Community > Posts By > angel_incognito

angel_incognito's photo
Mon 06/01/09 07:04 PM

Why is it women make me so happy?

Ok you have to give more information.
That depends, what makes you so happy about a woman?
Being in her presence, being on the phone, sex..... what?!

angel_incognito's photo
Mon 06/01/09 07:04 PM

Why is it that women don't like authors?

Is it because they're afraid we will ask them to read our books?

I am not sure about that, I am not every woman, and I cant speak for them, but I definitely wouldnt mind an author.
I love to read and I would love to give my critique.
A woman should feel honored to be the first to read your book and that you would be interested in hearing her opinion.

angel_incognito's photo
Mon 06/01/09 07:02 PM

Don't women have mirrors in ANY other part of the house? Why do women take pictures of themselves en masse in the bathroom?

Haha what a great question!
Most pictures I have of myself arent in the bathroom but I do have some.
The only place I have a mirror in my place is a full length one on the bathroom door, and then the one on the vanity in the bathroom, lol.
And bathrooms usually have the best lighting, or the lighting that the woman is more comfortable with, being as thats where most put on their makeup.

angel_incognito's photo
Mon 06/01/09 07:00 PM

I know women go for musicians, but how come never the conga players???
We got rhythm!

Ok I am definitely not sure about that one!
Not many conga players here in Montana!

angel_incognito's photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:56 PM

Girls taste like chicken, ironically.

And yes, why do women ask questions they already know the answer to, and get mad when you give them the answer they already know?

Because we usually dont want that answer, although its usually the truth, sometimes we just dont want the truth.
But we dont want you to lie, we want you to sugarcoat the truth.

angel_incognito's photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:48 PM
Ok, I am sure this has been done before, but just ask anything you want to know about a girl or about anything in general.
And I will answer and anyone in the post can answer too!

angel_incognito's photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:20 PM
I think your hot!
And I am VERY honest, I voice my opinion, lol.
Its not always a good thing!

angel_incognito's photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:11 PM

Why are you asking anyways?!
You are very good looking and reading your profile, you dont seem stupid.
So why are you worried?

im not worried but for your info the shadow is a permenant fixture, surgicly fitted as my face makes small children cry, plus my pet monkey wrote my profile 4 me. thanks tho ,very sweet

Haha shut up!!!!!
Your just fishing for compliments, huh?!

angel_incognito's photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:04 PM

i want a dumb blonde mute with big boobs and a nice round ass

just need to get koury to shut up and die her hair

Well, just tell her.
Women love a man who knows what he wants and order them around!

angel_incognito's photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:00 PM
Haha, see, someone agrees with me! :)

angel_incognito's photo
Mon 06/01/09 05:57 PM
Why are you asking anyways?!
You are very good looking and reading your profile, you dont seem stupid.
So why are you worried?

angel_incognito's photo
Mon 06/01/09 05:55 PM
I cant pick just one, honestly!

angel_incognito's photo
Mon 06/01/09 05:42 PM
Neither, seriously.
I believe you have to be somewhat physically attracted to someone to start to get interested in someone.
After that first initial interest, there has to be some personality or smarts that your attracted to also.
You have to have that chemistry, or nothing is there.

angel_incognito's photo
Mon 06/01/09 10:54 AM
Awww Moonlight, my heart goes out to you.
My best friend was in the Army and in Iraq for about 2 years, and is just now on his way home!
I wish your son the best!
Take care lady and keep your head up! :)

angel_incognito's photo
Mon 06/01/09 10:51 AM
Haha, I didnt realize this post was from last night!

angel_incognito's photo
Mon 06/01/09 10:49 AM
Hey Everyone! :)

angel_incognito's photo
Mon 06/01/09 10:46 AM
Wow, this post sucked, lol!
Sorry guys! :P

angel_incognito's photo
Mon 06/01/09 10:36 AM

angel_incognito's photo
Mon 06/01/09 10:35 AM
Just do what it says, lol!
Rate 1-10!

angel_incognito's photo
Wed 05/27/09 08:58 PM
I will be 24 on June 3rd! :)

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