Community > Posts By > shanefromnola
I think if everyone lived according to, "be the change you want to see," and "treat others the was you wish to be treated," it would be a different world, no matter what one believes.
any relationship in the end will work as long as both have the same desire for the other, but we've been warned - 2 Corinthians 6:14 14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? May I ask what makes you so shore that you're belief system is correct over other or none at all? With all due respect of course I believe in the one true God... And when it comes to this level of discussion it is absolutely pointless to have. Neither side can absolutely "prove" anything along the lines of God, if there is one or not, ect. I have felt the presense of God, so I believe. Just casually talking/sharing the different thoughts, feelings, beliefs, ect. It's the belief I believe to be true, outside that, wouldn't know what to tell you from your question. I totally agree with you, it wasn't my intention to start an argument, simply like to discuss it respectfully. I call myself agnostic, as a way of admitting that I'm just a human. I think there's a higher force, just not sure is it's what others call god. I respect all beliefs / or lack thereof. |
Visionary experiences
Has no one hear drank ayahuasca? Or consumed mushrooms or peyote?
My initial intention for online dating was to find a woman who's had her own life changing experiences with entheogenic plants and or mushrooms. |
any relationship in the end will work as long as both have the same desire for the other, but we've been warned - 2 Corinthians 6:14 14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? May I ask what makes you so shore that you're belief system is correct over other or none at all? With all due respect of course |
Ron White said it best, "In a few years, if Barbara's boobs start to sag too much, there's a place where you can go to just lift them right back up to where they were, and they can move the nipple wherever they want 'em. You can actually go to a titty bar, pick out a set of ******* and say, "I want those ******* on that woman right there." If her belly gets too big, and she doesn't want to work it off, you can go get a tummy tuck, and they'll give you a belly that looks like a cheerleader. If your eyes go bad, you can have LASIK surgery, and they can give you 20/20 vision at any age. If your hearing starts to fail, they can put a device in your ear that'll make you able to hear as good as you could the day you were born. But let me tell you something, folks: You can't fix stupid. There's not a pill you can take; there's not a class you can go to. Stupid is forever." There was also a line in show Sherlock, "Brainy's the new sexy" I am a sapiosexual. I find an intelligent mind the sexiest thing about a person. Looks really don't matter too much. Haha, I'm the same. But looks do matter to me, I mean, after all, I am a human being and that's human nature. But intelligence in a lady turns me on..a lot |
A cure for cancer..
Wouldn't you want to be around longer if you could and a disease was stopping you? Or save someone close to you if we were all more aware and better educated? Nice post. This is important to me, "if we were more aware and better educated." I'm one who thinks that the real revolution is the evolution of consciousness. People need to experience nature. Look up ayahuasca, mushrooms, etc. get in touch with the earth, you'll become much healthier and less anxious and depressed. These things changed my life for the better in every possible way you can imagine. And btw, there's some evidence that ayahuasca can cure cancer. And I'll post a source There's way more scientific literature on this. |
I need a Dom ...
Whatever or whoever your looking for I hope you find it Crystal because your a sweetheart and you deserve to be happy. ![]() I agree, I wish you good luck on your search quest |
John McCain - The Hanoi Songbird He's made every effort while a sitting senator to thwart the release of documents on Vietnam, its POWs, news reel footage, and the 36 videos he made while a POW in collaboration with the enemy stating the US was targeting schools, hospitals and refugee camps. In all 36 of his propaganda films he claimed the US was guilty of war crimes against humanity. He is a traitor who should NEVER have been glorified in any way! Another Bergdahl..... but he didn't seek out the enemy. What he did was worse! He made propaganda videos, spilled his guts to the enemy about troops, their number and locations, and any other info he was privvy to, then did his best, using his office as a sitting senator, to conceal the evidence of his crimes! Agreed, as bad as people think pres. obama is, I can assure you that McCain would have been exponentially worse. We'd probably be fighting the Russians and Iranians and chinese |
I feel like people need to start thinking for themselves, use that mind that god gave you. Do your own research, don't believe things simply because everyone around you does, conventional wisdom isn't always right in other words. Most important, trust your own experience and trust your intuition
hey there.. just to married with indian Hinduism and meanwhile am born in moslem way...we've been okay for almost 10 years..we just respect to each other including his believing Mightymoe was right if they love each other, they will work it out. Well, only if you were true Muslim, you would know that a Muslim woman is not allowed to marry anyone but a Muslim man. But, a Muslim man can marry a woman from people of book (christian or a jew) if she is not a adulteress, fornicateress and believe in 1 true God. But, sadly i am sure either you tried not to read and practice qur'an or maybe for you personal emotions means more than qur'an. in point as I was saying above and herein lies the problematic red flag. It is wrong to force another's beliefs or force your own belief and moral code on another even within the same religion(or to try to). it is not at all forcing your beliefs on another, each one is free to have whatever belief and faith they want to choose but at least we can tell them what they didn't know before. For example non muslims think islam is all a terrorist religion but if you give them a copy of qur'an with translation in english, they realize islam is all about peace and obedience to God. About the moral code, yeah right we have to say what is a moral code in religion. As most of the moral code in Abrahamic religion is same. But an adulteress or fornicatoress may say right i date and have sex coz its my own wish or even a prostitute may say what i do comes under the moral-code. Or a woman on beach may say if i am in bikini, so its all good. If you read biblical scriptures, this is all against to Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Meaning such thing is never at all a moral-code given by God yet they are following their own whims and desires. Unless the govt. in different countries force it on people, it would never change. I am not saying to force your religion but forcing some basic moral-code is a good start. Like if it is forced on young girls and boys that they should always be nice and good to parents and never ever yell on them or being mad at them. And there is a moral-code police to check it on people, society, markets etc it will help a lot. Just like there is a moral police in Saudi Arabia, which just check that nothing bad is happening in society. That is why the crime rates in Saudi Arabia is much lesser than to crime rates in US: Btw, i am a Muslim man but ain't no Saudi Arabian. This was an example but it may lead to these young boys and girls to become very good people in future. I teach in a school, to small kids and i force these kinds of things on them and often tell them, at least 3 times a week our topic is morality. And this helps them a lot and i am sure they would be good people in future. Perhaps you can help me, but I simply don't understand why one needs a moral code to act moral. That is, I act moral because that's the right way to live, I go about doing the right thing and helping others simply because it makes me feel good to live that way. I guess what I'm saying is that if a person has to be told to live right and help others and love themselves, are they really moral? Or are they just moral because that's what their society expects? |
Is internet dating REAL?
