Community > Posts By > Mr Good Guy

Mr Good Guy's photo
Fri 09/23/22 05:15 AM
We dodged that end of the world date but AOC said in 2019 we only have 12 years left due to "climate change" (not 11 yrs, not 13 yrs, but her extensive studies showed 12 yrs).

That only leaves about 9 years left until the next end of the world prediction! While she's obviously clueless about just about everything, she might be right about this one but NOT because of climate change but more because of the Dems polices, or lack thereof around crime, law and order, border security, weakening our military, race baiting, and more. The end may be near, but its her party moving us there rapidly.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Wed 09/21/22 10:31 PM
Now THIS seems like a worthwhile post for a change.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Wed 09/21/22 09:53 AM
Edited by Mr Good Guy on Wed 09/21/22 09:54 AM
Men: Breasts/Looks

Women: Wallet/Status/Potential/What they can provide

Mr Good Guy's photo
Tue 09/20/22 04:01 PM

Mr Good Guy's photo
Sun 09/18/22 10:07 PM
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Mr Good Guy's photo
Fri 09/16/22 12:43 PM

A bit naive to think having millions (yes, millions) of illegal and undocumented people just coming into the country willy nilly isn't a big priority and even more naive (uneducated?) to say Trump didn't address it. Night and day difference at the border between the two parties! But hey, at least you wrote a "feel good" reply that tried not to offend, as if anyone but the democrats care about being offended.

I am not surprised by your answer. You don’t know me but you are calling me ‘uneducated’. Maybe you need to get out of your ‘bubble’ and speak with at least one of those millions of illegal immigrants. Maybe that will help you to enhance your knowledge about other cultures and ethnics, and maybe just maybe, you will learn to be more tolerant to ‘different’.
And next time you are having a salad or a piece of corn, remember, that you can still afford buying it thanks to the exploitation that those millions of ‘illegal immigrants’ endure in this country.
May be you should go and replace one of them in the field working under the conditions they do and getting paid the miserable salary they get.
Or just keep ‘cuddling’ and think twice before you judge others and label them as uneducated just because they don’t share your narrow minded opinions.
Thank you for making my point. All emotional (very thin skin evidently), not factual. You made a bold claim about the border pretty much being the same under the last 2 presidents which is so wrong and uniformed that all I did was point it out. I didn't even bother to elaborate on it since its so obviously wrong. Sorry you can't handle the truth or facts and wish to live in your happy place. More power to ya if you can do that.

Mr GG, you and I can go on and on on here but I will stop, because you definitely misread my comment about the border issue. I never said that one president handled better than the other. What i said was that it wasn't a problem created by current president. I have been living in this country for almost 3 decades and the southern border issue always has been a 'problem' , sometimes more controlled sometimes not much. I think depends on the circumstances of the countries from where those people are coming from. If we are having terrible economical repercussions after the pandemic imaging those other countries. That is probably one of the major reasons why the situation is getting worst. Many of those countries the Covid situation is not 100% under control. I don't have to explain to you the whys. Also, the illegal immigration in this country is not all as result of the southern border, and that is a fact not a speculation. 50% of the illegal immigrants in this country came thru legal immigration access points like airports and ports. So I don't think building a wall around the country will be possible ;-). And another fact is that quarter of those immigrants being in a legal limbo is due to the inefficiencies of the ICE services which have years and years of backload cases. And another fact is that more than 50% of those illegal immigrants are not a economical burden to this country, believe it or not, they pay taxes and no, they are not all benefiting of the Welfare services. There are more citizens and legal immigrants in Welfare than illegal ones.
Again, we both can go rebutting to each other arguments to no end. Let's don't get personal and cross line of respect. Maybe one of this days we can have a face to face conversation and share our views. And for your information, I am not registered as either Democrat or Republican. I am 'Intendent' ;-)
Fair enough. You're welcome to come to my home for a chat/visit. I've owned a winter home in Yuma, AZ, for decades, very close to the Mexican border and "ground zero" for what's going on in this country in terms of immigration. Come see for yourself. I can show you them crossing within 12 minutes of my home and the impact on Yuma county.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Fri 09/16/22 09:50 AM

A bit naive to think having millions (yes, millions) of illegal and undocumented people just coming into the country willy nilly isn't a big priority and even more naive (uneducated?) to say Trump didn't address it. Night and day difference at the border between the two parties! But hey, at least you wrote a "feel good" reply that tried not to offend, as if anyone but the democrats care about being offended.

