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22 Reasons to Vote For Trump
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Sat 11/05/16 03:25 AM
I prefer sticking to her documented work and experience record than biased nitpicking about negative interpretations of unproven allegations Me too, especially everything she has done for women and children! ![]() FACT CHECK 100% sourced and verified quotes. This is what Hillary has done for the benefit of women and children ![]() Hillary Clinton has consistently trashed, attacked and harassed the countless women Bill Clinton raped and brutalized. ![]() Hillary Clinton tells close former aide Dick Morris what she REALLY thinks of her supporters. ![]() Hillary Clinton suggests Ambassador Stevens’ death was his fault. (Ambassador Stevens requested increased security over 300 times). ![]() Hillary Clinton declares all out war on the 2nd Amendment. The really nice thing about Hillary is her rational always reasonable explanations ![]() ![]() ![]() Who can argue with the power of shrug reasoning? Surely not me. Yes just look at that record! Just look what she has already done for women and children alone, just imagine all the wonderful things she can do for the rest of us as pres! OMG! All we are is tools for her personal 'unjust enrichment' ![]() |
22 Reasons to Vote For Trump
yes, and Hillary is a very experienced well seasoned.. liar people at that level,,(hers and his) usually are... but she happens to also be experienced in other RELEVANT experience and skills Clinton Syndicate-Skills? yeh but look what she has done for women and children! ![]() Everyone wants their sons and daughters to grow up to be just like the Clintons! The envy of America! |
'Lolita' express? OMG
and these are the people that stand up on the podium, moralize and make laws? ![]() |
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Thu 11/03/16 08:40 AM
a very dangerous narcissistic and violence loving rich boy with the potential 'finger on the button' I see an absolute nightmare yeh compared to a psychopath, and that is an improvement how? Get to know the clinical Sociopath known as Hillary Clinton a little better. These are 100% sourced and verified quotes. This is what Hillary has done for the benefit of women and children ![]() Hillary Clinton has consistently trashed, attacked and harassed the countless women Bill Clinton raped and brutalized. Hillary Clinton tells close former aide Dick Morris what she REALLY thinks of her supporters. ![]() ![]() Hillary Clinton suggests Ambassador Stevens’ death was his fault. (Ambassador Stevens requested increased security over 300 times). You will get exactly that in a hillary administration. Several quotes I could not post because this board does not allow her 4 letter expletives. |
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Thu 11/03/16 08:49 AM
Hitlers Joseph Goebbels Propaganda Tactics updated for the internet.
So peeps when you see Hillary apologists you can presume they are getting paid to post favorably for Hillary and its all fake opinions bought and paid for by the Hillary camp! Like Hillary. ![]() Dissident punishment squads waiting in the wings! Hillary Clinton camp now paying online trolls to attack anyone who disparages her online Clinton SuperPac Admits to Paying Internet Trolls BUSTED: Pro-Clinton Super PAC Caught Spending $1 Million on Social Media Trolls Hillary Clinton’s Million Dollar Professional Internet Troll Army Hillary PAC Spends $1 Million to ‘Correct’ Commenters on Reddit and Facebook A former paid “Internet troll” for Clinton speaks out: It was “nasty” and “left a very bad taste” (UPDATED) Astroturfing launched by the Clinton camp, IS real and is confirmed – Correct the Record, a Clinton Super PAC entity, has launched to the tune of a million dollars Barrier Breakers 2016, a digital social media pushback movement to combat Bernie Sanders supporters, and on its own website confirms that it “currently combats online political harassment, having already addressed more than 5,000 individuals who have personally attacked Secretary Clinton on Twitter.” In the world of Hillary dissident freedom of speech is: political harassment (a crime) |
They watch our opinions like a hawk and calculate what they can 'get away with'. Its been and will continue to be a constant progression. During the dubya years everything was shelved under 'incompetence' and the idea dubya was a bumbling idiot when nothing could be further from the truth, so he got away with it.
Today with HRC its all about PC and voting for her because Trump hurt someones witto feewings, (the height of shallow), combined with demands for unreasonable non-deductive proofs. "I didnt do it, noboday saw me do it, cant prove a thing"
Bart Simpson We are being bombarded by completely unreasonable people who demand ready made judicial decisions against HRC before they are willing to accept the volumes of damning evidence. Its all a facade to pretend that we are not capable or qualified to look at the evidence and conclude she is a criminal. The guv is supposed to be by and for the people not against them. HRC should run on "Its my turn, 4 years of escalating scandals" These professional politicians play on and spin what ever works, whatever they can use to slip the wool over the eyes of the people while they are in and cant be touched, does not matter that it takes the country down sewer in the process. |
Politics as usual, (both republicans and democrats) have turned this nation into a 3rd world banana republic, with boarded up buildings and foreclosed housing on every block, and the destruction of the foundations of our law.
