The Reason..
Messiah came that you may know, experience and enjoy the God kind of life and have that life in abundance, to the full, till it overflows.
I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10b |
What is your identity in Him (Christ)?
He lived the life I could'nt live. He lived for me. When we were born under Adams seed we were guilty of sin. Under Christ seed we are guilty of being sin free! Before that I went through my judgement. It looks to God that I am living the perfect life. If God gives you a seat it's an Eternal Seat. Reign in life IN HIM. I'm putting down lack, want, need, desparation, fear, sickness,disease, my past and not good enough. There are no thou shall not. Don't bother judging me, I am already judged. God sees His(CHRIST)life not mines. I have lived a perfect life in Christ Jesus. If sin is being exposed it aint sin? All this is for those who see themselves as In Him as the righteousness of God. (Warning this is not for the religious mindset). |
New Identity In Him
The identity a Believer walks in, will either cause people to follow them or flee from them. The world is looking for winners.
In Him Realities day4...
The Spirit of Truth develops my conformity to and with my Lord,
so that I become His, grow into Him and take on His ways, so that I can manifest His presence in the earth. |
In Him realities day3
His Word to me, allows me to function in the realm of my "new man"
empowerment, by saying about me, what He has said about me. |
In Him reality day2....
I became a natural man, by my physical birth, but now, I have become a spiriual man by my new birth.
I am born again through faith in the Anointed Redeemer. I was formerly limited to physical ability in the realm of phystcal existence. But now, as a new creation in Him, I am empowered with spiritual might from the realm of God's grace. Through the renewing of my mind, and thought patterns, with the "it is written" promises of my New Covenant, I become one with Him. |
In Him Realities.....
I am the righteousness of God, in Christ Jesus the Lord.
How God Sees You------
Salvation is just the entrance door to walking in Him (Christ) the Anointed One our Messiah and Redeemer. When Christ was seated we were in Him seated too! So that means whatever Christ is we are and we can walk in it today.
if some of you read the one on righteous is not the same as forgiven,
if u take the time to read it slowly about at least 10 times it will start to resonate with your spirit! u would start to gain revelation from it and u could start walking it in your walk with God. |
How God Sees You------
I have a question? Now think about it before you answer it.
If before the death, burial and resurrection why do most christians and religious people believe that the power of God was more powerful then, then after the cross they tend to believe that the power of sin is more powerful then Jesus paying the price for our redemption? |
small beginnings....
cloud watchig
Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you. |
2Corinthians 5:17-19
:17 Therefore, if anyone is in union with Christ, he is a new person altogether, his old life has passed away, behold, a new life has begun. :18 It is all the doing of the God who has reconciled us (Believers) to Himself, through Christ and has given us, the service (ministry)of reconciliation, :19 what I mean by this is, that God was, in the person of Christ Jesus, reconciling the world to Himself, no longer holding men's misdeeds against them, but has entrusted to us (Believers) the Word (message) of reconciliation. The first example of righteousness, the state of being in right- standing with and before God, is seen in the life of Abraham. A review of Romans 3&4 will open a window of understanding the very real distinction, between having past sins forgiven and having sin period, removed from a Believer's life. Romans 3:20-28 No human creature can become acceptable in His sight by observing the law, all the law can do is make men conscious of sin. :21 But now God's way of giving men rightstanding with Himself has come to light; a way without connection to the law, through the law, though the law and the Prophets gave witness to it :22 it is God's own way of giving men rightstanding with Himself. (God's way of justification and righteousness for man) which comes through faith (believing in, trusting on) in Jesus Christ, to all and upon all who believe, no distinction is made, :23 for everyone has sinned, and everyone is unworthy of the divine splendor (the glorious likeness of God) :24 but now anyone can receive rightstanding with God as a free gift of His grace, coming through the ransom (purchased price) which is paid in Christ Jesus. :25 For God set Him before the world, to be, by the shedding of His Blood, a way of reconciliation through faith, thereby to manifest the righteousness of God; for in His forbearance, cleansed man of his former sins :26 with a plan to demonstrate His righteousness in this present time, that He might be both righteous and the way of righteousness to those who put faith in, rely on and trust in Jesus. :27 Then what is there to brag about doing in order to earn salvation, boasting has been ruled out, excluded, not by the application of law, not by doing works, but by the law of faith. :28 Understanding this, we see that man is saved (redeemed, justified) by faith in Christ and not by the good things he does or which law demands. 