Community > Posts By > SuzinVA

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Wed 09/30/09 06:18 AM
We're all going to die alone, you can't take them with you.

Seriously, good luck flowerforyou

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Wed 09/30/09 06:16 AM

Nice guys go great with fava beans & a nice Chianti...

rofl rofl

I could use a good chianti about now, already a rough morning ohwell

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Wed 09/30/09 06:08 AM
How do you know they're bad? Seriously, unless you are with a couple 24/7/365, you have NO idea what the relationship really is.

I get so tired of these threads. Another "nice" guy frustrated frustrated slaphead

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Wed 09/30/09 03:54 AM
Congrats (((Izzie)))

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Wed 09/30/09 02:26 AM

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Wed 09/30/09 02:25 AM
Congrats Izzie flowerforyou flowers

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Wed 09/30/09 02:24 AM

I have been to SeaTac airport twice this month, does that count??? And downtown Seattle (okay, only about 3 hours away from me) -- so I am not a world traveler. grumble noway

But, I am signed up for the Mingle Cruise next year, so that will be a major trip!!!! surprised scared

:banana: :banana: :banana:

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Tue 09/29/09 12:14 PM

take for example i was with a girl and i did everything cooked,cleaned,worked,got everything for her and all she had to do was ask am i wrong in wanting to wait on the women i am with or should it be the other way around??

i mean i understand the meet in the middle concept but what im saying is does it make the relationship better if the guys shows more effort in the relationship or not
It's not a competition.

i dont mean to make acompetition of it i am just wondering for every relaionship i have been in i have done everything for the women and yet they always seem to cheat on me with someone that they wind up waiting on

No woman likes a doormat, which is dangerously how you sound.

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Tue 09/29/09 07:43 AM

Well, the big day came and went. I didn't see any press about, but I wasn't looking for any either.

Anyone know if Hellfire and Brimstone rained down on them?
Did the Earth open up and swallow them?
Did it get rained out?

I guess 'God' didn't answer some peoples prayers.
But he did answer others.

Were the prayers of the faithful Christians weak? Without merit?
It was 'decreed' it was supposed to be 'established'

Maybe 'God' displayed his displeasure by punishing innocent people in the Philippines with the worst typhoon in many years.?
Oh wait, they are %80 percent Catholic, maybe thats why.

Why didn't 'God' stop, disrupt, destroy this event?

Well, I live here in the DC area and while I was not on Capitol Hill that day, I can assure you that no hellfire and brimstone rained down, the Mall did not open up and swallow anyone and while it did rain in a lot of places around here, it wasn't bad enough to call it a day. Our government is still being led by a bunch of incompetent idiots who wouldn't know common sense if they got whomped in the head by the Koran. In other words, business as usual and people made mountains out of molehills.

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Tue 09/29/09 07:04 AM
What the heck, I'll throw my 2 cents in. It's me of course because, well, why not? laugh laugh

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Tue 09/29/09 06:25 AM

that's right!laugh i'm hoping the right woman will come along here on mingle! but i have also talked to so women on here that's been very fake!:smile:

Romee, the right woman is not going to make you happy. Only you can do that. The right women will enhance your happiness and the wrong woman won't take away from your happiness, so long as you're right with yourself.

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Tue 09/29/09 06:23 AM

All them Libs who are complaining about Husseins plan best watch out or you could find yourself on his Terrorist List.scared

I probably am already anyway laugh laugh flowerforyou

I proly get reported on a daily basis.:angel:

We both sound like we're so worried rofl rofl

Frankly, if there is a list and I'm on it because I say what I think, well, then so be it. Rather go down speaking out than go down silently.

no photo
Tue 09/29/09 06:13 AM

All them Libs who are complaining about Husseins plan best watch out or you could find yourself on his Terrorist List.scared

I probably am already anyway laugh laugh flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 09/29/09 06:13 AM

that's right and like the saying what goes around comes around thank you SuzinVA you have been a big help!flowers flowers

Exactly. Just remember, everyone will create their own karma, it tends to come back to you if you try to "help" someone else's along laugh

I'm glad I could help flowerforyou

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Tue 09/29/09 06:02 AM

not on my part for me i did everything for this woman! she contacted me first on myspace she was all over me! alway's complimented me she's a german woman i went by myself to germany to visit her last year she alway's said she loved me! missed me everything i said it to i don't know what went wrong? she said she had high depression and she was doing drugs she said she had to go to rehab she said she needed some time to get better! well she told me she loves me and that she would stay in touch well she lied big time that was 6 months ago! i never heard from her since plus i saw she took me off her friends list! i mean no dear john letter nothing i'm just in the dark confused hartbroken everyday i never cheated i'm in pain everyday! i tried talking to a few women on here but but they talk crap to. no caliing or they just be nuts to for me i have no trust in women at least maybe on day someone could prove me wrong!:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: mad mad mad mad frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