Trump resonates with the real problems and needs of the people which can only be fixed by starting with and holding our public trustees accountable to the oath they swore when entering office. They are the trustees and exist to serve us, not we to make them filthy rich while we are put out on the street and standing in soup lines resulting from ongoing policies that are 'designed' to fail. Trump despite his mostly superficial shortcomings at least offers a glimmer of hope in contrast to bought and paid for HRC who insists we jump from the frying pan further into the fire. We may never again see anyone with enough money to run for president without first selling their soul entirely to the devil. |
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Wed 11/02/16 02:54 AM
I have talked about the endless list of reasons to run from Hillary, but why do so many people like Trump? |
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Wed 11/02/16 12:02 AM
from the link: Dr. Ben Carson could not go five minutes on the presidential campaign trail without attacking “political correctness” as the source of all evil and as a secular-socialist stratagem for silencing the Folks by shaming them.
obviously an educated man ![]() |
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Tue 11/01/16 11:50 PM
[T]he Trump supporter might be best understood as someone who recognizes the lesser of two evils, someone who is sick and tired of the near boundless corruption in our guvmint today, that hillary and her ilk stand for. |
I would rather be right, than to be politically correct. there is no such thing as politically correct. there is conformance to some political policy however. |
truth , when listening or reading opinions,, is subjective agreed, thats why i added "my personal opinion" as a point there... come on you guys, truth is always 'fact', though fact is not always truth and truth is never subjecteive. |
well I am confused, how can decent human beings justify voting for the likes of hillary?
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Tue 11/01/16 10:25 PM
22 Reasons to Vote For Trump
yeh, thats what the clintons are all about, money and power, and anytbing they do is geared to obtain more money and more power. Look at those servers, taking all her dirty dealing off record, then destroying evidence under congressional subpoena, us commoners would get tossed in jail and the keys lost. What the rest of the world is looking at, if she gets voted in is our complete lack of morals in this country, that people would actually vote for the likes of her in the first place. who ever is the most british wins the elections, and hillary is the most british in this election.
22 Reasons to Vote For Trump
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Tue 11/01/16 09:23 PM
but the Feds have knocked on Trumps door nearly a couple hundred times actually does it bother you to beat your wife? (thats called a loaded question because it assumes a truth thats not proven) but to the point,, no more than it bothers me for them to OWE anything to anyone who has supported them,, like voters,, i don't know, i see no proof of that.. but i do know they haven't knocked on trumps door while he's been running for prez... and you wont because it does not exist. However when it come to crooked hillary and her partner in crime that is a completely different story. Our school system which is nothin more than public indoctrination centers fail to teach so much as the fundamental principles and importance of law. Clinton takes an oath of office, and every oath offiice carries with it not only the duty to uphold the constitution (which you can wipe your ***** with now days), but also fiduciary duties as 'trustees' of the public trust. If you look back in the formative years of the union that was the the highest concern, and today through years of cancerous corruption, no one has ever heard of it. As much as I hate that genocidal mass murdering scumbag churchill he did get one thing right. ![]() That said; lies and deception from Hillary respecting her actions while on the public payroll is a crime, while a lie from private citizen trump is quite meaningless. The very sad part is that I have had attorneys on the other side of the isle lie through their teeth, even demanded judicial notice and the equally corrupt judges do not do their duty and sanction them. The moral of the story is the whole system is corrupt beyond recognition and Hillary supporters knowingly and willfully are going to attempt to elect a criminal for the big chair and expect she will improve the state of the union. ![]() ![]() |
22 Reasons to Vote For Trump
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Tue 11/01/16 08:37 PM
does it bother you to beat your wife? (thats called a loaded question because it assumes a truth thats not proven) It would definitely bother me if you beat my wife. (and the court bursts out in laughter, judge gets pissed and asks the attorney to rephrase *and do a better job loading the next question*. lol ![]() |
22 Reasons to Vote For Trump
I said both have 'lied' ,by the common use of the word Yeah, which means if they lied.. they are liars.. about as common usage as it gets. you are a liar or you are not.. simple as that. So, if Hillary has lied, as you stated. How do you know when she is lying and when she is telling the truth? If you are a liar.. none of your words can be trusted. very true all of it. Good post. not to single out any particular member, however for example, if a poster made a statement, and posted a citation to validate the statement, then when examining the citation only to discover the citation does not validate the statement the poster made, a court would conclude was a lie with intent to lie. |
22 Reasons to Vote For Trump
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Tue 11/01/16 12:22 AM
yes, I comprehend that Trump called Hillary brilliant and said she would make a great president,,, around the same time that OBama was disparaging her record but we will pick and/choose which of last elections statements are relevant today,, i suppose if this: [Trump] "said she would make a great president" is in reference to the link posted, its a lie, as no such thing is said in that clip nor the following clip. Further more that whole video was trump pointing out her shitty record. ![]() the 4 year menu with hillary: ![]() |
I just want the 72 virgins!!!!
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