Is there a special thread for exposing scammer profiles? I'm awesome at finding them
Is internet dating REAL?
I should tell anyone new here, some of the scammers are quite good. They use something called whatsapp. It allows them to use proxy numbers to call and text from, so they appear to be where they say they are. The key is that if you email with them, look in the metadata, check the time difference, this is how I figured it out when I got fooled for a week This is exactly why I refuse to give any personal contact info until I am comfortable. I will talk on here as much as they like. when they throw a fit about it, try to talk me into it, or stop talking to me altogether, I've rooted out another one. If they are not a scammer or an a$$hole, they will understand this, and respect my wishes. If not, they are gone and no more worries. I am worth getting to know better in a manner that makes me comfortable. ![]() I'm pretty quick to give out my cell number, I like to text anyway. Plus when a girl claims to be from New Orleans, but has a Wyoming area code, and is in west Africa for work, I spot the red flags quickly. I'll even show you all my Instagram as well, so you can get an idea of who I am / what I think about, it's the same screen name btw, you can all look, I'm an open book. |
Interestingly, I'm quite fascinated by mysticism, from all religions. My research has led me to think that ultimately each religion believes the exact same thing, yet they keep their believers divided and conquered with dogma. They all believe in the light body, or soul. And that the universe = god. They all believe that we come from one universal consciousness, that our egos come about to allow us to function in seperate bodies and that upon death our soul merges once again with this divine consciousness / god (or something). Yet people argue about who's right when it comes to whether Jesus was god for example. Isn't the message more important than dogma?
No one person or religion has a monopoly on the ultimate truth. I forget who said this but it was one of the Ancient Greek philosophers,
"the mark of a wise man, is that he can consider an idea without accepting it as fact." Such a relationship can indeed work, I know several such couples, Muslim & Christian, Muslim & Hindu, Christian & atheist. The key is to accept the others beliefs without trying to convert them. This is easier said than done though. I'd say that if religious people actually lived by the messages of their religions, this wouldn't be such a problem, as they all have basically the same message. The problem I see is that most people get so caught up in ritual and dogma and then fight over who's right about the tiny details, when instead they could be living lives well lived because that's how life should be lived, not because you feel obligated to do so. I don't need religion to live a great life, I choose to do so. |
A cure for cancer..
Yeah right.... if you call being.. incapacitated because of the morphine.. living a life.. and slowly starving to death... living a life.. thhen sure..... no sorry.. but to watch someone dying of cancer.. there's no real joy in life for anyone involved......and as far as accepting.. that! that is just how life is..hmm.... not too sure about that one.! ![]() . . I mean generally accepting the way things are, like while you're healthy, as opposed to dwelling on what may or may not happen in the future. |
A cure for cancer..
Ohh.. Thanks.. ![]() ... its funny when someone gets cancer from smoking... the sympathy evel goes know.. oh they smoke cigarettes.. well I guess its there own damn fault then....hmm.. true enough I suppose.. ![]() . and chemo and radiation.. so evasive. sometimes...... but what do you expect.. we still can't cure the common cold.... or can we....hmm.. .. but if we did... what would all the makers of cough syrup and cold medication do for money.....hmm.. . to me when alife is lost or a person has to suffer there is no judgement... It is suffering for themselves and most times the suffering is most severe in the loved ones... You're right. I think the key is to accept that that's just the way life is, then one can live in the moment and enjoy the life they still have. |
A cure for cancer..
people forget, there's no money in a cure... if the scientists are getting millions of dollars a year to find a cure, why would they be in a hurry to not make money? Exactly. There's no money in curing any illness. That's why pharmaceuticals treat symptoms, not cure illness. I'd say research the plants that the chemo drugs are derived from. Pau d'arco being the best place to start |
A cure for cancer..
I watched a program on 60 minutes a few weeks ago, they were using polio to fight brain cancer. I've heard that as well. They introduce a virus into your body that then eats the cancer |
A cure for cancer..
I'm not claiming this is the cure, but look up pau d'arco
Okay so I looked it up, Baltimore has double the population of New Orleans, yet New Orleans has a much higher homicide rate. I say they're both out of control You better off checking local newspapers for stats. Census data is always outdated & does not count ILLEGALS * which is growing tremendously from North Africa here* There hasn't been a proper census in nola since Katrina, all we have are ballpark estimates. Pedophiles went missing right off the sex offender national list, right after Katrina..... Now, that is a scary statistic. * lots of children suddenly parent less * Guess where they went.? * rhetorical* I have to say though, the city came back quite nicely. Other than the violent crime, it's better than ever |