4:1 What, then, can we say that our forefather Abraham gained through keeping fleshly ordinances? :2 For if he had been pronounced righteous as a result of what ht did (works), then he would have something to boast about. But from God's point of view, Abraham had no basis for pride. :3 How does the scripture put it? Abraham believed (put faith in, trusted on) God, and that is why God blotted out his sin and declared him to be righteous. :4 Now if a man works for his reward, it is paid to him as a debt owed, and not counted as a grace gift. :5 But, if, without any good works to his credit, a man simply puts his faith in Him who acquits the guilty, his faith is regarded by God as righteousness (rightstanding, justification). :6 In precisely the same way, David speaks of the blessing placed on the man whom God declares righteous when it has nothing to do with his actions (works, deeds). :7 Blessed are those whose wrong-doings have been forgiven and whose sins are wiped away (cleansed). :8 Happy, blessed, highly favored, is the man whose sin the Lord does not charge against him. :9...for we say, Abraham's faith was credited to him as rightstanding, righteous before God. :16 That is why rightstanding is credited on the basis of faith, so that the promise might be guaranteed to all Abraham's seed (descendants) not merely to those descendants who rely on the law, but to those who rely on and trust in a faith like that of Abraham, who is the father of us all (law keepers and faith receivers). Abraham learned trust in what God said, he grew in faith as he witnessed God give life to the dead, and calls into existence the things that do not exist. Though flesh and natural circumstances gave Abraham no grounds to hope, he laid hold of a higher level of hope by putting faith in God and so he became the father of many people groups, in fulfillment of what God said, countless will be your descendants. Though he was nearly a hundred years old, he did not allow his faith to be weakened, even when he thought about how worn out his body was and how Sarah was well past bearing children. It was believing that God would do, exactly what He said He would do, that sustained Abraham and brought God's favor. Abraham was righteous through what he believed, not because of good deeds or a good life. Faith in God's Word made Abraham righteous, not what he did or did not do in his human behavior. Righteousness, the state or position of being in rightstanding with God, is not the product of anything man can do, by way of good deeds, good works or good living, or even abstinence from doing certain things. Salvation is a faith act, in which a person believes God and His gospel, receives its truth as their own personal truth and becomes clothed with His righteousness. For it is by grace (God's free gift of favor) that you are saved and faith is the instrument of that salvation. It does not result from your action, works or deeds, it is the gift God gives. It is not the result of what anyone can do, so that no one can brag about what they did. (Ephesians 2) It is all about God. God is all, He is in all and nothing exists outside Him. (John 1:3,1 Corinthians 15:28) Righteousness is His domain and no one can make themselves righteous by what actions they take or refrain from. It must also be noted that no one can maintain a place of right- standing by what they do or do not do. It is all of faith and not works. Man cannot add to or take from a sovereign work of God's great grace and love. Righteousness before God, believe it, receive it, rejoice in it. It came at a price greater than you can pay. It is an eternal gift. It is all of Him, it is His work for those who would believe Him and be changed by His work for them, in them and through them, to the world. |
think about it........
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.
think about it........
There is no right way to do the wrong thing.
think about it........
....What we do not understand we do not possess.
think about it........
The future depends on what we do in the present.