I am not surprised by your answer. You don’t know me but you are calling me ‘uneducated’. Maybe you need to get out of your ‘bubble’ and speak with at least one of those millions of illegal immigrants. Maybe that will help you to enhance your knowledge about other cultures and ethnics, and maybe just maybe, you will learn to be more tolerant to ‘different’.
And next time you are having a salad or a piece of corn, remember, that you can still afford buying it thanks to the exploitation that those millions of ‘illegal immigrants’ endure in this country.
May be you should go and replace one of them in the field working under the conditions they do and getting paid the miserable salary they get.
Or just keep ‘cuddling’ and think twice before you judge others and label them as uneducated just because they don’t share your narrow minded opinions.
Thank you for making my point. All emotional (very thin skin evidently), not factual. You made a bold claim about the border pretty much being the same under the last 2 presidents which is so wrong and uniformed that all I did was point it out. I didn't even bother to elaborate on it since its so obviously wrong. Sorry you can't handle the truth or facts and wish to live in your happy place. More power to ya if you can do that.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Thu 09/15/22 04:54 PM

Shocks me how ANYONE can watch what is happening at our border and think this is ok. Border security is one of the few mandatory jobs any administration is required to do. Biden/Harris shouldn't be in office due to this one issue alone, let alone all the others! Insane to think 40% of Americans are ok with this and will give it a pass.

I normally don’t talk politics but I am making an exemption.
I don’t think is fair to blame the border situation on current president. This has been an ongoing issue from decades that no president, democrats or republicans, have been able to address. I feel is another smoke curtain that is been pull to divert the attention from more serious issues such the fact that the former president was holding highly sensitive documents after his term was done at one of his private homes. Why? Shouldn’t that be ground for treason?
I think there are more concerning issues and situations in this country that should be taken care of by whomever is in the white house.
People need to stop being hateful and negative just because the person sitting in the presidency is not from their political party.
That person is representing all Americans and as American that is what i look at. How can we work together to move forward.
A bit naive to think having millions (yes, millions) of illegal and undocumented people just coming into the country willy nilly isn't a big priority and even more naive (uneducated?) to say Trump didn't address it. Night and day difference at the border between the two parties! But hey, at least you wrote a "feel good" reply that tried not to offend, as if anyone but the democrats care about being offended.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Thu 09/15/22 01:41 PM
Edited by Mr Good Guy on Thu 09/15/22 01:42 PM

You got to love how these hypocrats tell us if you think the election was stolen from trump than you are a white supremeist, and a destroyer of democracy , and should be disqualified to hold office , but I have seen many videos of Hillary , VP Harris , and many others saying how the 2016 election was stolen from Hillary. And they still say that. But I guess lies and deception instead of truth and ethics rule in the Democratic Party. And now according to the polls only 38% of the American people think joe Biden and his administration are competent. How many people here on mingle 2 are in that 38%. And if any, why?

As of today it is 42.3% approval. Don’t hate me. Just saying :wink:
Shocks me how ANYONE can watch what is happening at our border and think this is ok. Border security is one of the few mandatory jobs any administration is required to do. Biden/Harris shouldn't be in office due to this one issue alone, let alone all the others! Insane to think 40% of Americans are ok with this and will give it a pass.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Wed 09/14/22 09:51 PM
Edited by Mr Good Guy on Wed 09/14/22 10:33 PM

Not sure where I got that number. It’s not beyond belief with the disorganization on the border . Border patrol has already told us they have caught many on the terror watch list it’s not unrealistic that some have got in. And now news is coming out that “ the deep vetting of afghans was actually not much vetting at all if any. So chances are good that people on that list have slipped in under this presidents watch. Just like that story of the bodega owner. No comment from you on that, only 🦗. If you would watch Fox News you would know that not everything under this administration is all hunky dory. Watch Brett Baer if you don’t like Tucker. But your missing a whole other side by limiting yourself to only pro democrat / anti Trump broadcasters. No Trump didn’t stop immigrants from coming to this country. He did however have the influx of immigrants under control to where the border patrol could do the job they were meant to do. Protect our borders not change diapers and hand out free phones . Since when is calling someone or thing out for doing a lousy job politicizing. The U.S. should be #1 or #2 in educating our children but I would be surprised if we are in the top 10 . Liberals would rather teach our elementary age kids about trans sexual and drag queens instead of 2+2. No the Trump administration wasn’t involved in Twitter sensoring or deleting comments they disagreed with. No Trump wasn’t supporting the abortion rulings that let women abort at full term. Why would anybody? Again these are Biden’s choices not Trumps

True. I don't watch Fox News. But to be fair, I got rid of my cable service & only get local news, so no Fox, OANN, NewsMax or even CNN or MSNBC. If you're getting all hopped up about something in a bodega, it must be national news that my local CBS affiliate just dropped in the interest of time. I'll try to remember to cry myself to sleep for missing Bret Baier.

