Community > Posts By > MissBehave209

MissBehave209's photo
Thu 04/16/09 03:26 PM
you are very talented....i like this one alot

MissBehave209's photo
Thu 04/16/09 03:25 PM
Thank you MzEm and I love your writings as well....Thank you

MissBehave209's photo
Thu 04/16/09 11:13 AM
I've crashed and Burned several times hahah...but I turn right back around...

MissBehave209's photo
Thu 04/16/09 11:12 AM
thank you very much..

MissBehave209's photo
Thu 04/16/09 11:12 AM

MissBehave209's photo
Thu 04/16/09 11:11 AM
thank you binary

MissBehave209's photo
Wed 04/15/09 06:22 PM

MissBehave209's photo
Wed 04/15/09 06:14 PM

MissBehave209's photo
Wed 04/15/09 06:05 PM
thank you

MissBehave209's photo
Wed 04/15/09 05:50 PM
thanks. this is a reallly personal one cant believe I shared it

MissBehave209's photo
Wed 04/15/09 05:47 PM
The Road Ahead by MissyTone

Why does it seem like no matter what path im on, it always ends up meeting with roads I've walked wrong.
I can be on the otherside of the world completly, but somehow the path turns around without me even seeing
Once again i'm faced with finding my way, back to the trail heading where I was when it strayed
Im so familiar with being lost that Im quickly found again, but I wont stop walking forward unless its a dead end
I'll just turn back because i'll never rest easy, until the day that wrong path no longer meets me

MissBehave209's photo
Wed 04/15/09 05:46 PM
wow.....I can digg it for real

MissBehave209's photo
Wed 04/15/09 05:42 PM
i can dig it....

MissBehave209's photo
Wed 04/15/09 05:39 PM
One day by MISSYTONE
Im trying not to be tempted to start over again, but I cant not avoid it when it’s always a question....
How strong can one be to hold on to it all, when those around expect that you’re gonna fall....
Even while being given praise for not slipping, the reminder of failures before are silently mentioned....
Im not going to let myself become what I was, but I stumble inside each time it’s brought up....
I know the intentions are good but please listen; it makes every day an even harder mission....
When told that my temptations shouldn’t be a concern, they are I fight them as much as it’s clear your unsure....
If you’ll only let me get to the end of each day, with out asking me somehow if my past came back in someway....
Then it wouldn’t be so hard for me to fight in the battle, of not letting temptation become another step backwards.

MissBehave209's photo
Wed 04/15/09 05:38 PM

It's been over a year since you've been gone

it's said in time it get's better, they are so wrong

it still hurts just as much as it did when you left

i wish everyday to tell you what was left unsaid

if somehow you can let me know that you can hear me

i miss you more and more each day, and love you compleatly

maybe it's just wishful thinking but i feel that your still here

watching over me when I'm down as you have for years and years

there are times when I feel your love for me really strong

as if you trying to pick me up when i'm starting to fall

those of us who broke inside the day you faded off

find it hard to talk to long about you being gone

i still cant get used to not being able to talk to you

about everything and anything for hours like we used to

or how you'd hang up on me when i would act all grumpy

and we'd be mad, then laugh cause it really was nothing

we could sing all night and everytime you'd amaze me

your voice could give a song a whole new meaning

when you would make me feel dumb, then just laugh

if i got upset about it, you never let me stay mad at that

i could always depend on you to follow through

with anything you would say or that i'd ask of you

it never mattered what time or where i would be

i could call you about anything or you'd always be calling me

i remember how we'd just cruise around singing laughing or talking

that's what we did on the last day that i ever saw you

i guess that i'll never get over not having you anymore

but im greatful that you were my bestfriend and still are

you'll always have a place in my heart till im long gone

and one day we'll be together again, so i'll try to be strong

MissBehave209's photo
Wed 04/15/09 05:34 PM
Im Going to go with a WHOLE GENRE of music...I really think it's NOT OK to have BEATS in your car and use them to bump " RANCHERO/MEXICAN STYLED" music. Dont get me wrong Im spanish NOT RACIST or hatin' on the music...JUST DONT WANT TO HEAR POLKA BEATIN OUT YOUR RIDE hahahahah

MissBehave209's photo
Wed 04/15/09 05:30 PM

PAU HANA - wake up my darling. man this song will never get old to me....

MissBehave209's photo
Wed 04/15/09 05:22 PM
what about you? are you musical?

MissBehave209's photo
Wed 04/15/09 05:21 PM
No thanks not looking to "hookup" like that....Im on here for serious intrests in making and meeting new people....:smile:

MissBehave209's photo
Tue 03/31/09 07:29 AM
Really Im moving to San D sooner then i thought.....Where are the spots around La Jolla to go Other then the Beach cuz that's my first stop....I am planning on going there for 2 days next week to look at some houses and the School Im attending later so....LET ME KNOW PLEASE...also Where are the Samoans? hahah.....