Because many Believers have never been exposed to the true meaning of
"imputed righteousness", they remain weak in their ability to receive from God in many areas of their lives. Guilt and condemnation are extremely powerful faith defeaters. When a person does not know they are free by grace, they approach the promises of God with an innate sense of unworthiness. Many people experience salvation, few however experience the benefits of being righteous before God. To be righteous is to have the God of all creation decree that, through faith in the finished work of our Anointed Redeemer, sin no longer has place in us. We are free by His decree, judged to be, in rightstanding before God. The Apostle Paul points out some points of great interest in understanding the vast difference between being forgiven for past deeds and being righteous before God. Hebrews 10:1,2 The old system of Jewish laws gave only a dim, shadowy foretaste of the good things (benefits)that would come to the Believer, who puts faith in Christ. Because the law was not the true form of these realities, the law could never, by these same sacrifices which they offered continually, year by year, give complete freedom from sin, to those who drew near. Otherwise, they would surely have ceased to be offered, because the worshippers having been once purged from sin, they would no longer have any guilt or consciousness of sin. In the above passage from Hebrews, the issue of sin is approached from two very separate and distinct perspectives. By coming to an understanding of what Paul was presenting concerning the law approach to sins and the grace gift approach to sin itself, will bring life changing liberation. Paul states that under the Old Covenant system Hebrew law, sacrifices were offered year by year to cover sins by physical acts. The law of obedience or consequences provided a way to cover or atone for past sins or previously committed acts of disobedience. Sacrifices were offered year after year, but sin itself was not dealt with, only the past acts of sin. The annual sacrifices did not defeat sin. They did not win a victory over sin. They did not liberate man from sin. The sacrifices could never pay the ransom price to buy back mankind from the authority of sin. Atonement, or covering, for sins previously committed was not sufficient. Man needed redemption from sin. Man needed a Redeemer, Anointed of God, to settle the issue of sin, "once and for all." Sins past, the law could deal with. Sins present, and sins future, were beyond the ability of the law and its sacrifices for wrongs committed. Paul compared the work of the law to continually cover sins previously committed, and the work of the sinless Blood of the Lamb of God, to defeat sin and its author, through the eternal sacrifice. The Old Covenant yearly sacrifices were limited to covering the penalty, which would result from any past sins, past deeds or failures of the flesh. They had to be offered continually year after year, to atone for the new crop of sins that had been committed during the previous year. A new sacrifice was required each year, because, weak flesh would fail to live up to the law. Weak flesh would fail God's righteous requirements again and again. No flesh can glory (manifest) in the sight of God. But, in the New Covenant provision, a spiritual sacrifice would do what a physical sacrifice could never accomplish. The spiritual sacrifice would "destroy the power of sin." In this powerful distinction between what the law could accomplish and what the Eternal Sacrifice could accomplish, Paul puts his finger on the key difference. Paul states that if keeping the law of God, doing good deeds and offering sacrifices for past deeds, was enough to make man right with God, then once sin was covered, man would never need another sacrifice for sin. What the law provided for, was much of what most people call repentance for past wrongs. They were covered, forgiven, each year for past deeds, but sin itself was not defeated. Paul said if covering sins was enough, then they could have stopped offering sacrifices. This reveals the true power of the Eternal Sacrifice, that settles sin for the Believer, not just forgives the sinners past deeds. In the New Covenant, there was a spiritual, eternal sacrifice offered, to fulfill the law, pay sins debt, and set man free. Not a continual process, time and time again, but a finsished work. One sacrifice, for all men, for all time, for all sin, past, present, future. An eternal sacrifice to defeat sin, not just cover past sins. If Messiah's triumph only covered past deeds, then each time a person, having been purged, failed God again, they would need another sacrifice, since the sacrifice they received at salvation only covered them for the period up to salvation. When Paul states,"there remains no more sacrifice" and the context pictures, no more sacrifices to be offered for what is already covered. Could he be revealing to people of religious mindset, people who were accustomed to yearly sacrifices for their latest crop of sins, that, that system no longer was in place? If the sin question has been dealt a death blow, by the eternal sacrifice, then there is no need to address it again and again. Not because man will will not be weak and fail God. But because the Blood of the Lamb cleanses from all sin and once the Blood is received through faith, the Blood does for man, what the "weakness of flesh," could never do. The Blood puts sin eternally under the Believer's feet. The sacrfices of the law only went backwards from the moment of sacrifice, because it did not defeat, it covered. The sacrifice of the Eternal Lamb of God cleanses from all sin, not from all past sin. This is why it was once for all (all people, all sin, all time) and not a process to be repeated each year or with each failure of man. From Hebrews 13:8 we see our Lord presented as the same, eternally changeless, yesterday, today and forever. If He was your Savior, He is your Savior, and He will always be your Savior for all eternity. He does not change. If you do not walk away from Him, reject Him or deny Him, He will never leave you, or forsake you, not until it is all over. If He was your Redeemer, He is your Redeemer, He will always be your Redeemer. Your flesh cannot do it, His Blood has, can, and will do it for you. |
