Community > Posts By > cookieie

cookieie's photo
Fri 10/20/06 07:47 AM
T, you gotta let the caffine take hold of the brain cells before you
assume no one has an opinion on this one.
Haters are not worth my time. thats negativity and I elect to eliminate
that from my life.
snitches are only to be feared if you are doing something worth being
one of their targets.

cookieie's photo
Fri 10/20/06 07:23 AM
woman= hard act to follow

cookieie's photo
Thu 10/19/06 04:48 PM
Cookie saw that.
I am flattered at just the mention of my name. you guys made my day.
Taino, sounds like your starting a harem. I hope you have a really good
Shadow, can I pet your kitty? by the way, theres beer in the fridge.

cookieie's photo
Wed 10/18/06 07:34 PM
This ones not stupid, but scarry and never should have happened.
It was 1984. I was 8 months pregnant with my second son and my first
one was just under 2 yrs old, in his car seat in the back seat of my old
cutlass. White, black top, with 3 wide stripes, blue, black and gray
across the trunk, hood and sides. Driving home about 9pm I was pulled
over and guns pulled. I was told to get out of the car. You can
imagine I was in a panic. This happened in california is the worst area
of a small town. Around about the time so called officers were pulling
women off the freeways and raping them. The officer told me to walk
away from the car, I told him "NO. My baby is in the back seat." He
again told me to walk away from the car. Another officer came along and
settled the situation down. Turned out a WHITE car was suspected of a
drive by shooting in the area I had just left. But no where in the
description did it say the car had wide stripes and was driven by a
pregnant woman and a baby.

cookieie's photo
Wed 10/18/06 08:05 AM
fun= beer
I dont know but for some reason thats what came to mind.

cookieie's photo
Wed 10/18/06 05:32 AM
Skippy... creamy

thats the great thing about america... I dont have to choose between
just the two options presented to me.

cookieie's photo
Tue 10/17/06 10:28 AM
I dont seem to have a problem deleting email, my problem today is that
ALL my emails are gone. I want them back.

cookieie's photo
Mon 10/16/06 11:56 AM
If the end of the world did come and you had some notice what would you
do? where would you go? home to the kids and family or to the nearest

cookieie's photo
Mon 10/16/06 11:51 AM
I think God knew I'd have a bad memory in my old age... my kids B-days
go as follows... 9-10
12-2 12-2

cookieie's photo
Sun 10/15/06 09:09 PM
That was interesting. It only took 6 pages for this to develop a plot.
Just dont think you're gonna get away with this kinda thing again there

I'm out. night

cookieie's photo
Sun 10/15/06 08:53 PM
Isnt there a law or something that says you have the right to protect
whats yours??
Somewhere in that law does it define HOW you can or can not protect
And, further more, at that crucial moment of protecting whats yours are
you thinking about the fine print??

shut up Cookieie

cookieie's photo
Sun 10/15/06 08:44 PM
It just shows the stupidity of some people who think they are above the
laws we all follow.
J, that was a good one.
My son is in prison for saving a 14 yr old girl from getting raped. HIS
crime, kicking the scum back nearly to death. and He is sharing a cell
with the drug dealer who reported that he got robbed.

cookieie's photo
Sun 10/15/06 08:33 PM
T, I believe it was the right thing to do. I am sure you'd kick
yourself later if you didnt and found out she didnt fare so well.

King, You heard about the drug dealer who got robbed and reported it??

cookieie's photo
Sun 10/15/06 08:24 PM
SexyLady, I am curious to know, are you waiting for a plot to develope
here as well??

cookieie's photo
Sun 10/15/06 08:22 PM
Terrance, I believe this fear of some to call the cops is why so many
get away with this kind of abuse.
I also believe that we all have the right to stand up and fight for our
lives and if we cant do it, God bless the ones who will do it for us.

cookieie's photo
Sun 10/15/06 08:17 PM
IT IS?? I mean getting interesting. We are all over the board of
topics. clue me in. which one should I be paying attention to??

cookieie's photo
Sun 10/15/06 08:10 PM
Terrance, you posted that somewhere else but you didnt give any details.
You say he tried... I guess we can be grateful he didnt succeed.

cookieie's photo
Sun 10/15/06 08:04 PM
Are you saying that this is going to be the longest running thread with
no substance??

cookieie's photo
Sun 10/15/06 07:58 PM
I am apparently in some kinda mood... I never post this much at once.
I think it has something to do with this thread having no plot, no focus
point. I live in a state of confusion. If this suddenly has a theme,
I'm out.

cookieie's photo
Sun 10/15/06 07:52 PM
I know an 11 year old boy who likes that stuff and doesnt realize the
scent came over on the mayflower.