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Topic: TODAY IN TRUMPLAND. PART 2. - part 2
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Fri 05/31/19 08:35 PM
Trump’s Mexico tariff plan divides Republicans

"President Trump’s latest effort to crack down on migration at the southern border by imposing punitive tariffs on Mexican goods appears to be driving a wedge between the White House and some of Trump’s biggest supporters in the Senate — including immigration hard-liners who ordinarily back him on border security issues. Among Senate Republicans, only Lindsey Graham of South Carolina publicly backed the tariff plan.

“I support nearly every one of President Trump’s immigration policies, but this is not one of them,” Sen. Chuck Grassley said Thursday evening, shortly after the White House announced its new tariff tactic.

Grassley, an Iowa Republican and chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, which handles trade issues, told reporters Thursday that the move was “a misuse of presidential tariff authority and counter to congressional intent," and expressed concern that “following through on this threat would seriously jeopardize passage of USMCA,” the new trade agreement between the U.S., Canada and Mexico that the Trump administration is pushing as a replacement for the existing North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). "


Trump has no choice but to land a trade deal with China

"President Trump is playing hard to get in his trade negotiations with China, raising the stakes with new tariffs and pretending to be unperturbed by the consequences. But Trump will have to settle this dispute if he wants a serious shot at reelection—even if it means caving—and get it done by the end of summer".


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Fri 05/31/19 08:43 PM
'It's Hatred': A History of President Trump's Attacks on the Wrongfully Convicted 'Central Park Five'

"It was 1989 and Donald Trump — “not widely known outside New York,” where he was a real estate developer and Art of the Deal author — had something he wanted to say.

“You better believe that I hate the people who took this girl and raped her brutally. You better believe it,” Trump, then some three decades from becoming president, reportedly told a packed room of people at a news conference in the wake of a notorious assault on a white woman jogging in Central Park.

A group of teenage boys, black and Hispanic, had quickly been detained in the investigation, which generated intense media attention".


William Barr Shrugs Off Concerns Over His Reputation: 'Everyone Dies'

"Attorney General William Barr appears unbothered by the damage to his reputation amid accusations that he is shielding President Donald Trump from the full implications of the Mueller report".


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Sat 06/01/19 12:15 AM
Border Patrol: Group of 1,036 migrants is largest ever found

"EL PASO, Texas (AP) — A group of 1,036 migrants that crossed the border illegally El Paso, Texas, is the largest the Border Patrol has ever encountered, the agency said Thursday".


New Mexican Tariffs Could Majorly Disrupt Ford Stock — And All of U.S. Auto

"shares dove in Friday trading following President Trump’s surprise announcement of new tariffs on Mexican goods. Though Ford lacks the large Mexican presence of its archrival GM (NYSE:GM), concerns about supply chains rattled investors in Ford stock and its peers".


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Sat 06/01/19 01:15 AM
Manufacturers warn on 'devastating consequences' of Mexico tariffs

"U.S. manufacturers warned on Friday that President Donald Trump’s threat to impose new tariffs on Mexico could have a “devastating” impact on the economy and may jeopardize the administration’s efforts to win passage of a new North American trade accord".


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Sat 06/01/19 02:23 AM
Transcript released of voicemail Trump lawyer left for Flynn lawyer asking for a 'heads up'

"The special counsel's office on Friday released the full transcript of a voicemail one of President Donald Trump's lawyers left for Michael Flynn’s lawyer asking for a "heads up" about the former national security adviser’s cooperation with investigators, a call government prosecutors have described as a “potential” effort to hinder Robert Mueller’s probe".


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Sat 06/01/19 02:30 AM
New details emerge in Michael Flynn's cooperation with Mueller probe

"Federal prosecutors unsealed court documents related to special counsel Robert Mueller’s case against Michael Flynn on Thursday showing in greater detail the breadth of the former national security advisor’s assistance to prosecutors".


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Sat 06/01/19 02:36 AM
If Nancy Pelosi Wants to Uphold Her Legacy, She Should Impeach Trump

"Most of us live in survival mode. We're just trying to get through the day, or the week, or the year. Or exerting superhuman efforts to scrape together that $400 we don't have on hand if an emergency strikes. But very important people spend more time pondering the very long run: their legacies. The important plan to put their names on buildings. Give their wealth to charity. I imagine Nancy Pelosi, the first female Speaker of the House, has started thinking about hers"


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Sat 06/01/19 02:15 PM
Kim Jong Un’s Reported Purges Spell Disaster for Trump

"So far, the most important conclusion we can draw from reports North Korea’s senior nuclear negotiator and four foreign ministry officials were executed in March is this: Kim Jong Un is not the reliable, trustworthy negotiator President Trump has made him out to be".


