Taiwan are getting better and if they can manage to manage resources then were looking at the new strongest country in 5 years, some argue(and I am one of them)that china is the strongest now.
Mao did a lot of things but I don't know if a democracy is what is best for 1.6 billion people to be honest. I am blessed to be able to do what I want but and have had the freedom to see the world but people in China have those same rights if they can find a way to afford it. Back to Egypt if the president doesn't resign you think this is going to only get worst? |
A lot of great gals on here I have met one in the Philippines when I was there I travel a lot so it's hard to meet people on here b/c all the cool people live in random places. But there are for sure cool people bro be open minded man
Egypt Burns
Adventure I was talking specifically when in the Congo a democratic leader was elected but he was anti west , so the CIA had him killed and put in a dictator that supported the west.
But China is more socialist then you think , they are making great strides they left Hong Kong and Macao the way they were when the colonies were turned under Chinese control, China is experimenting with democracy in smaller regions and growing fast and coming in strong in this modern world and China is making great relations with Africa because there is so much untapped resources there that China needs for its close to 2 billion people in these next decades, so expect to see Africa change a lot in these coming years and invest a lot and set up more military presences in Africa nations |