Community > Posts By > SilentSkies

SilentSkies's photo
Mon 04/23/07 12:30 PM
I'll be heading up to SUNY at Albany this week to meet up with some old

PM me if you want to hang out. It's always a good time up there.


SilentSkies's photo
Mon 04/23/07 12:25 PM

This site has a ton of your favorite nintendo games reproducs on Java.
They are perfect clones and are very addictive.

SilentSkies's photo
Mon 04/23/07 12:22 PM
I am the product of two very differing family backgrounds.

My mother is a devout Catholic Sicilian.
My father is a Japanese Buddhist.

As a child I was raised Catholic; baptism, confirmation, the whole bit.

From what I've gathered through watching my parents, Buddhism really is
more a way of life than a religion. It is more about leading a good life
and finding oneself than it is preaching a gospel.

When I was very small I had a conversation with my (Catholic) uncle
about God. He told me that he saw God with his very eyes and that if I
was lucky I would get to also.

That was the day I lost my faith in Catholicism.

The way he spoke about God to me was very similar to the way everyone
told me how the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus was real. I felt foolish
when I discovered they weren't and I did not want to be fooled again.

I decided to take logical assertions as to the Existence of God and His

Everything that is in existence today is a result of it having been
moved or pushed by something before it. If you go back far enough there
must be the One. The first mover or pusher.

That is my God.

I have compassion and love for my brothers and sisters and all walks of

My heaven is here on earth. What lies beyond will come with time. I will
worry about that then.

SilentSkies's photo
Mon 04/23/07 11:51 AM
spite happy

who are they to tell me i can't accomplish something?

SilentSkies's photo
Sun 04/22/07 05:32 PM
Also, spell checks might help you make your point a bit better.

SilentSkies's photo
Sun 04/22/07 05:31 PM
Maybe you're not doing this for attention but your posts seem to have a
negative outlook on not only dating and relationships, but on life in

This is a community of people who are looking to exchange ideas and
thoughts and perhaps, ultimately, find a like-minded person to spend
time with.

You obviously have a lot on your mind and that's great. But your posts
remind me of a small child who tells a stranger they are ugly.

You should try and establish some tact with your posts.

SilentSkies's photo
Sun 04/22/07 04:58 PM

When was the last time you've felt really thrilled about something?

SilentSkies's photo
Sun 04/22/07 04:14 PM
I've been a ghost in the forums for some time and you all are really
great people.

Some of your comments really make me laugh aloud and others evoke some
pretty deep thoughts.

I just wanted to say hi and let everyone know I plan on being a more
active member of the JSH community.

Cheers! :tongue:

SilentSkies's photo
Sun 04/22/07 03:37 PM

This website is a compilation of many free tv and movie websites. If you
stick to one you have a limited selection and if the site gets shut down
you're out of luck.

This website has become a huuuuge distraction. But it's good if I want
to eat lunch alone at work. happy

SilentSkies's photo
Thu 03/22/07 04:44 PM
2 yesses?

Lol, how do you pluralize yes?


hell yeah!

I'm going next week :0)

Thanks for giving me that extra push!

SilentSkies's photo
Thu 03/22/07 04:32 PM
I met the first girl to have ever truly impressed at some random karaoke
bar a couple of weeks back.

We exchanged numbers, planned a date that night (for later in the week)
and she seemed really into me.

That same night I lost my phone (and in turn, her phone number.) The

So the plan was that I was to pick her up at her place of work and we
were to go to some hip new thai food restaurant.

My being the proactive kind've guy I am, I looked up my recent text and
phone activity online and found her number.

I texted her from the t-mobile website that I lost my phone and should I
still plan on seeing her this week. No reply.

10 days after I got my phone, I found that she had replied but because I
changed sim cards it had been delayed.

I was ecstatic! I tried calling her immediately. Her phone is now

My question is: Is it creepy to start frequenting the restaurant she
works at in order to "bump" into her? To me it's really creepy. But I
can't tell you how amazing this girl is.

I'm more curious to find a girl's opinion on this, if you were in her

SilentSkies's photo
Thu 03/22/07 04:02 PM
What about the kids?

I'm Japanese and Italian

I look hispanic

People go to tanning salons to look like me in the winter.

Growing up people were fascinated by my heritage, not uncomfortable. If
you're worried about your kids being made fun of you are obviously not
inclined to another race except for maybe sexual diversity.

At that point you're a fetishist. Not capable of truly loving someone of
another race.

And you probably hate fat people.

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