Wide range of emotions on impeachment underscores challenge

"YORKTOWN, Va. (AP) — In suburban Philadelphia, it took a little more than eight minutes into the question-and-answer session at freshman Rep. Madeleine Dean’s town hall before someone asked about impeachment.

The topic was broached in Southern California as Rep. Katie Porter fielded other questions on health care, homelessness, border security, and the minimum wage.

In military heavy Yorktown, along coastal Virginia, another newly elected Democrat, Rep. Elaine Luria, never got asked about it at all".


I think it is funny how people complain that important things for the country are not getting done with Congress. Didn't the Congress, Senate, and Presidency belong to the GOP for 2 years? How much got done then?

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Sat 06/01/19 04:30 PM
How Trump's Mexico threat imperils his own economic agenda

"WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump’s vow to impose new tariffs on Mexican imports risks sabotaging not just his drive to forge more favorable trade deals but also a U.S. economy that he says has strengthened under his watch".


Trump screws up all the time. Could this be that one BIG screwup we've been waiting to happen?

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Sun 06/02/19 07:49 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Sun 06/02/19 08:11 PM
Trump 'deadly serious' about Mexico tariffs, White House official says

"Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney gave a stern warning about President Trump's upcoming decision to whether to impose tariffs on Mexican goods in retaliation to illegal immigration".


Wasn't it just a couple of weeks ago when the White house was praising Mexico for stepping up their game and doing everything they could to prevent the caravans? Now The Stable One is slapping tariffs on them. Take that, the American consumer.

oldkid46's photo
Mon 06/03/19 10:03 AM
Why should Trump be pushing on Mexico to help with the immigration problem that is caused by Congress? A couple changes to immigration laws and the problem would disappear overnight!!!

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Mon 06/03/19 01:31 PM
A tale of 2 invoices: Beto O'Rourke pays El Paso, while Donald Trump's campaign still owes $470,000

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

Actually, which one it depended on what street you stood on during a chilly winter evening in El Paso, Texas.

On one side of town, raucous crowds gathered at the El Paso County Coliseum. With American flags and banners reading "Finish the Wall" displayed above him, President Donald Trump hailed his "big, beautiful" border wall as the reason for El Paso's low crime rate".


USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills

"During the Atlantic City casino boom in the 1980s, Philadelphia cabinet-builder Edward Friel Jr. landed a $400,000 contract to build the bases for slot machines, registration desks, bars, and other cabinets at Harrah's at Trump Plaza.

The family cabinetry business, founded in the 1940s by Edward’s father, finished its work in 1984 and submitted its final bill to the general contractor for the Trump Organization, the resort’s builder".


A brief history of Trump's small-time swindles

"Trump has long claimed to be a fierce defender of the "forgotten" American. In his unsettlingly dark inauguration address, for example, Trump declared: "The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. Everyone is listening to you now. ... And I will fight for you with every breath in my body, and I will never, ever let you down."

But Trump has long made a career of letting down just these sorts of Americans".


Screwed By Trump? Progress Florida Promotes Website to Help People Tell Their Story

"ST. PETERSBURG – From contractors and small business owners who haven’t been paid to investors in developments who were hung out to dry, former employees and entire towns, wherever Donald Trump goes a trail of lawsuits and unpaid workers often follows.

To bring these stories out of the shadows and help victims share their side of the story, Progress Florida today teamed with American Bridge to launch a website where victims can share how Donald Trump took advantage of them. By sharing their story, those who have been abused by Trump can help to correct these business practices as well as educating voters about the real Donald Trump".


Trump is a crook. This shouldn't surprise anyone. He is a crook and has always been one.

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Mon 06/03/19 02:02 PM
Trump calls London mayor a 'stone cold loser' ahead of U.K. visit

"President Trump arrived in the United Kingdom on Monday for a three-day state visit. And just before he landed, Trump took to Twitter to attack London Mayor Sadiq Khan.

"Sadiq Khan, who by all accounts has done a terrible job as Mayor of London, has been foolishly 'nasty' to the visiting President of the United States, by far the most important ally of the United Kingdom," the president tweeted. "He is a stone-cold loser who should focus on crime in London, not me".


