Community > Posts By > Okoro David

Okoro David 's photo
Fri 02/27/15 11:31 PM
If you give her sex, she will say
you are
her body; if you don't give her
sex she will
say you are not man enough.
If you give her money she will
say you not smart; if you don't give her
money she will
say that you are stingy and
If you are very caring she will
take you for
granted; if you are not caring
she will say
that you don't love her.
If you always call her she will say
that you are
disturbing her; if you don't call
her she
will say that you are cheating
on her.
If you dress very well she will call
you a
player; if you don't dress
well she will call you a dirty guy.
If you are
quiet she will say that you are
boring. If you are not, she will
say that you
are too
Help her in the kitchen she will
say that this
man is a womanizer; if u
don't help
the kitchen she will say that this
man is
using her as a slave. WHAT DO U

Okoro David 's photo
Fri 02/27/15 11:21 PM
A Prof and Akpos were
seating next to each other in a
long flight.
Prof said to Akpos: lets play a game, I will ask
you a question and if you didn’t get the
answer, you will pay me $50,
and if u ask me a question and I
don’t get the answer, I will pay you $5000.
The Prof started: What is the distance from
the earth to the moon?
Akpos doesn’t say a word, he
reaches his pocket and pulls
out a $50 and gives it to him.
Now it’s Akpos turn to ask,
He said: What goes up the hill
with 3 legs and comes down with 5 legs?
The Prof thought for a long time,searches the
net, and
asked all his smart friends but couldn’t get
the answer.
He reached his pocket, pulled out a $5000
and gave it to Akpos.
The Prof got mad and asked Akpos:
Well, what the hell goes up the
hill with 3 legs and comes down with 5 legs?.
Akpos just dipped his hand into
his pocket and gave Prof $50
and said: I don’t know also.
Describe Akpos

Okoro David 's photo
Fri 02/27/15 11:17 PM
Please if ur Daddy is a landlord
and ur Mummy is a landlady
What r you?

Okoro David 's photo
Fri 02/27/15 11:10 PM
Dangerous and Expensive Silence:
A certain man found his wife with another
man in their bedroom. Instead of shouting or
beating both of them, he just looked at them
and went back to the sitting room. He
switched on the Television and started
watching some gospel videos. The wife and
the boyfriend were in panic. The boyfriend
dressed up and came by the sitting room
then he said, "Sir am sorry for sleeping with
your wife". The husband replied, "such
happens you can go..."
The boyfriend left. The wife never came out
from the bedroom, till it was time to sleep.
The husband switched off the Television and
went to sleep in the bedroom. He found his
wife sitting on the floor crying.
The husband never said anything or even
asked her about the episode.. He just slept
and covered himself with a blanket. In the
morning when he woke up, he found his
wife dead. The wife committed suicide in the
middle of the night as he was sleeping. The
husband was jailed for 20 years for murder.
→Who was not fair?
1. The husband,
2. The wife
3. The law

Okoro David 's photo
Fri 02/27/15 11:06 PM
Akpos died and went to Heaven.
As he stood in front of the Pearly Gates, he
saw a huge wall of clocks behind him.
He asked, 'Why all the clocks?' St. Peter
answered, Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone
has ever been on earth has a Lie-Clock.
Every time you lie, the hands on your clock
Oh, said akpos. 'Whose clock is
that?' 'That's Mother Teresas', replied St.Peter.
'The hands have never moved, indicating that
she never told a lie.' 'Incredible', said akpos.
'And whose clock is that one? St. Peter
'That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands
have moved Twice, telling us that Abraham
told only two lies in his
entire life.'
'Where's our politician's clock?' asked Akpos.
St Peter replied, they r in the office.
We're using them as ceiling fans'

Okoro David 's photo
Fri 02/27/15 08:21 AM
Here is a game
for you.
STANDING". The last person to
wins a
I give you a starting word. The next person to
word to start their sentence in that
E.g.."I just received a
Next person
will use the word ''call'.
"Call me whenever you
baby". Next
person will start her
''baby''. And so on..
AGAIN. This post can run for

Okoro David 's photo
Fri 02/27/15 08:11 AM
A lady with big boobs entered a bus. She
had a rosary around her neck with the
cross between her boobs.
Akpos was sitting beside her and
couldn't help staring. The lady knowing
Akpos has been staring for over 15mins
then asked "Are you looking at Jesus
Christ who died on the cross?
Akpos replied: No! Am actually looking at
the two thieves beside him..

