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Prison inmate cuts off penis
How is he going to urinate?
Well you will need to figure out how resource intensive it will be to build, ship, and operate these future bots and how functional societies will be with 10 billion bodies on the planet. There is already low level conflict over resources such as water, and all it will take is a good sized regional war or heaven forbid a nuclear exchange between say India and Pakistan to maybe wipe out a couple hundred million. In heavily congested urban landscapes, existing water and sewage infrastructures will break down. In this 'Bladerunner' future I would posit that large virus outbreaks will also contribute to depopulation. Nice if you have a shiny robot to answer the door, or entertain you, or help with simple household tasks. Not so nice if you have no food to shop for, water to drink, or have no electricity. I wonder if the cost for a government to maintain an AI (Artificial Intelligence) unit would exceed the cost of maintaining humans. To maintain a human, you need clean air, clean water, food, hospitals, shelter and some type of psychological warfare/program to deal with heightened cognitive awareness. With an AI unit, do you need clean water, food, shelter? I think corporations have figured out that it cost more to maintain humans than AI units. Google, Facebook, and Apple are already collecting eggs of their female employees. There are corporations collecting human placenta because the human placenta contains stem cells. We have organizations such as planned parenthood selling fetal tissues to corporations. Plus we have either an extreme left wing or extreme right wing major news outlet that's hiding the truth. |
By 2100, as much as 84% of the Earth’s 10.8bn people will live in cities, according to the UN. Potentially dozens more megacities cities with populations of 10m or more, 28 of which exist today, will pepper the planet with developing countries accounting for almost 89% of the growth. Humans won't be the only inhabitants of these megacities of the 2100, however. Machines and robots will be integral to their ecosystems. According to Cisco, some 50bn machines are already projected to be connected to the Internet by 2020 alone, dwarfing the number of connected humans almost 10:1. While estimates for the year 2100 do not yet exist, the trend is likely to continue. For more info, visit Sounds like a Brave New World! :0( |
The UN is "Sharia compliant?" Wasn't it the UN that created Israel?
No more happy endings
So Mr.Gabay was the victim of a stray round(one of at least 16 fired) in a gunfight between two other men. He attempted to take cover in a parking lot when struck in the top of the head. So simply a matter of wrong place, wrong time. Could have been a ricochet off pavement, concrete, a car, any manner of hard surface, or could have been straight from the muzzle of the weapon as someone simply fires off a number of rounds quickly in the general direction of his intended target. The old saying that applies here is 'Never worry about the bullet with your name on it. Worry about the ones addressed To Whom It May Concern.' Of course never one to pass up an opportunity for more gun control rhetoric Gov. Cuomo calls for a 'national gun policy'. Gee, Andy here's a suggestion. How about a national criminal policy. You know, arrest them so that if they are in jail, they can't actually shoot anyone. DUH! Stop trying to excuse criminal behavior because people come from disadvantaged or marginalized backgrounds. Not everyone in the hood becomes a thug. Stop excusing stop and frisk as racist. Use it in statistically high crime areas, and guess what? Crime goes down. You catch people with guns, drugs, wads of unexplained cash, and so you make it tougher for crime to thrive. Maybe look to prosecute exploiters of crime. Start busting people buying the deeply discounted flat screen TV's out of the back of a truck. Bust the numbers joints, the drug houses, the brothels. Don't tell me you can't find them. Any cab driver in town knows the dive joints. Any hotel concierge worth his name tag can find you a hooker, a card game, or a drug connection. Seriously, has no one on the NYPD ever travelled to another city? If you can find a biker bar, you can likely buy a gun in an hour. At the very least you can buy dope. You just have to be willing to stand toe to toe with a guy who will threaten to gut you if you're a cop, and be willing to pay cash. Well established bike gangs have a reputation to uphold providing quality goods for a fair price. Girls, guns, and goodies are all for sale. Surely this can't be new and startling info to the NYPD, so what are the current crime fighting and crime prevention priorities preventing the bad guys from being targeted? I'm sorry, but do you live in Brooklyn? |
Carey Gabay has worked in Governor Andrew Cuomo’s administration since 2011, first as assistant counsel and since January 2015 as first deputy counsel at Empire State Development.
The New York State Urban Development Corporation, doing business as Empire State Development is a public benefit corporation of the state of New York in the United States that has financed and operated several ambitious state projects by issuing tax exempt bonds. What are the chances of getting shot in the head by a stray bullet? In order to shoot the head, you have to have time, and distance. I'm no ballistic expert. |
Personal love/Sexual Love
I kind of agree with Ellsworth Toohey that personal love is selfish. Because i believe you are suppose to love each other equally. But then, a woman wouldn't love her children the same way she loves a stranger on the street; a woman wouldn't love her husband the same way she loves a male coworker. So how can you love someone without discriminating against them?
I think love is a fake emotion used to control each other. I understand what you mean by self esteem. In fact, Maslow places self esteem in the hierarchy of needs. But once you say "I" you still have to discriminate. And the book says that's wrong. |
Personal love/Sexual Love
The author also states .. To say I love you .. One must first know how to say I . Self esteem or self love is the goal of self actualisation . It may seem a selfish act to put your personal desires first when it comes to love but to love someone is to value them without indifference .. Equality in terms of mate choice is irrelevant when it comes to personal love. ![]() So then people with low self esteem can't love? |
Personal love/Sexual Love
So I'm reading this book called the Fountainhead by Ayn Rand.