Why Britain loves to hate Donald Trump

"LONDON — Of all the things that baffle the British about America, the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump has to be right up there with breakfast pizza and everyone always shooting each other".


The great majority of British people that I've talked too, can't stand Trump. Even the Jews have no love lost for Trump. I do believe that Trump is one of the most un-liked presidents in history. I'm just glad that there are more people that see through him than they are that don't. It seems he is pretty well disliked everywhere he goes. Could all these countries and all these people be wrong? Or is it, they/we see him for what he really is?

No love lost between Jews and Trump? Here’s why.

"A new poll by the Jewish Electorate Institute confirms something that most of us had already suspected: Two-thirds of the Jewish electorate remain firmly aligned with the Democratic Party, and there has been no change in the percentage of Jewish voters identifying as Republicans since JEI’s October 2018 poll; it remains at 25 percent".


Welcome to Scotland? No Love Lost in Trump's Ancestral Home

"It’s not the kind of greeting Scotland’s tourist brochures advertise, let alone for world leaders.

As President Donald Trump took a short holiday at one of the two golf resorts he owns in the country, protesters in Glasgow demonstrated against his visit and police estimated 9,000 assembled in Edinburgh, the capital, on Saturday".


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Mon 06/03/19 03:20 PM

The great majority of British people that I've talked too, can't stand Trump.

I think the majority of British people understand and respect the statesmanship of Obama. He was a politican and understood the meanings of 'negotiate' and 'compromise' but donny is a businessman who can only respond to criticism by sacking anyone who disagrees with him.

His ability to deny things he said - and which were recorded at the time - is in keeping with all the lies he is proven to have said. Even as he arrived in England he was rude to the mayor of London. Why? Because the mayor is a muslim and he believes that being rude to muslims will help his campaign to retain his presidency at the election next year. Indeed, I believe the whole point of his visit to the UK (from his point of view) is to increase his chances of re-election.

hardBNhard's photo
Mon 06/03/19 03:25 PM
Edited by hardBNhard on Mon 06/03/19 03:27 PM

Trump calls London mayor a 'stone cold loser' ahead of U.K. visit

"President Trump arrived in the United Kingdom on Monday for a three-day state visit. And just before he landed, Trump took to Twitter to attack London Mayor Sadiq Khan.

"Sadiq Khan, who by all accounts has done a terrible job as Mayor of London, has been foolishly 'nasty' to the visiting President of the United States, by far the most important ally of the United Kingdom," the president tweeted. "He is a stone-cold loser who should focus on crime in London, not me".


Why Britain loves to hate Donald Trump

"LONDON — Of all the things that baffle the British about America, the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump has to be right up there with breakfast pizza and everyone always shooting each other".


The great majority of British people that I've talked too, can't stand Trump. Even the Jews have no love lost for Trump. I do believe that Trump is one of the most un-liked presidents in history. I'm just glad that there are more people that see through him than they are that don't. It seems he is pretty well disliked everywhere he goes. Could all these countries and all these people be wrong? Or is it, they/we see him for what he really is?

No love lost between Jews and Trump? Here’s why.

"A new poll by the Jewish Electorate Institute confirms something that most of us had already suspected: Two-thirds of the Jewish electorate remain firmly aligned with the Democratic Party, and there has been no change in the percentage of Jewish voters identifying as Republicans since JEI’s October 2018 poll; it remains at 25 percent".


Welcome to Scotland? No Love Lost in Trump's Ancestral Home

"It’s not the kind of greeting Scotland’s tourist brochures advertise, let alone for world leaders.

As President Donald Trump took a short holiday at one of the two golf resorts he owns in the country, protesters in Glasgow demonstrated against his visit and police estimated 9,000 assembled in Edinburgh, the capital, on Saturday".


And yet former president Obama gets prolongued standing ovation at the
NBA playoff game in Toronto Canada Sunday night to a very loud appreciative crowd .:thumbsup:

no photo
Mon 06/03/19 08:03 PM

The great majority of British people that I've talked too, can't stand Trump.

I think the majority of British people understand and respect the statesmanship of Obama. He was a politican and understood the meanings of 'negotiate' and 'compromise' but donny is a businessman who can only respond to criticism by sacking anyone who disagrees with him.

