Community > Posts By > JeffC36

JeffC36's photo
Sun 04/26/09 06:13 PM
youve got my curiousity peaked

JeffC36's photo
Sun 04/26/09 06:10 PM
golf clap for the toaster joke

JeffC36's photo
Sun 04/26/09 06:06 PM
if pro and con are oppisite is progress the opposite of congress

JeffC36's photo
Sun 04/26/09 06:04 PM

Guy walks into a bar with a frog on his head.

Bartender says, "What's wrong with you?"

Frog says, "It started with a bump on my ass."

very nice


JeffC36's photo
Sun 04/26/09 06:02 PM
a texan once asked a man "where did you get your bachelor degree?" the man replied Yale, so the texan screamed "WHERE DID YOU GET YOUR BACHELOR DEGREE?"

JeffC36's photo
Sun 04/26/09 06:01 PM
speaking of bears two guys in the woods stumbled upon a bear, the one bent over immediatly and began to tie his shoes the other said you arn't going to outrun that thing, he replied i don't have to outrun the bear just YOU!

JeffC36's photo
Sun 04/26/09 05:57 PM
why not

JeffC36's photo
Sun 04/26/09 05:56 PM
i can be funny really i can....

JeffC36's photo
Sun 04/26/09 05:41 PM
a texan once asked a guy "where did you get your bachelor degree?" the man replied Yale so the texan screamed "WHERE DID YOU GET YOUR BACHELOR DEGREE?"

JeffC36's photo
Sun 04/26/09 02:34 PM
Re: must have

ah, your easy!


JeffC36's photo
Sun 04/26/09 02:26 PM
i mean these sort of things must be worked out BEFORE you go right even though i know they say its never pleasant to talk about them

JeffC36's photo
Sun 04/26/09 02:25 PM
where will we lock it (the bike) too?

JeffC36's photo
Sun 04/26/09 02:16 PM
Thats not a bad idea either... unless your name is Herb you could be a tea perhaps.

JeffC36's photo
Sun 04/26/09 02:10 PM
well, since we sharing creamation thoughts, I would prefer to be creamated and my ashes scattered about the living room floor so I can be cleaned up after just one last time....

JeffC36's photo
Sun 04/26/09 02:03 PM
i agree with him if you feel you have swine flu best to get that checked out sooner rather than later as there are a couple effective intiviral medications that seem to be working

JeffC36's photo
Sun 04/26/09 01:54 PM
hope i didn't slaughter your language to bad, excuse my broken shaksperian?

JeffC36's photo
Sun 04/26/09 01:52 PM
I must seeketh to findeth this shakesperianeth booketh thus causingeth thou words to be pureth?

JeffC36's photo
Sun 04/26/09 01:47 PM
No far as I know mom never touched weed or addicted to anything else. I am an addict because of me not anything I did or anything anyone else did. Not responsible for my addiction, just my recovery. Hope that clears up the question. Thanks for the reply

JeffC36's photo
Sun 04/26/09 01:42 PM
just a thought.... could too much dirty diaper cause slinky syndrome?

JeffC36's photo
Sun 04/26/09 01:34 PM
Well, thank you. Nice to have a reply.

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