Trump didn't control the influx of immigrants. Just locked up a bunch of children at the border in an effort to scare away the rest, which might have worked if those others had watched Bret Baier, as you recommend. They didn't. Now that Biden's in office, border arrests are actually up, so the "terrorists" are less likely to get through, but good luck with your estimates.

From your knowledge on the subject, Baier may have let you down when reporting about trans kids and drag queens. Sure, it's discussed, but it's not THE lesson. CRT isn't a lesson at all. Probably more to do with funding and radical school boards that our math scores are deteriorating. School districts across the country are stripping out music (linked to higher math scores) and deleting arts & humanities, turning education systems into prisons.
So all this blather you spout on here is based on your watching your local channel of a whopping 45,000 residents, outside San Francisco, CA of all places? Folks, there's your answer to Mortimer.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Tue 09/13/22 06:56 PM

Hey everyone, I just joined up and was encouraged to see a number of single ladies close to where I live. Not sure if they're actually people and not bots, but what the heck it doesn't hurt to try.

Remember how easy it was to make new friends when you were a kid? Man, it is really hard when you're in your 40s. I don't even know where to begin. It would be nice if a website could deliver up a caring and committed relationship on a silver platter, but somehow I doubt it's gonna be that easy. Probably what needs to happen is I need to go out into the real world and make some real human connections, grow my social network slowly over time, and then I'll probably meet some people who are about right for me to date.

But that sounds like a lot of work, so I think I'll goof around on the Internet instead! See ya around, maybe. laugh
Well said, I like it.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Sun 09/11/22 10:48 AM

I'm sure ya'all of heard the term "laugh like a hyena "? Well , for the longest time,I've had this fantasy of dressing like a hyena and going to a movie and laughing like a hyena, at a. inappropriate moment ,oops time for my meds.
a 92 year old hyena? I think the joke would be on you.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Fri 09/09/22 05:45 PM
1.5, room for improvement.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Fri 09/09/22 05:40 PM
Chop it off, change genders, and start complaining about pronouns. Seems to be the current fad. Good luck

Mr Good Guy's photo
Wed 09/07/22 06:22 PM
Welcome. You came to the right place if you are looking for elusive.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Wed 09/07/22 08:55 AM
You're new here so you get a pass. There are TONS of scammers on this site. Other sites as well. In fact, the chances of a "woman" contacting you first being a scammer is much higher than it being a real woman. I shouldn't have to say this but men are so stupid sometimes I will: Don't send any money to any "woman" you've never met in person. Common sense stuff. Good luck

Mr Good Guy's photo
Tue 09/06/22 04:09 PM

I read the article you posted, not very convincing. I never read that he denounced it , only that he didn’t support defunding but said he agrees with their principles. Reform means you don’t agree with the way police have been protecting citizens for 200 plus years, and you want to change that. How about reforming the criminals by locking them up and not releasing them to commit more crimes on innocent people. Let’s start there and the democrats police problem will fix itself.

There are plenty of problems with the police. It's not okay to steal money with "civil forfeiture" and murder unarmed citizens under "qualified immunity." Some officers turn off their body camera before beating suspects and/or planting evidence, then file false police reports. Some things need to be fixed.

If You Truely Want to Help Fix Problems in Our Country. May I suggest You Take in a Few Hundred Illegal Aliens from the Mexican Border, Into Your Home, and the Bruno Area.
He never will. Nor will any other Democrat. It just makes them FEEL better about themselves to position themselves as caring about others. Heck, even Lori Lightfoot, the loser Governor of Chicago, a sanctuary city, is crying over just TWO buses of illegals shipped to her city. Dems are all about FEELINGS/EMOTIONS, not logic, reality or common sense.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Tue 09/06/22 02:33 PM

Let's see, I've been celibate now for more than 42 years. How's that for willpower?
I think we have a "winner", or do we? Hmmm....

Mr Good Guy's photo
Tue 09/06/22 09:48 AM
Edited by Mr Good Guy on Tue 09/06/22 09:49 AM

Looking for fun?
Wanna explore?
Wanna teach me how tos?

Drop you viber. F2F only.
She dropped her vibrator??!!!

Mr Good Guy's photo
Tue 09/06/22 09:12 AM
Edited by Mr Good Guy on Tue 09/06/22 09:19 AM

Of corse your Not buying it, more like selling it. Explain how that works that we are a nation of laws when these democrat DAs are letting violent criminals go without bail. But they want to hold the victim responsible for defending himself. And don’t deny it just because you don’t see it on your MSM.

Got any examples?
He could list them, as there are plenty of examples, but why? You're dug in, head in the sand, unable to see anything outside of your limited beliefs.

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