Righteous by Birth
Jehovah, Lord of Hosts, had a plan for man, before there was a man
to mess it up. His plan centered around a new species of being that would be introduced into the earth. The need for this new race of people could not be seen in the natural, since the race that would precede it, and through failure of the first species of being, necessitate the second,"perfected" species of beings to replace it, in fulfilling the Father's plan for the nations and the ages. Isaiah 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times [the things] that are not [yet] done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: Daddy God who knows all, knew the fallen angel Lucifer was a deceiver. He had deceived angels into following him in his treason. Daddy knew Lucifer would trick Adam, in an attempt to derail God's plan for creation, before there was an Adam. Since our Great God not only knew the way things would turn out, before they even began, He laid some traps for the evil one. Daddy set laws in effect that had hidden potential, and which Lucifer could not resist. Revelation 13:8c ...the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Our all Wise Lord wrapped His plan for reversing the effect of Satan's evil trick on Adam, in a mystery. The God,"who knows what we have need of, even before we ask,"made"a way of escape," before there was a need for it. 1 Corinthians 2:8 Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known [it], they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. The plan was simple; God put a natural law into effect, in the natural earth, that would provide a spiritual answer for a sin problem. The law of reproduction was a secret element in the plan of God. Genesis 1:24 (KJV) And God said, Let the earth bring forth living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. The Great Creator left the door open for a race of people to be brought forth in the earth. But since God had stopped planting in the earth when He made everything perfect, complete, unalterable and the course of nature was set in place, in perpetuity, He needed someone else, "with authority in the earth,"to plant a "seed" that would reproduce "after his own kind." Before Adam was tricked into handing authority over to Satan, God had a plan in play for Satan to use his stolen authority to seal his own doom. Yes, after the duping of Adam and his fall from grace, Satan had authority in and over the earth. Luke 4:5,6 ...and the devil, led Messiah up to a high place and in a moment of time, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world. And the devil said unto Him, I will give you all this "domain" and its glory, for it has been handed over to me, and I can give it to anyone I please. Some religious people argue that the devil did not actually have such authority, but if he did not have it, the Messiah could not have been "tempted" by his offering of it. Adam had all rule and dominion over creation in his realm of authority. When he fell for Lucifer's trick, Adam lost his authority to Lucifer. Lucifer planned to lay a trap of reason for Adam, but God, who knows all and sees all, laid a trap that would cause Satan to give it back, to the "Second Adam", which would, restore Original Intent. The gift of dominion and rule God had given, would be given back, untarnished by combat or assualt. Divine resolution comes not by force, but by strategy of the Spirit. "Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit, sayeth the Lord." God spoke the first prophesy of this coming Redeemer to Eve, to release the prophetic dynamic. And I will put enmity between you (Satan) and the woman (Mary), and between your "seed" (fallen man) and her seed (Messiah). Women are not known for their seed, in the natural realm, but in Mary's case, she is quoted as saying,"Be it unto me according to thy word," and the seed is the word God sows, normally into the mind and heart of the hearer, but in Mary's case, into her belly. She became pregnant with the Word of God and gave birth to the Word of God, for Messiah was one with the word. What occurred in Mary was the act of turning on the faucet, as it were. The word states,"out of your belly shall flow raging torrents of water," enough water (of the Word) to wash away the sins of all mankind, in the person of our Messiah, the Anointed Redeemer. "Thinking outside God's box" |
Thoughts on Righteousness
Righteousness is a free gift of God's grace to whosoever will.
Being in right standing with God or righteous before God, is like getting to cash someone else's paycheck. Righteousness is God's plan for you to deposit Messiah's earnings into your personal account, to be drawn on at will. Righteousness is a position before God, not a performance to be pursued. Righteousness is a promotion that comes from the Lord. He takes you away from what you deserve and positions you into His approval. One might say, righteousness is like being lifted out of one's base reality and being placed into Messiah's realm of royal approval. Righteousness brings liberation to the Believer's thinking and empowers their ability to believe for greater things. Righteousness lets a former looser openly and freely enter the winner's circle of triumph. |