His ability to deny things he said - and which were recorded at the time - is in keeping with all the lies he is proven to have said. Even as he arrived in England he was rude to the mayor of London. Why? Because the mayor is a muslim and he believes that being rude to muslims will help his campaign to retain his presidency at the election next year. Indeed, I believe the whole point of his visit to the UK (from his point of view) is to increase his chances of re-election.

To the best of my knowledge right now Trump's base consists of about 25 to 31% of the voter base. That's not enough to get him re-elected. This "tariff" thing he has going right now with China isn't helping matters any. Also, Now he wants to start slapping Mexico with tariffs. That's very dumb. But apparently, he doesn't see it. Or he doesn't care. The American people are taking the hit for this.

What he is doing is hurting goods and services. Making things cost more for the American consumer. Now, with the Mexican tariffs, the cost of cars and car parts will go higher. Which means Americans will pay more for a car, and more for the parts to keep them running. The cost of a new car here in America is already too high. Ford and Chevy both will see increased prices for already overpriced cars.

Trump, to the thinking American, is hurting America. We already know what happens in a tariff war. There is no winner. China isn't going to back down. When you get right down to it, they don't have too. They ship a lot to Russia and other countries. When you get right down to it, America is just barely a blip on China's radar. And Mexico, I'm not sure yet. All I do know is the Mexican president told Trump they were not building any wall. And he has stuck to his word. So, when it comes to Mexico, we will wait and see. But either way, if this tariff thing keeps going with China and Mexico, Our economy will suffer for it.

Many seem to think that by 2020 if things are still going the way they are going, it will cause another recession without question. It will, without doubt, kill any chance of Trump being re-elected.

Me personally, I hate to say it, if you think it you may as well say it, So far Trump has fu#$%^ up a lot. He is a crook. We know that. I wish everyone would shut up and let him fu#$ up to his heart's content. Let him keep screwing around until he kills our economy that Obama fought so hard to get started after Bush fu#$^& up. That way we know for sure the narcasist will be gone.

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Mon 06/03/19 08:33 PM

Trump calls London mayor a 'stone cold loser' ahead of U.K. visit

"President Trump arrived in the United Kingdom on Monday for a three-day state visit. And just before he landed, Trump took to Twitter to attack London Mayor Sadiq Khan.

"Sadiq Khan, who by all accounts has done a terrible job as Mayor of London, has been foolishly 'nasty' to the visiting President of the United States, by far the most important ally of the United Kingdom," the president tweeted. "He is a stone-cold loser who should focus on crime in London, not me".


Why Britain loves to hate Donald Trump

"LONDON — Of all the things that baffle the British about America, the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump has to be right up there with breakfast pizza and everyone always shooting each other".


The great majority of British people that I've talked too, can't stand Trump. Even the Jews have no love lost for Trump. I do believe that Trump is one of the most un-liked presidents in history. I'm just glad that there are more people that see through him than they are that don't. It seems he is pretty well disliked everywhere he goes. Could all these countries and all these people be wrong? Or is it, they/we see him for what he really is?

No love lost between Jews and Trump? Here’s why.

"A new poll by the Jewish Electorate Institute confirms something that most of us had already suspected: Two-thirds of the Jewish electorate remain firmly aligned with the Democratic Party, and there has been no change in the percentage of Jewish voters identifying as Republicans since JEI’s October 2018 poll; it remains at 25 percent".


Welcome to Scotland? No Love Lost in Trump's Ancestral Home

"It’s not the kind of greeting Scotland’s tourist brochures advertise, let alone for world leaders.

As President Donald Trump took a short holiday at one of the two golf resorts he owns in the country, protesters in Glasgow demonstrated against his visit and police estimated 9,000 assembled in Edinburgh, the capital, on Saturday".


And yet former president Obama gets prolongued standing ovation at the
NBA playoff game in Toronto Canada Sunday night to a very loud appreciative crowd .:thumbsup:



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Tue 06/04/19 12:16 AM
< continued at this topic >
< last part of this topic is here >
Edited by Charles1962150 on Tue 06/04/19 12:25 AM
House panel threatens contempt of Congress vote against Barr, Ross

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. law enforcement officer and the Commerce secretary will face a contempt of Congress vote unless they hand over documents by Thursday on efforts to put a citizenship question on the 2020 census, the chairman of a House of Representatives panel warned on Monday".


Mueller report: House to hold Attorney General Barr contempt vote next week

"The House will vote next week on holding attorney general William Barr in contempt of Congress for failing to comply with a subpoena related to the Mueller report, according to multiple reports".


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