You're mistake is thinking you have no responsibility in this. You participated in the relationship, you chose to be in the relationship, you chose to have a ldr with a woman you didn't know, who had drug and depression issues. These were all YOUR choices. I'm not saying you deserved to have this happen to you. But you do bear some responsibility. And what you learn from that will serve you well in the future. Playing the victim and blaming everything on someone else for YOUR choices will not get you anything but more heartache. Take responsibility for you and your life and your choices, see where you could have done things differently and LEARN. Then move on.

that's true! but don't you think that person should have atleast shown me some respect by ateast sending me a dear john letter or something? we were talking for 3 years she was my first the person could have been lying about the depression and rehab just to get away i wish i knew what went wrong it makes me feel like unwanted garbage!frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

Yes, she should have, it would have been the right thing to do. However, you seem incredibly angry and resentful that she didn't (understandable). What you need to understand is that you have no control over another's actions, the ONLY thing you have control over is yourself and how you choose to react. Yes, it hurts, I'm sure. But she didn't show any responsibility during your relationship, so why you would expect different NOW, well that's you imposing your expectations and standards of behavior on her. And trust me, that NEVER works. She is who she is, as you are who you are. Expecting either one of you to change for someone else is unrealistic, unhealthy and a waste of time.

Accept that she is who she is, she did what she did and you cannot change it. Only then can you begin the process of moving forward, hopefully wiser, stronger and better able to see people for who they are, not who you think they should be or want them to be.

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Tue 09/29/09 05:40 AM

One of the most unhealthy things sold in the North of England is deep fried mars bar which is dipped in Batter mix and then deep fried

This just reminded me of that

We here in America have to decided that deep fried butter, that's right I said deep fried butter is a good idea at fairs!!!

No we have not! laugh laugh When I first heard of it, I gagged. As have most people I know drinker drinker

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Tue 09/29/09 05:37 AM

not on my part for me i did everything for this woman! she contacted me first on myspace she was all over me! alway's complimented me she's a german woman i went by myself to germany to visit her last year she alway's said she loved me! missed me everything i said it to i don't know what went wrong? she said she had high depression and she was doing drugs she said she had to go to rehab she said she needed some time to get better! well she told me she loves me and that she would stay in touch well she lied big time that was 6 months ago! i never heard from her since plus i saw she took me off her friends list! i mean no dear john letter nothing i'm just in the dark confused hartbroken everyday i never cheated i'm in pain everyday! i tried talking to a few women on here but but they talk crap to. no caliing or they just be nuts to for me i have no trust in women at least maybe on day someone could prove me wrong!:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: mad mad mad mad frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

You're mistake is thinking you have no responsibility in this. You participated in the relationship, you chose to be in the relationship, you chose to have a ldr with a woman you didn't know, who had drug and depression issues. These were all YOUR choices. I'm not saying you deserved to have this happen to you. But you do bear some responsibility. And what you learn from that will serve you well in the future. Playing the victim and blaming everything on someone else for YOUR choices will not get you anything but more heartache. Take responsibility for you and your life and your choices, see where you could have done things differently and LEARN. Then move on.

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Tue 09/29/09 04:00 AM
My son went from 1st to 5th grade in a school with a "year round" schedule. Many parents were against it first, only took a year to get them to see the advantages of such a schedule. Standardized test scores, individual grades, behavior problems, etc all improved significantly after only one year. For working parents (selfishly, I admit), it's a godsend. It was win-win for everyone. There are several elementary schools that were in the program, the results were the same. They were planning on trying it in the middle and high schools but due to budget cuts, those plans were put on hold.

I'm all for it.

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Tue 09/29/09 03:13 AM

I think it definitely helps you grow and become stronger , although it also makes you less trusting. :tongue:

Therin lies the devil amd the deep blue sea, yes we do become stronger, and we do become less trusting, but does that mean we become jaded, bitter, a little piece of our heart has died? This is a tough nut to crack.
I think a little wiser and a little less gullible.

I totally agree, with that, but what my conscience struggles with is that how do I know that next beautiful woman won't betray me like my ex? You know, that doubt, that pain, that betrayal that itches in the back of your brain? I'm a very forgiving, peaceful, loving man, but I do have feelings, and I don't want to be hurt again. But then again, life is a craps game, sometimes you hit it, sometimes you lose.

If you still feel that, they you are not ready to start over again. Really, how fair would it be to dump that on some innocent woman? Take whatever time you need to really move on before you start looking. flowerforyou

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Tue 09/29/09 03:11 AM

I think it definitely helps you grow and become stronger , although it also makes you less trusting. :tongue:

Therin lies the devil amd the deep blue sea, yes we do become stronger, and we do become less trusting, but does that mean we become jaded, bitter, a little piece of our heart has died? This is a tough nut to crack.

That only happens if you allow it. How you react to the betrayal is your choice and your responsibility. If you choose to become less trusting, jaded, bitter, well, that's on you. flowerforyou

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