Okoro David 's photo
Fri 02/27/15 08:06 AM
Akpos wife was
going into a hotel with
boyfriend when she
saw Akpos
coming out of
that same hotel with
his girlfriend. On sighting
Akpos, akpos's wife
immediately said, "I've
catch you
today, useless man,
thank God I brought a
Akpos looked at her
then turned to his
and said, "Sister Mercy
you see what I told
you? If we
had left earlier as you
wanted we won't have
her here"

Okoro David 's photo
Thu 02/26/15 07:11 AM

Hope if hv not pissed you guyz off?..
Im really sorry for the post...
I actually wrote based on where i came from and the kind of family i grew up.
Im 23 and my Dad is a in Nigeria "especially frm the east" our young girlz hadly get pregnant out of wedluck...those who get pregnant out of wedluck hadly get married. So all do try their best not. Some of them will end up marrying any kind of man..they dnt have the choice.
Here, since i was born have not seen a single 50+ man or woman who still wnt to marry. Its either they wna remian single for life or something.
And pple dnt divorce easily..though they still divorce cos of one problem or the other but it do affect women more...cos the men can still marry but women dnt easily get married after divorce..except if the bride price paid on her head is returned.
But im not in anybody's shoe...most things that happnes isnt anybody's fualt. I did not write to get certain pple upset not perfect either.

:smile: I Remember one of my widowed aunt before. She remarried at the age of 60s and all her children are against of it. Even I, I questioned why she got married of that age. I have no understanding but my father explain me the reason why. Smartdave you are still young and maybe you are still living with your parents. Someday if you get old and live alone you will understand.:smile:

About devorce I have nothing to say that the people here have different understanding, belief and faith.

thanks for you opinion...
You i view divorce may not be similar with otherz cos of believe...
Buh I dnt actually stay with my independent

Okoro David 's photo
Thu 02/26/15 06:19 AM
Joke: Akpors the wonderful Student.

Akpors was in English class one day when the teacher decided to have an interactive quiz; the following conversation ensued: Teacher: make a sentence using the word “beans” John: “my sister cooked beans for supper last night.” Teacher: good-boy!! Kelvin: “i had soup with beans for breakfast & lunch.” Teacher: great Joseph: i love butter beans & baked beans.” Teacher: nice-one Akpors: “we are all human-beans”
you can guess what the teacher did.

Okoro David 's photo
Thu 02/26/15 06:14 AM
Akpors survived a fire accident.

WIFE: Darling why are you home this early
wearing such a long face?
AKPOS: Had a terrible day, i
lost all my colleagues today at work.
WIFE: Blood of Jesus! What
AKPORS: There was a fire outbreak down in
the tunnel and everybody died!
WIFE: What a pity! Darling I thank God for
keeping you alive. How did you make it out
my dear?
AKPOS: Darling, it was God's work. My
stomach was upsetting me so, I took a
to ease myself in the toilet.
WIFE: Darling, thank God you
are alive. What would have Happened to us?
I feel so much pity for their families. So bad,
how are they going to survive now?
AKPOS: My dear its a pity, but UNITED
NATIONS has decided to give the families of
the deceased $10million each.
WIFE: What?!!!!! Ten million
what? So because of your useless stomach
upset and the foolish
toilet and your refusal to die
with your colleagues.......make me miss that
money?? I beg if you don't want trouble, go
back and die with your colleagues.

Okoro David 's photo
Thu 02/26/15 05:36 AM
hi all

Okoro David 's photo
Thu 02/26/15 03:52 AM

I think, we are here, because we need someone to communicate with. We are imperfect not because of being divorced or having children. It`s inner state.

you right dear...thnks

Okoro David 's photo
Thu 02/26/15 03:40 AM
Akpos and frineds in the forest.

Akpors, emeka and ichie got lost and
stranded in a deserted forest.
For weeks, they lived there, hoping one day
help w would come and they would live that
awful forest. Since they had to struggle to
survive, there misery brought them closer
and soon they became even closer than they
were before. One day however, they found a
magic lamp.
Fascinated by its beauty, they rubbed it, and
sure enough, out popped genie; The genie
says; Since I can only give out 3 wishes, you
may each have one.
So Emeka goes first; I have been stuck here
for too long, I miss my family and my friends
and my life. I just want to go home. POOF, he
is gone.
Then Ichie makes his wish; I thought i was
going to die here. I am tired of this place o!
Oga please, me too, I want to go home. and
POOF, he is gone.
Then Akpors starts crying uncontrollably;
Eeya. ei, chai oooooo eeeee ahhhh! I am
missing them already.
The genie asks, What is the problem?
Akpors replied: I wish my friends were
If you were them, what would you do to
Akpors when the genie returns you to the

