Community > Posts By > Witchypoo1969

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Wed 02/14/07 12:03 PM
Just wanted to send this out to the Midwesterners (is that a word?).
It'd be nice to hook up with some local people.

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Wed 02/14/07 12:01 PM
Well, maybe if we wish each other Happy 4th of July, it'll bring some
warmer weather. I'm so sick of snow!!

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Wed 02/14/07 11:56 AM
No problem love. I just wanted to make sure this cheap, old computer
wasn't playing tricks on me. Good luck to you darling!

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Wed 02/14/07 11:55 AM
How do you post a new chat area? For instance, if I wanted to invite
people from Indianapolis? Thx

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Wed 02/14/07 11:50 AM
Maybe it's just my computer, but why is this same msg. repeated over and
over again? Was that on purpose?

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Wed 02/14/07 11:45 AM
Is America really ready for a female president or even a black
president? It doesn't seem like a lot to offer, seeing as though we've
moved beyond all the racisms, etc. (yeah right). I just don't want to
see two really great senators get humiliated in such a public way. I
guess it's a chance that you take in politics. Maybe if they ran as
Pres and VP they could put up a stronger front. I also worry that Obama
is such a young senator. Has he even been up for re-election yet? No
way racist America will ever have a black president in the near future.
I just watched a documentary on the "new skinheads" on A&E. That stuff
is pretty scary. I'd be scared of some kind of race war.

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Wed 02/14/07 11:40 AM
You should post this great poem in the poetry section. Hate to see it
get lost in the New Mbrs. Area. You're very talented. Can I offer one
very small piece of advice? Check your spelling. I'm so's just the teacher in me coming out. You'd just hate for
your beautiful work of art to lose meaning to an adoring fan if you're
misunderstood due to the spelling of a word. Also, you may want to see
about getting this published. There are lots of places out there that
offer help to new artists by providing their work in up and coming
poetry books.

Take care and good luck!

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Wed 02/14/07 11:33 AM
Sweetheart, are you reminiscing from last year or just saving up for
this year? It's a good headliner though. Got attention, didn't it?

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Wed 02/14/07 11:14 AM
I've been in the Pentecostal/Apostolic faith pretty much my whole life,
but have never spoken in tongues. At times, I thought I had a spirit
coming over me, but it never came into fruition. I can remember growing
up in the church and seeing people "fake" the spirit so to speak. It
wasn't very encouraging. Even today, I see the same two people in
church every Sunday. Running around the church, wailing their arms, and
speaking in an undiscernable language. I believe that we can be blessed
with the tongues, as it is written in the bible. I believe that
everyone deserves that gift, as it is written in the bible. But I do
not believe that it's the only way into the heaven. I do not believe
that if you are not pure of heart and totally walking right with Christ,
that you will get it. I do respect that I've talked to my pastor about
this on numerous occassions (luckily I've known his family and his mine,
a very long time). He assures me that it doesn't mean I'm going to hell
or am any less of a person. He does believe that when it is time, it
will come. He also says perhaps that is something going on in my life
spiritually that it keeping me from this gift. Do you think that it's
that I'm down to about 2 cigarettes a day and still can't kick the
habit? Pray for me!

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