I will never ever give up on you the way you did to me....
"How Am I Suppose To Live Without You",then?
You never give up,no matter how difficult i can be at times....
You respect...
You have valued my being....
I have never been this certain at this point in my life...
My HEART adored you.
note to self
Nts: You have positively evolved into a much better person,tad domesticated and gradually learning to trust once again.
My homemade Pesto Pasta with roasted Bacon Bits and Cheddar Cheese toppings.
No regrets,you are worth every risk.
You can tell if someone is into you.You can feel the strong chemistry.
note to self
Ntf: The next time you join Zumba session,girl,make sure to warm up just a little.Now,feeling some soreness around the hips!
Kyushu Flavored Lay's Potato Chips.
Richard Sanderson's Reality.
What are you doing? - part 5
Fixing a tiny kitten carrier as well as checking out some meds stuff for our FurReal's latest addition,lovely baby kittens, Summer and Sami.
The good ones never comes easy but it is absolutely worth it.
Oh lalahhhh lalahhh yum! yum!