This book talks about the lives of 4 main characters: Peter Keating (architect), Ellsworth Toohey (Editor And activist), Gail Wynand (Newspapers owner), and Howard Roark (unsuccessful architect). The book is merely a philosophical novel that takes place in the early 1900s in NYC. Peter Keating is a successful architect who graduated with high prestige, working in a top architectural firm, but has some sadness. He's torn between individualism/objectivism and collectivism. On top of that, he receives a lot of credit for work that he doesn't do from his bff Howard Roark. Ellsworth Toohey is the editor of "The Banner." He uses his power in the newspaper to psychologically crush people- particularly Steve Mallory (who shot him). He's a socialist and "non religious." His lust for control over people is "umbrellered" over collectivism. His niece Catherine is socially awkward. She was briefly engaged to be married to Peter Keating. He's the antithesis of Howard Roark and the Author. Howard Roark is an individualist: An objectivist. His motto is "it's my way or the highway." He wants to construct buildings on his term. Peter Keating steals a lot of his ideas from Howard Roark. He attended the same school as Peter Keating; but was kicked out. Peter Keating is partners with Guy Francon at an architectural firm called Francon & Keating. His daughter Dominique Francon imho is also torn between individualism and collectivism. But she leans more towards individualism. She is one of the top editors of the Wynand Papers. She is "frenemies" with Ellsworth Toohey. They both look to destroy Howard Roark but for different reasons. she was raped by Howard Roark (Keating's BFF), at the quarry. She eventually develops a secret relationship with Howard Roark but marries Peter Keating??? Smh. She's confused Peter Keating and Dominique Francon both had selfish reasons to marry each other. He marries Dominique Francon after the trial of Howard Roark. I'm guessing he felt guilty for selling out Roark on the witness stand. Dominique Francon proposes to Peter Keating shortly after Peter Keating packs his bags in preparation of the marriage to Ellsworth Toohey niece Catherine. During a party, Ellsworth Toohey tells Peter Keating that "Sexual love, Peter, is a profoundly selfish emotion. And selfish emotions are not the ones that lead to happiness." He also says "The point I wish to make is only that one must mistrust one's most personal impulses. What one desires is actually of so little importance! One can't expect to find happiness until one realizes this completely." Lastly, Toohey stated "Personal love, Peter, is a great evil - as everything personal. And it always leads to misery. Don't you see why? Personal love is an act of discrimination, of preference. It is an act of injustice -to every human being on earth whom you rob of the affection arbitrarily granted to one. You must love all men equally. But you cannot achieve so noble an emotion if you don't kill your selfish little choices. They are vicious and futile since they contradict the first cosmic law -the basic equality of all men." Do you all think that Ellsworth Toohey said is true? That personal love is inherently selfish? |
is love forever ?
Love is a fictitious emotion used by a stronger minded person to control a weaker minded person;
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 25
I'm single because I'm obese, unattractive, dark-skinned with nappy hair. I'm not looking to change that anytime soon.
That doesn't sit too well with most men- especially dark-skinned men lol At least when you're single, you don't have to worry about unwanted pregnancies, other women, putting out, putting on makeup or how your hair looks. The last guy I dated said I was ugly, and that no man would ever want to procreate with me much less be seen in public with me. But he got a Latina pregnant, didn't marry her, and now he stuck paying child support within a year of being employed for the bus company. So now that 25 dollars an hour is more like 20 dollars an hour. And the girl he got pregnant wasn't even a U.S. Citizen. I live my life with no worries, no qualms, no regrets. I make good money, I have an excellent career, I travel, I read, I am socially conscious and I enjoy it. |
I think you just had some bad Chinese food is all lol ![]() Lol....I don't eat Chinese food |
you are removing bad things out of your life and there is often pain involved with this process but yet there is a part of you that still wants to hold on look back again but you must put it aside and move on OMG you're kidding me right??? You can see right through me. I haven't spoken to my mom since last week because of some foul things that she did. But deep down, I miss her. She hung up the phone on me. |
you are removing bad things out of your life and there is often pain involved with this process but yet there is a part of you that still wants to hold on look back again but you must put it aside and move on OMG you're kidding me right??? You can see right through me. I haven't spoken to my mom since last week because of some foul things that she did. But deep down, I miss her. She hung up the phone on me. |
I went to the kitchen last night and saw a rat in one of the sticky mouse traps. I was too tired to pick it up. I came back to the kitchen the next morning and the size of the rat had became 3x its size. I opened the window and sat on the window sill. The rat was successful at removing itself off the sticky trap. The skin peeled off as it removed itself from the trap. As soon as it removed itself off the trap, I saw lots of blood, visceral tissue and tiny ribs. The rat laid down on the unaffected side for about 30 seconds and then ran towards me. I kicked myself out of the dream. Can anyone interpret this dream? that is a strange dream.. creepy dream. I don't know much about intermitting dreams but have you dealt with someone you would consider a rat lately. Someone who pissed you off? Ratted out someone you know? Maybe a rat at work or around the neighborhood? None out of the ordinary |
The rat didn't bite me. The last thing I remember is the rat running towards me very fast. I thought it was going to bite me because payback of all its relatives the sticky trap caught last week. I kicked myself out of the dream shortly.
I went to the kitchen last night and saw a rat in one of the sticky mouse traps. I was too tired to pick it up. I came back to the kitchen the next morning and the size of the rat had became 3x its size.
I opened the window and sat on the window sill. The rat was successful at removing itself off the sticky trap. The skin peeled off as it removed itself from the trap. As soon as it removed itself off the trap, I saw lots of blood, visceral tissue and tiny ribs. The rat laid down on the unaffected side for about 30 seconds and then ran towards me. I kicked myself out of the dream. Can anyone interpret this dream? |
Name a Smartphone App....
Mingle2. POF Christian |
Name a Smartphone App....
that might cause your spouse to suspect infidelity?
I'll start |