Community > Posts By > Serchin4MyRedWine
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rate me Sounds very similar to a Nirvana song. LOL |
btw..ATW37...I found yours under the couch and gave it back to you. It was so badly damaged, you probably don't realize you have it back. ![]() ![]() Oh yea that’s where I put it lol I didn’t like that one I want a new one ![]() Next time don't put it where I can find it, you'll have more fun that way! ![]() |
Define "Sanity"! I believe the first step in finding something is knowing and understanding exactly what it is you're looking for. In order to know or find sanity, one needs to know what it means to them. What exactly is sanity to you and what does it mean to be sane? The ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner; sound mental health. Which is defined by societal norms. So if I think Society has become irrational and insane then it really means I lost my sanity. Following me? Yes I follow you, but I disagree! Your ability to see Society becoming irrational and insane proves that you are still in fact "sane" If you were to follow suit, and do as others do... then perhaps you would have lost your sanity. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. Are you acting the same as everyone because it's the society norm, or are you questioning what's going on with the desire to do things differently? See you proved my point. You are a sane rational person and I don't understand your definition or rational so you see, I haven't found mine yet. ![]() Well just keep doing what you're doing then and you'll eventually get there. Sometimes you have to be what you're not in order to find what you are. Although I still think you got it, or else you wouldn't be wondering... insane people don't think there's anything wrong with them, lol. Maybe it's like love... you don't find it by searching for it. It finds you or just happens. Good post btw.... I imagine most people have wondered about this at one time or another in their life time... I certainly have and in the last couple weeks I have wondered if I will end up losing mine before my job finishes in November. If however it came to choosing to loose my sanity or my job... I'd drop the job in a heartbeat. Letting my sanity go would ultimately result in losing the job, so getting rid of the job first would ensure that I would still have my sanity which will be needed for the next job and to feel good about myself. Maybe if you lost your sanity first, the job wouldn't drive you crazy anymore....just a thought ![]() |
Todays relationship
Do love exist or is it really in fairy tales. This is a fairy tale, you won't find here. Otherwise Love is real and exists. ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 07/28/18 05:43 PM
btw..ATW37...I found yours under the couch and gave it back to you. It was so badly damaged, you probably don't realize you have it back.
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Find it through use of the language within and pursuit of the spirit in a material world. Or maybe Aroundtheworld has your sanity and just isn’t letting on. obviously you found yours or maybe never lost it. ![]() No I have his too lol ssshh don’t tell 🤫 Never, That would be the sane thing to do ..LOL See being unsane is fun ![]() Your right but now its like I have to know where it is so I don't run into it by accident! ![]() ![]() Just run in zig zag lines that way you decrease the chances of running into it ![]() Maybe my sanity knows that and will trick me anyway. ![]() |
Define "Sanity"! I believe the first step in finding something is knowing and understanding exactly what it is you're looking for. In order to know or find sanity, one needs to know what it means to them. What exactly is sanity to you and what does it mean to be sane? The ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner; sound mental health. Which is defined by societal norms. So if I think Society has become irrational and insane then it really means I lost my sanity. Following me? Yes I follow you, but I disagree! Your ability to see Society becoming irrational and insane proves that you are still in fact "sane" If you were to follow suit, and do as others do... then perhaps you would have lost your sanity. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. Are you acting the same as everyone because it's the society norm, or are you questioning what's going on with the desire to do things differently? See you proved my point. You are a sane rational person and I don't understand your definition or rational so you see, I haven't found mine yet. ![]() |
Find it through use of the language within and pursuit of the spirit in a material world. Or maybe Aroundtheworld has your sanity and just isn’t letting on. obviously you found yours or maybe never lost it. ![]() No I have his too lol ssshh don’t tell 🤫 Never, That would be the sane thing to do ..LOL See being unsane is fun ![]() Your right but now its like I have to know where it is so I don't run into it by accident! ![]() ![]() |
Find it through use of the language within and pursuit of the spirit in a material world. Or maybe Aroundtheworld has your sanity and just isn’t letting on. obviously you found yours or maybe never lost it. ![]() No I have his too lol ssshh don’t tell 🤫 Never, That would be the sane thing to do ..LOL |
Define "Sanity"! I believe the first step in finding something is knowing and understanding exactly what it is you're looking for. In order to know or find sanity, one needs to know what it means to them. What exactly is sanity to you and what does it mean to be sane? The ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner; sound mental health. Which is defined by societal norms. So if I think Society has become irrational and insane then it really means I lost my sanity. Following me? |
Find it through use of the language within and pursuit of the spirit in a material world. Or maybe Aroundtheworld has your sanity and just isn’t letting on. obviously you found yours or maybe never lost it. ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 07/28/18 05:04 PM
Yeah, wouldn't that be a bummer if finding it made everything boring.
Still might be nice to just try it. You know ya have to try everything at least once! LOL |
Well if I find yours and you find mine, we'll have to trade.
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Some Facts About Heaven.
Scriptures? These were written by people who didn't know their *** from there elbows. Didn't know anything about Astrophysics,Astronomy, Newtons Law or even that the earth was round. An example: Back in those days, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone. Today it would read, A large meteorite exploded over the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah leveling most of the area. Most scriptures have to be read in the context of what they thought were "religious" events because of their naivety about science. Sir you do not know what you speak of which is clearly evident from your post. Science is not God. But, science is in harmony with God. Spoken like a real genius ![]() |
You might be right. Maybe I never had it. Makes me want to find it even more now so I know what it is like!
Some Facts About Heaven.
These were written by people who didn't know their *** from there elbows. Didn't know anything about Astrophysics,Astronomy, Newtons Law or even that the earth was round. An example: Back in those days, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone. Today it would read, A large meteorite exploded over the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah leveling most of the area. Most scriptures have to be read in the context of what they thought were "religious" events because of their naivety about science. |
I seem to have lost it. I really don't know when but its seems to have been a very long time. I have searched everywhere for it but it still eludes me.
After all these years of searching for it, I'm not really sure I want to find it. Any suggestions where to find it? ![]() |
Only Response US guys Not any others Country. Barbora Kovarikova is that YOU?! LMAO you nailed her! ![]() ![]() |
I feel like I gotta drop some acid or eat some shrooms to understand all of this ![]() True for most subjects on this site ![]() |
Seeking a real people !!
Looking for REAL people? Your the most Caucasian looking Asian I've ever seen LOL
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