Okoro David 's photo
Thu 02/26/15 03:30 AM
Joke: Akpors deals with the magician

Akpors was a very poor man in one of the
worst conditions you can think of. He had
no wife, no child, no money, his house
leaked water whenever it rained, a blind
mother; in fact, he had nothing you could
write home about.
But one day he saw a magician who
promised to grant him only one wish.
Magician: Tell me one thing you wish. Just one! and I
will do it for you right now.
Akpors: Ok, no problem, I have only one
wish, I want my mother to see my wife
carrying two of my kids in my Hummer Jeep
parked near the swimming pool in one of
my many mansions situated in London city.
The magician fainted.
One word for Akpors this time?
a. Greedy
b. Great thinker
c. A fool
d. Perfect
e. Others. (Specify)

Okoro David 's photo
Thu 02/26/15 03:25 AM
Akpors wants to be President.

Akpors wants to be President oh; see his 8
points agenda:
1. I am going to make sure any guy or girl
who breaks each others heart will spend
20years in jail.
2. No man is entitled to more than one wife.
3. Any guy without 6 packs or any girl
without figure 8 will have to relocate to Iran
or Iraq for survival…
4. No work on Mondays
5. You must not have more than 2kids..
6. If U are married and ain’t
paying attention to your wife or
husband,you will be jailed until you change.
7. Every cheating man or woman must be
kept in a zoo for 2months.
8. No sex until U seek permission from your
local Govt chairman and it’s once per month.
Would you vote him or not?

Okoro David 's photo
Thu 02/26/15 01:07 AM
The chronicles of Valentines

Behold it is written in the book of February,
chapter 14:
1…And it shall come to pass that on
Valentines day excuses shall arise; my
battery died, my credit got finished, my DP
refused to change, my boss selected me for
that trip, traffic jam, I got kidnapped, etc.
2…When thou seeth these signs, be calm,
fear not, keep thy peace and know that thou
art not thy boo’s boo. Thou art a side chick
or side man. Or thy boyfriend is the stingiest
person ever liveth!

Okoro David 's photo
Thu 02/26/15 12:56 AM
Little Akpors was attending his first
wedding with a whole lot of his family
members present.
After the service, his younger cousin, Ejiro,
asked him, “How many women can a man
“Sixteen.” Akpors responded boldly.
Ejiro was amazed that he answered so
quickly and asked; “How do you know
“Easy,” Akpors replied, “all you have to do is
add it up, like the preacher said: ‘Four better,
four worse, four richer, four poorer’

Okoro David 's photo
Thu 02/26/15 12:50 AM
Edited by Okoro David on Thu 02/26/15 12:52 AM
Akpors was on his way back from work one
day when he came across a mad man who
was standing on
3rd Mainland bridge and shouting “44! 44!!
The mad man seemed to be filled with so
much joy while he kept screaming ‘44’ and
soon enough a small crowd gathered to
watch him.
Trust some people to always be looking out
for a show, everyone watching wanted to
know what was going on.
Akpors turned to one of the onlookers who
had been there before him and asked “oga,
please what is this mad man shouting 44
for?”. “I don’t know oh” the man replied
“but I think it is best to leave him alone” he
Inquisitive Akpors could not just keep calm
and soon enough he walked boldly towards
the mad man and said “bros no vex oh,
wetin 44 do you?”. As soon as he got close
to the madman, the madman quickly
grabbed him, threw him over the bridge
into the water and started screaming 45!
OmG!, you need to see how everybody
became Usain Bolt, running back into the
cars they came with and getting as far away
from the mad man as possible.

Okoro David 's photo
Thu 02/26/15 12:31 AM
Akpors’ father, an old farmer wrote a letter
to his son Akpors who was in prison.
The letter said: “Son this year I will not plant
cassava and yam because I can’t dig the
field, I know if you were here you would
have helped me”. I miss you so much, but I
am afraid that if I don’t get help, I will be in
trouble and risk starving next season”.
Akpors replied his father’s letter saying:
“Dad don’t even think of digging the field
because that’s were I buried the money I
The Police men on reading the letter which
was supposed to be delivered, went early in
the morning to the house, dug the whole
field in search of the money but nothing
was found.
The next day Akpors wrote his father again:
“Dad you can now plant your cassava and
yam this is the best I can do from here.
Dad replied ” haaa my son you are too
powerful indeed ,even in prison you still
command police men to work for me,I was
so suprised to see the IG and team holding
hoes and shovels, digging my farm. I will
write to you when I want to harvest.