Community > Posts By > don306

don306's photo
Tue 02/02/10 05:40 PM
gw was in the national guard as i recall
alot of people in the guard never went to war
and a lot that thought they never would wanted out when it came time to go
wanted the benies without taking the risk
so i ask again, did you serve?
and what does serving have to do with bill orielly?

don306's photo
Tue 02/02/10 05:37 PM
hey pat
whats up
i'm bouncing between here ans politics and current events, some guy over there dont like bill orielly.
its entertaining
by the way the stuffed chicken was good

don306's photo
Tue 02/02/10 05:31 PM
who was supposed to serve and hid behind their daddy
like i said you dont have to watch fox if you dont like what the folks there have to say
did you serve since that seems to be important to you?

don306's photo
Tue 02/02/10 05:26 PM
war is what it is
oreilly isnt sending anyone to war. neither is any reporter
whats your point
as fox says, we report you decide

don306's photo
Tue 02/02/10 05:06 PM
its so funny
all news is paid for by somebody
even on the net, people gotta eat
i dont believe most politicians served in the military
you have to take in what numerous reporters say and make up your own mind thats why you have one
i spent 20 years in the air force but you dont want me reporting the news or making laws
oh yea, unlike alot of places i've been in the world, if you dont like a reporter you dont have watch them

don306's photo
Tue 02/02/10 03:17 PM
anyone home

don306's photo
Tue 02/02/10 10:49 AM
anybody shows up i'm around just got a movie on
i'll be checking in

don306's photo
Tue 02/02/10 09:38 AM
well be safe
see ya when you get back

don306's photo
Tue 02/02/10 09:35 AM
you must live in a small town far out
you better get everything you need!!!

don306's photo
Tue 02/02/10 09:29 AM
you right how far is town
i got kroger a block away. guess thats why i just walk there if i only need a couple of things
and the bank is about 2 1/2 blocks
guess thats all i really need for now

don306's photo
Tue 02/02/10 09:21 AM
well its not really polishing. just cleaning the brown burnt stuff off the bottoms that don't come off with just washing

don306's photo
Tue 02/02/10 09:02 AM
i hear that!!!!!
well i finished polishing another pan and starting another
must be bored!!!!

don306's photo
Tue 02/02/10 08:26 AM
sounds good

don306's photo
Tue 02/02/10 08:20 AM
your right
theres lots of possiblities
ragu sounds good, i like it. slice up some sausage links and cook some noodles

don306's photo
Tue 02/02/10 08:08 AM
hell im debating going to the store for the chops
need to finish the chicken breast before i cook anything else
may slice them up and have chicken fajitas for dinner and finish off the paste
then tomorrow i can do the store
who knows, its early

don306's photo
Tue 02/02/10 07:21 AM
its all good
have a good nap
it'll give me time to finish a few things around here
check back later

don306's photo
Tue 02/02/10 07:11 AM
k probably wouldnt bring me down that far but i respect your wishes

the pans are ok, i dont do them that often and im taking my time
do a little, come back up to the office have a smoke and then do a little more

don306's photo
Tue 02/02/10 06:56 AM
Edited by don306 on Tue 02/02/10 06:58 AM
morning myss
i do them by hand. it'd take several days to fill the dish washer
and i'm cleaniing up the bottom of my stainless steel pans with braso
figured youd be at work this morning
how goes your day

don306's photo
Tue 02/02/10 06:38 AM
iran's sounding like it wants a beat down

don306's photo
Tue 02/02/10 06:35 AM
does chops and eggs does sound good!!!
morning, unfortunately guess i'll have to stick to coffee this morning star
whats on your agenda for today
i'm doing the kitchen right now.
just do dishes once a day, cant see doing them all day long
gotta run to the store later