Community > Posts By > ATbdsm2000

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Sat 11/14/15 11:07 PM
It is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay tooooooooooo early. For me, Christmas starts the night of Thanksgiving with the music, and on 12-1 for everything else. Anything else is entirely too early.

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Sat 11/14/15 07:09 PM
Good work. You definitely got your poijjnt across. Now to get you to my side of the pond ...

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Sat 11/14/15 06:54 PM
fixed income

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Sat 11/14/15 06:44 PM
First of all, don't feel like the lone ranger about your post lengths; I have to moderate mine as well. Having said that, I would say the length is your biggest problem The information is great, but it's a lot to read. Cut it down to a paragraph or two, and you're good.

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Sat 11/14/15 06:34 PM

I think so sosometimes u need them to seal the deal or the flow is just rite

Without one night stand, where would I put my lamp and my clock?

Is this going to be another string with 4 pages of bad nightstand jokes?
I hope so....otherwise itll the same ol "one night stand" thread thats been posted NUMEROUS times for years on forums spanning the internet.....where men post "One night stands? Yuck!" hopes that some lady from Kalamazoo, or wherever, will see his post and think "What a great guy!"....when, in reality, he'd bang the first woman to walk through his door.

Unless that man has learned that learn and love don't come easy.

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Sat 11/14/15 06:30 PM

Okay this may sound like an odd topic to most,but when you are guy like me who's 6'6" tall, finding a beautiful woman with a great personality who is also very tall as well is like winning the

Dont get me wrong, im a very happy guy with a family of three teens and a musician/indie artist and producer with a great career- but we all search for that special someone to complete our lives.

which is one of the reasons you find me searching this site-the problem I find with online websites like this is that there are just so many fake profiles with fake photos usually from people posting from Russia or hell knows

Being in central Canada (Winnipeg) I find this even more

Does anyone else have this same experience - would love to hear from the Tall women if you have had the same experience with male profiles and pics as well.

Ask the NBA guys where their stockpile is.

Now there's a good Idea! I can go for a tall athlete. She's a tennis player that is black, about my age, tall , and ... taken by Drake. Darnit! I'm still screwed!

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Sat 11/14/15 06:02 PM
I am cleaning up the mess I made by marrying a woman for all the wrong reasons. ... Now I am taking my time.

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Sat 11/14/15 05:49 PM
No prob.
"Working on getting up a picture." can be translated like this: I'm blind and have never placed high importance on pictures even though it's a sighted world. So I come across another dating website, love it, and realize the value of a picture. Now, I have to have a roommate take a picture and get it uploaded which will be soon. I hope that helps.

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Sat 11/14/15 05:41 PM
All you can do is focus on you. Make sure you are in a good place in your life, you don't seem desperate, and don't give up. All of us that are not happily married have to work hard to overcome some challenge/flaw/obstacle in hopes of finding "the one." Press on.

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Sat 11/14/15 05:32 PM
In the end, one night stands aren't worth 2 sh**ts. In the moment, the action is awesome, but the drama that is bound to follow leaves a bad taste in your mouth.,

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Sat 11/14/15 02:30 PM
Talk about having complete faith in my partner since they would be the only one of us two with sight ... Having said that, sure why not. ... only with a hellova lot of trust.

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Sat 11/14/15 02:19 PM

When I read the title of this thread, I began singing,

"Love and marriage,

love and marriage,

Go together like a horse and carriage.

This I tell ya, brother,

you can't have one without the other."

:thumbsup: same here! :laughing:
Make me number 3 ... and then when I read mentioning it, dDodo_David, I sang it all again.

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Sat 11/14/15 11:25 AM
Okay Guys. I want to know what yawl think. I know that I don't have a picture up, and I am working on getting one up. this is the first dating site where I have actually wanted to do so Is a picture even necessary since I am blind. Let me know about my picture and anything else in my profile. .

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Sat 11/14/15 11:14 AM

Good point...but the fact is the brain tells/activates the bodies reaction.setting aside the individual prediliction for certain traits like eye color hair etc. But man or woman I ask you to consider the most intense emotions you have had...sexually or emotionally or both.

And a woman who is aroused mentally..then makes love is tenfold more so much but then why playboy? lol
Spoken like a Psych professor. Lol. ... Seriously, the brain being triggered by physical traits is what got me thinking that fateful day in my Psych class. That's why I would say that it's replaced by textural stuff for me.

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Sat 11/14/15 11:04 AM
It absolutely does in 1 of 3ways. First of all, when should get married. Is a teen-ager too young or , a sixty-something too old? Secondly, When does a person feel like they're are ready? is that based on age or socioeconomic status. finally, is the question of age difference between the partners.

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Sat 11/14/15 09:39 AM
Edited by ATbdsm2000 on Sat 11/14/15 09:50 AM
For those that may not know, I am blind and can offer some interesting insight. Before I started attending college, I used to think that blind people were different than sighted people. I used to think that looks don't matter and its the inside that counts. One day in Psychology class, I realized that I was right and wrong. For me, it is the inside material that matters because that is how I am wired; however, the physical stuff plays a part as well. The stuff I cant see, like hair and eye color, don't mean a thing, but the things I can feel do. Skin texture, hair length and height can make a difference in my decision. . The one physical trait, that most people don't think about, that is really attractive to me is a person's voice. Some voices just totally turn me off while others are incredible.
So the answer to your question is that the physical stuff matters because it's the first thing to get our attention, and it continues to play a role. I hope I wasn't too longwinded in my answerand shed a diffrent light.

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Sat 11/14/15 06:24 AM

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Sat 11/14/15 06:17 AM
country singer

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Sat 11/14/15 06:07 AM

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Sat 11/14/15 01:46 AM

sorry rusty none of that from me until AFTER thanksgivinggrumble

well, I am Canadian.. we've had our Thanksgiving in Octoberrrrrdrinker
It must be nice being a kid in Canada. You get the last major holidays of the year to yourself. You go from candy and costumes to thinking about receiving more gifts for two months.